Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,110 Enemies from previous lives

When the t-shirt man and I rushed over, Oboi was already fighting with Jinlong.

Zhang Xianzhong's eyes turned red when he saw the enemy who killed him in his previous life. But in the final analysis, he was just a peasant. In terms of fighting alone, he was not as good as the first warrior of the Qing Dynasty. He was suppressed by Obai in every aspect. It was very satisfying to watch!

"Sly Rabbit, Sly Rabbit, why did you die before I confessed my love to you..." Fat Pig hugged Sly Rabbit's unrecognizable body and cried helplessly. I was slightly moved. I had always regarded Fat Pig as an alien before. A freak, I didn't expect that he also has the emotions of ordinary people.

The fat pig is like many hanging threads in the world, humble and secretly in love with the goddess, but he never dares to confess his love.

The man in the t-shirt and I rushed forward and attacked the golden dragon from two directions. We wanted to kill him in one go, but unexpectedly it ended up being a disservice. Obai's ghost-headed sword opened and closed widely, and the sword energy was everywhere in the dance. When we came, we restricted his movements. Obai was summoned by the Eternal Spirit Ring, and he did not dare to hurt me, the master, so he threw the rat weapon. The ground was struck twice by the golden dragon.

Oboi shouted anxiously: "Little baby, I am enough to deal with this murderous devil on my own. Get out of here quickly!"

The man in the t-shirt also said: "Jiulin, your swords are too short, and our long weapons can easily injure you. You retreat first, and Obai and I can take care of him!"

I reluctantly retreated. The three of them were fighting with swords and swords, and it was difficult to tell the difference. It was estimated that the winner would not be determined for a while.

I suddenly remembered that Oudama was still locked up, so I walked towards the body of the cunning rabbit. When Fat Pig saw me coming, he was so frightened that he stretched out his hand to touch the watermelon knife on the ground. I quickly took off the kit from Cunning Rabbit's waist and ignored him.

After opening the bag, Oudama came out and hugged me while crying: "Oh, oh, oh, bad brother, I thought I would never see you again!"

I patted her little head gently: "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Oudama suddenly sniffed in the distance, pointed in that direction with his hand and shouted: "There is someone there!"

I looked outside the forest, and there was indeed a person standing in the hazy place. Judging from his body shape, he was tall and thin, and I didn't know who he was.

A voice said in my ear: "Looks like the greyhound is coming!"

I was startled and turned around to find that it was a fat pig.

Fat Pig warned me: "Master, you must be careful of Greyhound. As long as he gets a hair or a drop of blood, he will curse you to death."

I subconsciously asked: "Is this person a Thai head-dressing master?"

"No, he himself is a large voodoo doll. Have you ever heard of destiny binding? Once the destiny is bound to a greyhound, he will go crazy and abuse himself. The greyhound has a special physique and will not die even if it is fatally injured. , but that’s not necessarily the case for the person whose fate is bound..." Fat Pig explained.

I was stunned for a while, there was such a kind of evil magic in the world. What surprised me even more was, why did Fat Pig tell me this? Was he planning to betray the organization?

Noticing my confused look, Fatty Pig cursed angrily: "I'm quitting. Go to hell with Longquan Villa and the twelve dead animals! The owner of the Dog Villa asked us to serve him for three years, but it turned out that after three years After three years, I saw clearly that we will be his slaves forever and ever."

I sneered: "Do you think I will believe you?"

Fat Pig swore and patted his chest and said: "What I said is true. Just because I am the ugliest and fattest, everyone looks down on me, and the owner of the village brainwashed me the least. Now that Cunning Rabbit is dead, I have He is disheartened and just wants to serve the master..." He suddenly took out the watermelon knife and stretched out a finger: "Fat Pig is willing to cut off one of his own fingers to show his loyalty!"

But when the knife was cut off, his fingers were intact. Fat Pig touched his head with an apologetic look: "Oh, I forgot that I am invulnerable."

I looked at him with twitching cheeks. Are you sure this guy isn't here to make a joke?

I wasn't sure if Fat Pig was playing a trick, so I pointed in that direction: "If you want me to believe you, kill Greyhound for me!"

The fat pig grinned: "I'm going to chop off the greyhound's head and use it as a chamber pot for the master!"

After saying that, he waved the watermelon knife and ran in that direction happily. Suddenly he made an ouch and seemed to be bounced back by an invisible barrier. I noticed that there were blood marks on his body. Although the wounds were not deep, they could bleed on the copper skin and iron bones of Fat Pig. What kind of method was this?

