Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,111 The treacherous fat pig

After the ghost chicken was dealt with, the battle on the T-shirt man's side also became intense. He and Ao Bai worked together to cut more than a dozen wounds on Jinlong's body, and Zhang Xianzhong's Yin spirit lost its previous arrogance!

Golden Dragon suddenly slammed the Seven Kills Monument to the ground, and the surrounding leaves began to rustle. This guy repeated his old trick and began to attract the Yin Qi from around him.

"A real man, beheading your head is just for the wind to blow your hat, why are you fighting a trapped beast!" Obai roared violently, jumped up and struck with the knife. Jinlong raised his eyelids, and his eyes looked like they were bloodshot, and his body suddenly surged. A surge of yin energy shook Obai away.

Obai flew out and broke several trees in succession. He stabbed the knife into the ground before he could barely stabilize his body.

The yin energy was so strong that even the man in the T-shirt was shaken several meters away. Jin Long muttered something in his mouth, vomiting blood while chanting, and saw the Yin spirit of Zhang Xianzhong floating behind him slowly entering his body, completely overlapping with his figure.

"No, he plans to sacrifice his body to Zhang Xianzhong!" the man in the T-shirt exclaimed.

A burst of wild laughter came from a distance, and I saw Obai striding towards me. The yin energy on his body was several times stronger than before. I was stunned for a moment, thinking to myself, what is going on?

The little Ring Spirit said in my mind: "Ding! Obai activates his skills bravely and will never retreat unless he dies in battle."

I couldn't help but say: "Awesome!"

According to historical records, Aobai never failed on the battlefield and created a splendid country for the Manchu emperor. However, Kangxi thought that he had overshadowed his master, plotted against him, and labeled him as a wolf and ambitious.

I think in terms of force value alone, he is no worse than Guan Yu, Lu Bu and others.

A piece of black armor suddenly appeared on Jin Long's body, and a torn black cloak shook out from behind him. The Seven Kills Monument in his hand turned into a black iron mace, and his face also turned into Zhang Xianzhong's cunning and cruel face. Jin Long Using his body as a sacrifice, Zhang Xianzhong returned to the earth!

When Obai saw this scene, he laughed wildly with excitement. The laughter caused the leaves around him to fall. He shouted like thunder: "Back then, I didn't kill all the people, but today I got what I wanted, so happy! So happy!"

Zhang Xianzhong gritted his teeth and roared: "I have come down from heaven to save the people of the world. Only I kill people, no one can kill me!"

He smashed the mace on the ground and saw countless ghost soldiers emerging from the soil. They were wearing tattered armor and holding spears and halberds in their hands. These were probably the soldiers Zhang Xianzhong killed during his lifetime. Later he was enslaved by him.

The ghost soldiers roared and rushed towards Obai. Obai's ghost-headed sword slashed horizontally, and several big trees suddenly fell down. The ghost soldiers turned into flying smoke, just like a mantis using its arms as a chariot.

The ghost soldiers were just driven slaves and had not completely lost their minds. They were all frightened after seeing Oboi's strength. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xianzhong stood behind them and angrily shouted: "Anyone who escapes from the battle, behead!"

With a wave of his mace, several ghost soldiers who wanted to escape were instantly smashed into pieces of their Tianling Caps and turned into a pool of black blood.

The ghost soldiers were in a dilemma, and they could only grit their teeth and rush towards Obai. I was a little worried when I saw it, but we, mortals, couldn't get involved in the showdown between these two super ghost kings.

The ghost soldiers were wiped out by Obai in the blink of an eye. Zhang Xianzhong dragged his mace and went into battle in person. Obei laughed wildly and fought. The two weapons collided with each other, making a frightening loud noise. The flying Yin Qi covered the surrounding trees. Cut off.

When they hit a place, it was instantly razed to the ground, and there were fallen trees everywhere.

The little Ring Spirit suddenly reminded me in my mind: "Master, it's time for Obai's summons."

I was startled and yelled: "F*ck, why don't you do this to me now!"

The little ring spirit said very innocently: "The time that Yin spirits can stay in the Yang world is limited."

