Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,107 Poisonous Monkey (Additional update)

The man in the t-shirt told me that Poison Monkey is a descendant of the Xiangxi lineage and is good at refining poison. This person comes and goes without a trace, but as long as he passes you by or taps you lightly on the shoulder, you will be immediately bewitched!

The poisonous monkey's killing methods are the most secretive, but it is also the one that kills the most among the twelve dead animals, and it has never failed.

I asked the man in the t-shirt how to deal with him, and the man in the t-shirt shook his head: "The enemy is dark and we are clear, and I have no good way to deal with him. Anyway, from now on, don't eat or drink anything, even if you smell something wrong." You should also hold your breath immediately if you smell it!”

To be on the safe side, the man in the T-shirt placed a few little ghosts around the house as sentries. At the moment, Jin Long and others haven't chased him yet. I suggest that he take a rest to recover his strength. After all, the man in the T-shirt looks very bad now.

At this time, a little ghost screamed. I thought it was a poisonous monkey and looked into the yard. But I saw a round thing flying in the air, chasing the group of imps, and one of the imps had been scattered.

I immediately mobilized my spiritual power and sucked the thing over. It turned out to be a polished walnut, which was also a feminine object.

Then I discovered that there were many antiques, calligraphy and paintings placed in the house, several of which were necrotic objects, and there was also a bed. I feel like a colleague lives in this place, and the walnut just now should be a mechanism arranged by him to automatically attack evil spirits approaching the house.

I asked the man in the t-shirt whose home this was, and the man in the t-shirt smiled and said, "Since those old foxes won't show up, I will lure people to their territory!"

"You mean, this is the territory of the Zhang family in Jiangbei?" I was surprised.

The man in the t-shirt nodded and explained that Hongcun, Anhui, was an important stronghold of the Zhang family in the north of the Yangtze River. This time all the twelve dead animals were dispatched. The man in the t-shirt was worried about the possibility of misfortune, so he deliberately chose this place to fight them.

The Jiangbei Zhang family is used to being a coward, but now they are luring people to their territory, they should be able to come forward, right?

I asked the T-shirt man to rest on the bed for a while, and then he lay on the cement floor in the living room, staring at the yard.

After lying down for a while, I felt a little sleepy, and wanted to have a cigarette to cheer me up, but when I took out the cigarette, I hesitated again. Is Poison Monkey really that good? Just to be on the safe side, I put the cigarette back.

The man in the t-shirt is seriously injured and has yet to recover. I must not make any mistakes now. I can tolerate my addiction to smoking. Anyway, I have successfully quit smoking hundreds of times!

I fell asleep in a daze, and in my sleep I vaguely saw the teapot on the table move.

I suddenly woke up and found that the teapot was still placed in the center of the table, but the lid was a little crooked, as if someone had added something to it!

Just when I was suspicious, the electric fan above my head suddenly turned. The fan may not have been turned on for too long, and it made a squeaking sound. At the same time, some fine powder fell on the electric fan, and I quickly avoided it. I was not sure what it was, but it was best not to touch it...

Could it be that the poisonous monkey is in this room?

I picked up my two knives and checked carefully, but the room was empty. There were several little ghosts on duty outside the yard, and I didn't notice anyone coming in at all.

well! These low-level ghosts have limited vigilance, it would be nice if Otama was here.

My heart tugged at the thought of Oyu being captured alive. I was afraid that those people would torture her, and I wanted to save her right away.

Now we still have to deal with the cat in the house! I calmly opened my eyes and found a yin energy moving furtively behind the cabinet, like a thief mouse, and then it got into a vase.

The vase was placed very high, perfect for plotting against someone. I sneered and walked by as if nothing had happened. Sure enough, the vase suddenly jumped out of the cabinet and hit me on the head.

I caught the vase with quick eyesight and quick hands, bit off my middle finger and applied a few smears of blood on it. The blood immediately sizzled and smoked, and a strange sound came from inside the vase, as if there was a villain screaming inside.

Haha, the young master’s yang-filled essence and blood is enough for him.

"You dare to plot against me, are you tired of living?" I quickly took out a few magic talismans, no matter what they were, I sealed them first.

As if the vase was conscious, it slipped out of my hand with a squeak and flew up in the air. I recited a spell silently, threw out my double sword to kill ghosts and gods, and chased it with both swords, slashing wildly, causing damage to several pieces of mahogany furniture.

The vase escaped all the way to the yard. I used the invisible needle, pierced the poplar with a hundred steps, and smashed it with a crash.

When I went over and took a look, I saw that the Yin Qi on the vase fragments had quietly slipped away through the crack of the door. I was annoyed because there was a golden dragon and others outside looking for me, and I didn't dare to go out and chase it.

The man in the t-shirt came out of the back room when he heard the noise and asked me what was wrong.

I said, "It's okay, there's a vase trying to sneak up on me."

"Vase?" He raised his eyebrows slightly.