Oudama pointed to the two trees and said, "Bad brother, there is something on the tree!"

I squinted for a long time, but couldn't see anything clearly, so I took out a handful of gray sand from my arms and sprinkled it. It turns out that there are many thin steel wires criss-crossing the tree. These steel wires are extremely sharp. If the fat pig that just ran past me was not a fat pig, I am afraid that it would be cut into pieces of meat in an instant.

I felt frightened and asked Otama if there were any on other trees. Odama replied: "There are quite a few!"

I handed her a packet of cinnabar and asked her to mark all the wires so that no one of her own would be caught.

Then he turned around to call Fat Pig and found that he had disappeared. A groan came from above. When he looked up, he saw Fat Pig hanging in the air, kicking his legs frantically. A thin mark appeared on his neck. At this moment he was scratching his neck desperately with both hands.

The wire that was strangling his neck was also made of the same material. I looked up and saw a man wearing a black tights and a black veil squatting on a tree. You couldn't spot it unless you looked carefully. I was shocked, isn't this a galloping horse? Hasn't he already received his lunch?

"Damn fat pig, how dare you betray the owner of the village, this is the fate of a traitor!"

The galloping horse's eyes were dull and his voice was shrill. I suddenly realized that it was a ghost chicken attached to his body.

I immediately used the invisible needle to prick the ghost chicken's wrist. The ghost chicken let go of his hand in surprise. The fat pig fell to the ground and kept coughing. It seemed that he was not dead yet. The ghost chicken jumped down with a somersault, and his movement was quite a bit like a ninja. He suddenly slipped out a pair of kunai from his sleeves, with a sneer on his lips, and attacked fiercely.

Kunai is a weapon used by Japanese ninjas. It has spikes on all four sides and is shaped like a Chinese dagger. I picked up my two swords and started fighting with him. The ghost chicken was not a real ninja, and the kunai in his hand could only be used as a military thorn. He kept stabbing at random, which was completely different from my Yin Yang sword skills!

Within a few rounds of the fight, I knocked off his kunai and cut a lot of blood marks on his body. The ghost chicken jumped away, grabbed two smoke bombs and threw them on the ground. Suddenly, the smoke filled the air and choked him. Made me cough.

I waved my hand to disperse the smoke and saw the ghost chicken burrowing into the bushes regardless of its head and buttocks. I was so angry that I couldn't imitate a ninja without professional training, okay?

I grabbed the belt and pulled him out. Guiji suddenly clung to my body like a loach, hugged me tightly with both feet and hands, and sneered repeatedly: "Boy, let you know the true nature of my Guiji." Strength, soul-moving magic!"

After saying that, he slapped my temples heavily with both hands.

I suddenly felt a coldness in my temples, as if something had been taken away from my body. I quickly mobilized my spiritual power and silently recited the Tao Te Ching to forcibly stabilize my soul!

The ghost chicken tried to pull out my living soul, but failed to do so for a long time. I was so tired that I was breathing heavily. I accumulated a ball of spiritual power in my palm and shouted: "It's my turn now!"

I pushed him to the ground and poured all the yang energy into his body continuously. I didn't know how to transfer souls, but I knew that the soul was not the original one and would be sucked out easily!

Sure enough, a ghost with a wretched appearance and a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks emerged from the body of the galloping horse. I gathered my Yang Qi again and prepared to fight him off. The ghost chicken was so frightened that it ran away in one direction.

The ghost chicken ran through the wire trap he set very cunningly. There were marks made by Oudama on the tree, but I was not fooled. The ghost chicken also turned around and kept provoking me: "Zhang Jiulin, your courage will be eaten by dogs, right? Come after me."

"I won't chase you, come here if you can!" I laughed.

We were in a stalemate like this for half a minute. In fact, I just wanted to delay time. I had quietly used my spiritual sense to order Oyu to flank him. When Guiji was brazenly insulting the eighteen generations of my ancestors, a white light suddenly flashed, and the tail jade fell from the sky. Guiji was frightened.

Oudama pinned him to the ground, biting and scratching him, killing the ghost chicken instantly. I breathed a sigh of relief, finally defeating another opponent.

I looked towards the other end of the forest, and the greyhound was always standing there blankly. I couldn't help but mutter in my heart, my companion was killed and he didn't even come to help. Could it be that this person is very strong?

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