It turns out that Obai and Zhang Xianzhong were evenly matched and they fought for a full hour. Now Zhang Xianzhong has completely gone berserk. The moment Obai disappears, he will come to kill us immediately. Even the man in the T-shirt and I may not be able to withstand him for ten seconds. bell!

Oboi's figure had begun to flicker, and the man in the t-shirt asked me what was wrong. I told him what had happened, and the man in the t-shirt frowned and said, "The two of us are of equal strength. It would be great if we could add another weight to Obai. "

Having said that, it was very difficult to operate. The two of them fought so wildly that we had no time to draw a formation, and even getting close to them would be accidentally injured.

The fat pig suddenly said with a smile: "Master, it's time for the little pig to show his loyalty."

I suddenly felt sick: "Who is your master? If you have anything to say, tell me!"

"The right rib is Zhang Xianzhong's Achilles' heel. Just ask the great master to attack there..." Fat Pig said mysteriously.

Achilles heel?

I remember that Zhang Xianzhong was captured with an arrow in history, and then died under the sword of Obai. Could it be that that was the place where he was hit by an arrow during his lifetime?

I loudly told Obai about the fatal point, and Obai nodded and said: "Thank you!" The knife in his hand danced more violently, but Zhang Xianzhong's footwork began to become messy. I noticed that he was protecting his right hand intentionally or unintentionally. rib.

Obai suddenly grasped a flaw and stabbed the ghost-headed sword there fiercely. Zhang Xianzhong's expression changed drastically, and he covered his wound with his hands in panic.

"Thieves, please die!"

Obai slashed at him with his sword, Zhang Xianzhong raised his mace to block, but Obai used all his strength to cut off the mace with a click, and the sharp blade instantly passed Zhang Xianzhong's neck.

Zhang Xianzhong's eyes widened, he opened his mouth and said: "This... this is impossible..." Suddenly he fell down suddenly, and the moment he landed, his body turned into a golden dragon, and his head rolled far away.

This knife also exhausted Obai's strength. He half-knelt on the ground, holding the big knife in his hand, and slowly disappeared.

Jinlong finally got it done. I breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at Fat Pig. If what he just did was to gain our trust, it would be too costly, because if he doesn't tell us about the fatal point, we will definitely be killed by the golden dragon.

So now I am somewhat convinced that he is indeed planning to surrender to us.

But the man in the t-shirt suddenly pointed his sword at him and asked: "Fat pig, what are you planning!"

Fat Pig was so frightened that he jumped away quickly: "Two masters, I really plan to mess with you. If a person takes the wrong path, shouldn't he be allowed to change his ways?"

I said: "On the first day of the junior high school, put down your sword first, and let this person observe for a while before talking."

The man in the t-shirt shook his head and said: "Jiulin, don't be deceived by his appearance. This guy likes acting the most. Hiding a knife in a smile is his specialty!"

Fat Pig said: "Taoist Priest, you misunderstood me. In fact, I really like Cunning Rabbit, but I am so fat and ugly. I know she doesn't like me at all. Jinlong just insulted her in front of me. Why do I hate myself?" Nothing can be done..."

"So you use our hands to get rid of the golden dragon?" The man in the T-shirt said coldly.

An exaggerated smile suddenly appeared on Fat Pig's face: "Sure enough, Taoist Master is still smart. Jin Long and I have purely personal grudges, but killing you is a mission I must complete!"

This guy was really acting, and I instantly felt like I was being deceived. I wanted to grab the fat pig and slap him twice.

The man in the t-shirt snorted coldly: "You still want to kill us with your dirty tricks?"

"You two probably didn't notice that when I approached you just now, I secretly took a drop of your blood..." Fat Pig said with a lewd smile.

The man in the t-shirt and I were both injured, and it would be too easy to get blood from us.

I was horrified. Fatty looked in one direction with a smile. The greyhound that had been watching the battle in the distance had come to us silently at some point.

"Greyhound, it's time to take action!" Fat Pig shouted.

The figure suddenly raised a dagger and stabbed himself in the abdomen. The man in the T-shirt and I suddenly felt a sharp pain that pierced our intestines, and we knelt down in pain!

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