Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,112 A decisive counterattack

The man in the t-shirt and I knelt on the ground, vomiting blood constantly, and the loud laughter of the fat pig after his success rang in our ears. He laughed so hard that he could hardly breathe: "Haha, these two guys thought they were so strong, but in the end It’s not even flesh and blood, it’s all done in one move!”

The gray dog ​​came over. He had a gloomy face and wore a big felt hat on his head. The brim of the hat drooped down like a dog's ears. At this moment, he still had a bloody dagger stuck in his abdomen.

Then a man fell on the tree and squatted there without saying a word. He was as skinny as a monkey. He was obviously a poisonous monkey.

"Fat Pig, is this my plan? Now the twelve dead animals are almost dead. The four of us have made great contributions. The owner of the village will definitely look for new candidates for the twelve dead animals and then promote us to the top four. Elder.”

A voice floated over, and it sounded familiar. I looked up and saw that it was the fat bald man I had met in the ancient city. He had a necklace of dead skulls hanging on his chest and a colorful tiger embroidered on his clothes. It turned out that he was secretly planning this conspiracy.

Fat Pig praised: "If it weren't for the cunning Tiger Brother, we wouldn't have won so easily. Fat Pig admires me..."

The tiger was very pleased with it. With a proud smile on his face, he waved to the gray dog ​​and said, "Okay, get rid of these two people quickly! Save yourself a long night and many dreams."

Greyhound immediately pulled out the dagger from his belly, and a ball of intestines flowed out from his wound. His gloomy face suddenly twitched, and the man in the T-shirt and I felt a sharp pain in our stomachs at the same time. , then Greyhound aimed the dagger at his heart.

I gripped the ground tightly with my hands, thinking to myself, is this the end? We were defeated by such a trivial trick!

I looked at the man in the T-shirt and saw that he was writing and drawing with his blood-stained hands, and his lips were moving slightly, as if he was reciting some spell.

"Don't hurt the master!" Oudama yelled and rushed out, hitting the greyhound's wrist with a claw, knocking off his knife. At the same moment, a bloody claw mark appeared on the right wrist of the man in the T-shirt and I. .

"Why is there still a little fly?" Tiger asked with a frown.

Fatty Pig said disdainfully: "It's that guy's spiritual pet. It's not a threat."

"You are a pig, but you are really a pig. Why didn't you tell me beforehand?" The tiger had never seen Oyu in the ancient city last time. He snorted and tore off the skull necklace with his hands. The beads instantly flew all over the sky and hit the tail. Jade kept rolling on the ground.

I was afraid that she would be hurt, so I shouted: "Come back quickly!"

"No, if you die, tell me where to go back." With tears in his eyes, Oyu bit the knife that the greyhound dropped on the ground and started running away.

The poisonous monkey on the tree took out a blow dart and pointed it at Oudama's back. I felt anxious and rushed over immediately. The moment the poisonous monkey's bulging cheeks deflated, I blocked it in the air based on my feeling, and knocked out a flying needle with a "ding" sound.

The tiger angrily shouted: "Poisonous Monkey, do you want to kill Greyhound?"

This unintentional sentence revealed two important pieces of information. First, greyhounds are not immortal. Second, we are now connected to the fate of greyhounds. If we are injured, greyhounds will be hurt too!

I vaguely see hope of counterattack, but the hope is still very slim.

This thought only ran through my mind for a moment, and the skull necklace offered by the tiger hit me like a rainstorm. This meeting was no different than when we met in the ancient city. I had a pair of swords in my hands, and the yin and yang sword skills taught by my Wing Chun predecessors. With a few moves of the two swords, I broke up all the skull necklaces.

The tiger was indifferently startled, and the anxious gray dog ​​said: "Hurry up and commit suicide!"

Greyhound took out another dagger from nowhere and was about to stab his heart. His hand holding the knife suddenly shook, and a stream of blood spurted out, and he could no longer hold the dagger.

I looked at the man in the T-shirt and saw him standing there, holding a Han sword in his left hand, cutting a deep gash on his right wrist, bleeding profusely. This sword cut was so severe that if it were deeper, his arm would be destroyed, but he gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain.

