Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1108: Intestinal Gu

The helmsman in blue looked down at the sword on his chest and spurted out a large mouthful of blood. The rope around my neck was also loosened at this moment.

I saw the man in the T-shirt jump out of the window and shouted at me: "Don't let him commit suicide!"

I was stunned for a moment, and then the helmsman in blue suddenly hit the wall of the well, and his brain burst. A wisp of ghost slowly floated out from him. The man in the T-shirt immediately ordered the kid in the yard to stop it. .

But this man's ghost was particularly fierce, scattering all the imps along the way and flying out of the yard. I took out a few medium-sized talismans and threw them towards the courtyard wall. The opponent seemed to know how powerful these things were, and they quickly fell back to the ground, turning into a dark wind and going somewhere...

It turned out that just when the man in the t-shirt walked into the back room, the helmsman in blue suddenly locked the door. The lock he used was also a feint and could not be opened with brute force.

This man was planning to defeat each of us. The man in the T-shirt heard the movement outside the yard and knew something was wrong, so he came over with a flying sword to help me.

I asked him who this person was, and the man in the T-shirt pondered: "This method can only be used by the ghost chicken among the twelve dead animals!"

"Let me see his true face!"

I stretched out my hand to lift off the human skin mask of the corpse, but I couldn't pull it off. This was embarrassing. I bet the corpse on the ground was really the blue-clad helmsman.

But who is the body in the well?

The man in the t-shirt told me that the ghost chicken is the most special one among the twelve dead animals. He died in a mission five years ago, but the ghost chicken’s secret skill is the soul transfer method. He can transfer his soul Move it to other objects, and then silently approach the target to strike. He was the one who just made a small noise in the living room.

The ghost chicken can freely control his own soul, which is somewhat similar to Little Red Riding Hood. However, while Little Red Riding Hood was born with incomplete three souls, the ghost chicken was forcibly cultivated through evil magic!

After the ghost chicken dies, he quickly transfers his soul to a new body. He lives by borrowing corpses and reviving them, but he has to change to a new body every month.

I asked: "If you are dead, why do you still need to work for Longquan Villa? Is it necessary to be so stupid and loyal?"

The man in the t-shirt explained: "The twelve dead animals are all selected from orphans. The method of training them is extremely cruel. They have been brainwashed since childhood and are only loyal to the owner of the village. Even if they die, they will still be the slaves of Longquan Villa."

"The owner of Longquan Villa really deserves to be chopped into pieces!" I cursed fiercely.

The man in the T-shirt asked the remaining kiddies to help him fish out the body from the well. This corpse made me extremely sick. It was highly decomposed, with many fat maggots burrowing under the skin. Many places were so rotten that white bones were exposed. The whole face was swollen like fermented dough. There is an eyeball hanging outside the socket.

This is probably the last body of the ghost chicken. After he killed the blue-clothed helmsman, he possessed him and waited for an opportunity to plot against us.

When I thought about the fact that I had just drank a mouthful of water from the well, my stomach suddenly twitched. I ran to the wall and vomited a large puddle. My legs were weak from vomiting. Then I took out a tissue and wiped my mouth.

Being tricked by the ghost chicken, I felt bad in my heart, so I recited a spell on the two swords and threw them into the sky. The twin swords for slaying ghosts and gods are made from several weapons. Naturally, they inherit the attributes of those weapons and can also be used to search for Yin Qi.

The two knives flew around the yard, searching for the whereabouts of the ghost chicken.

After searching for a while, I saw a silver chamber pot rolling out, followed by two swords chasing it and slashing wildly. I wanted to laugh for a while. The ghost chicken was afraid of being discovered by us, so he hid in the chamber pot. As a result, it was difficult to escape now.

The man in the t-shirt warned: "Don't let it break, otherwise the soul of the ghost chicken will escape and transfer, and he will be completely destroyed in body and soul along with the pot and people!"

I immediately put away my swords and grabbed the chamber pot from the ground. The chamber pot kept shaking in my hand, and I hurriedly tried to break free. At this time, the man in the T-shirt had already drawn an evil-sealing formation on the ground with the tip of his sword.

I placed the chamber pot in the center of the formation, attached talismans around it, and then began to chant a spell to disperse his soul.

The chamber pot was spinning wildly in the formation, but it couldn't get out. For a moment, the chamber pot actually clicked at me a few times, as if it was kowtowing to beg for mercy. I was too lazy to pay attention to him and continued to recite the mantra.

At this critical moment, the chamber pot suddenly shattered with a crash. It turned out that someone dropped a hidden weapon from above.

I looked up and saw a figure running quickly on the roof!

The trick failed, and the ghost chicken's soul turned into a dark wind and escaped. The man in the T-shirt sighed and said: "Don't worry about the ghost chicken, let's deal with the poisonous monkey first!" I could only watch the ghost chicken slip away from under our noses. Walk.

This can be regarded as an unintentional trick. The poisonous monkey has been lurking in the dark, but in order to save the ghost chicken, he exposed his whereabouts.

He is our most feared opponent at the moment and we must give priority to eradicating him!

The man in the t-shirt tapped the wall with his toes a few times and then jumped onto the wall. I'm not that good, so I have to take a running start. I had just climbed up the wall when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, and big beads of sweat appeared on my forehead. The man in the T-shirt stood on the roof and asked, "Jiulin, what's wrong with you?"

My hands became weak for a while, and I fell from the wall with a loud bang. Compared with the severe pain in my belly, I felt nothing from the fall. This felt more painful than appendicitis, and probably more painful than giving birth. I couldn't help but roll on the floor holding my stomach.

The man in the t-shirt fell next to me, opened my eyelids and looked at me, and said in surprise: "No, you have been poisoned! This symptom is probably a poison that penetrates the intestines, and it will rot all your intestines and stomach!"

"I obviously didn't eat anything..."

Having said this, I suddenly thought, is there something wrong with the tissue I just wiped my mouth with? This poisonous monkey is so scary, it can actually poison my personal belongings!

I endured the severe pain and said to the man in the T-shirt: "You don't have to worry about me. Go chase the poisonous monkey first. Maybe he has the antidote..."

The man in the t-shirt coldly refused: "No, this voodoo is very powerful, I can't wait!"

He hurriedly searched for a bunch of medicine from his body. I had never seen him so flustered before. Finally he found a pill, fed it to my mouth and said, "This is the Great Return Pill from Yiqing Taoist Master. It has detoxification properties." effect."

I felt like I was about to have my intestines pierced and my stomach was rotten. No matter what kind of medicine it was, I just opened my mouth and swallowed it. But the man in the T-shirt suddenly threw away the medicine, and his face became very solemn. I was stunned for a moment, and then I realized that if the poisonous monkey could poison my tissue, he could also poison his medicine. This medicine might not only be If you can't help me, you'll kill me!

I was in so much pain that I was almost dying, so I begged, "On the first day of the month, take a sword and cut open my stomach! Take out the poison."

The man in the T-shirt shouted: "No! You will die."

I bit my lower lip tightly, a stream of warm liquid dripped down my lips, and I actually broke my mouth. I was in so much pain that I almost lost my mind. I wanted to cut open my stomach, take out all the intestines and throw them away.

I yelled with red eyes: "If you don't do it, I will do it myself!"

Having said that, I grabbed the twin swords for killing ghosts and gods, aimed at my abdomen and stabbed it hard...

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