The man in the t-shirt took a nap and regained his energy. I found a broom and swept away the fragments of the vase and hid them. This vase is a fine antique from Ru Kiln in the Ming Dynasty. The owner of the house might be unhappy if it were used.

At this time, there was a rapid knock on the door, which startled me. The man in the t-shirt also woke up with a start, and subconsciously tightened his grip on the Eight-sided Han Sword. I cautiously walked to the front door and found a middle-aged man wearing a blue cloth gown standing outside the door, wearing a small round hat and a goatee.

The other party glanced at us sinisterly and said: "Who are you and why are you at my house? If you don't say anything, I will call the police!"

The man in the T-shirt clasped his fists and said respectfully: "May I ask if you are the blue-clad helmsman of the Zhang family in Jiangbei?"

The other party was stunned for a moment and asked: "How do you know my name?" When he saw the sword on the back of the man in the T-shirt, he seemed to understand something and said in surprise: "You are the junior high school leader!"

"Exactly!" The man in the T-shirt nodded.

He looked at me again and said, "Then you are the great-nephew of our clan leader, Zhang Jiulin?"

I nodded in agreement. The head of the Zhang family is considered my grandfather, but I have never called him that. The helmsman in blue immediately put on a smile, invited us into the house, and brought us a pot of hot water to make tea for us.

The fragrant Biluochun was pushed in front of us. The man in the T-shirt and I didn't dare to move. The helmsman in blue kept urging: "Drink tea!" Then he picked up his own cup and tasted it slowly.

I saw that the helmsman in blue was fine after drinking. I was about to pick up the tea cup and take a sip, but the man in the T-shirt shook his head slightly at me.

He soaked some tea and slowly wrote a few words on the stool: "This person is cheating!" Then he wiped off the water stains with his hands calmly.

I glanced at the helmsman in blue suspiciously. He had a kind face and didn't look like a bad person. I have long heard that there are six helmsmen of the Zhang family in Jiangbei. Their status is comparable to the four elders of Longquan Villa, and they must be not weak in strength.

The helmsman in blue asked us why we are here? The man in the t-shirt briefly told us about the twelve dead animals chasing us, and asked the helmsman in blue if he could ask people from the Zhang family in Jiangbei to help.

The helmsman in blue slowly stroked his beard and said: "Actually, the clan leader has wanted to deal with Longquan Villa for a long time, but he has his own plan, and he can't lose his balance because of small things."

This rhetoric is completely trying to fight with us. In fact, it doesn't matter to me whether the Jiangbei Zhang family comes forward or not. Anyway, I have basically been fighting alone.

The helmsman in blue stood up and asked: "You two have worked hard all the way. You must be hungry. Can I order some midnight snacks?"

We immediately declined, and the man in the T-shirt exchanged glances with me and said, "We won't disturb you. The twelve dead animals are still chasing us. Let's move to another place! So as not to affect you."

The blue-clothed helmsman's face changed and he said: "First Chief Chu, are you scolding me for refusing to save me in the face of death? I can't control whether the Zhang family comes forward, but Hongcun is my territory, you just stay here. , let’s see if those demons and monsters dare to move!”

However, the man in the t-shirt insisted on leaving, and the captain in blue could not persuade him. Before leaving, the man in the t-shirt went into the back room to pack his clothes.

I was waiting for the man in the t-shirt in the yard, and suddenly I noticed a little boy standing on the edge of the well looking inside. This boy was one of the little ghosts that the man in the t-shirt had just released as a sentry. I went over curiously and found something in the water. A dark mass, like a mass of black waterweed.

It was too dark in the well, so I used a fire talisman and threw it in. It turned out that the black thing was a person's head!

"Jiulin, what are you looking at?"

A voice came from behind me, and I turned around to see the helmsman in blue standing there with a smile, his hands behind his back.

"There is..."

Halfway through my words, I suddenly felt that the helmsman in blue looked a little strange. In fact, I felt something was wrong with him before, but I couldn't tell what was wrong, so I immediately asked: "Captain, are you the only one who lives in this house?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" the blue-clothed helmsman replied.

"Then why did you knock on the door when you just came in!" My voice couldn't help but be wary.

The helmsman in blue grinned and suddenly stretched out his hand to push me. I nimbly avoided it and slashed him in the face. This knife made a deep gash on the bridge of the nose, but not a drop of blood was left on the skin. It was a human skin mask!

"Hehe, curiosity killed the cat, you asked for it."

The blue-clothed helmsman's voice suddenly became extremely high-pitched, and he could see a pair of hands quickly forming seals hidden under his robe. I didn't want him to succeed, so I picked up two knives to attack him, but suddenly a rope wrapped tightly around my neck from behind and pulled me hard into the well.

The rope became tighter and tighter like a snake. I was suffocated and my eyes were filled with stars.

At this moment, a flashing sword flew out of the window and stabbed the blue-clothed helmsman from the back to the front!

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