I felt very uncomfortable, why was he the one who stood up and sacrificed every time? Why did he do this for me?

One thing I noticed was that the T-shirt man and the greyhound were injured at the same time, but my right arm was unharmed. I suddenly thought of a way to defeat the greyhound. If the man in the T-shirt and I injure ourselves at the same time, the accumulated injuries on the greyhound's body will be twice that of each of us, enough to make him unable to move. Although this is a bit masochistic, it is what we are doing right now. The only chance of winning!

Greyhound switched the knife to his left hand and prepared to commit suicide. The man in the T-shirt then tried to chop off his left arm. I shouted with tears in my eyes: "First grade, let me do it!"

Without waiting for his answer, I quickly gritted my teeth, pointed the two knives at my left forearm and stabbed it in.

Greyhound even lost his left hand this time. He was shocked and said: "These two people are so cruel, they actually used this method to stop me!"

The tiger gritted his teeth and said, "Fat Pig, go and help the Greyhound and see how they still struggle!"

"Don't even think about it!" I cursed through gritted teeth, and then pulled out the bloody knives from my arms. On the one hand, I tortured myself to hold off Greyhound, and on the other hand, I also wanted to let the ghost of General Mo Xie drink my blood.

I threw my two swords into the sky and shouted, "General Mo Xie, my life is in your hands!"

The two swords turned into two rays of light, one green and one white, and flew up, quickly drawing formations on the ground. The couple completed a complex formation in a few seconds with an unusual tacit understanding. The tiger roared ferociously: "Can't you just go there honestly?" Are you going to die? Demon Necklace, come back."

He took back the skulls that were all over the sky, reassembled them into a necklace, bit his fingers and smeared the blood on them. After absorbing the blood, the skull necklace emitted a circle of black light, floating around him.

He said sinisterly: "Look how you still hide today!"

But at the same time as he said these words, the surrounding wind was strong, and countless pebbles floated into the air. This was the secret skill of General Mo Xie - the weapon refining formation. At this moment, every plant and tree within a few meters of the radius, Every stone and sand has become a feint under their control.

Pebbles were shot at the tiger like bullets. The tiger could only use the skull necklace to defend, but this evil object was originally used for offense, and the defensive effect was extremely poor. In an instant, he was beaten into a pig's head, holding his head and howling like a killing pig.

The poisonous monkey on the tree saw this and ran away quickly. As expected, the twelve dead animals were not at all consistent. Oudama was about to chase her, but I was afraid that the poisonous monkey would use poison on her, so I quickly took her back.

Wei Yu said unwillingly in my arms: "Let me help you!"

"Let's leave this place to the adults. The children will sleep well." I smiled weakly.

A fat pig with a copper skin and an iron frame, he withstood the attack of the weapon refining array. He quietly picked up the watermelon knife and prepared to go over and give it to the greyhound. Suddenly, a circle of white light appeared under the feet of the man in the T-shirt, and he shouted to me: "Jiulin, quickly enter my magic circle."

I ran in despite the rocks in the sky. Although the ghost of Mo Xie, the general, would not attack me, it was inevitable that there would be accidental injuries.

After running into the white light, the man in the t-shirt stuck his sword on the ground and said: "This Tai Chi formation can shield the surrounding magic attacks. I have never used it before. Let's recite the spell with me..."

He taught me a spell, and we recited the spell together, and the white light around the formation became stronger and stronger.

The Tai Chi Formation and the Weapon Refining Formation are overlapped, and the flying stones will automatically fall down as soon as they hit the white light. This shows that it works, but it is difficult to say whether it can block Greyhound's fate connection.

The Tai Chi array can only defend against spell attacks. If I hadn't defeated the tiger and scared away the poisonous monkey, the man in the T-shirt wouldn't have had the chance to activate it.

The fat pig had already run to the greyhound. I secretly squeezed my sweat, and saw the fat pig stabbing the greyhound's belly with a watermelon knife, but there was no pain on our bodies.

The Tai Chi array is in effect!

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