Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,113 Reinforcements! Six Rudders (Additional Updates)

Fat Pig showed a surprised expression: "Hey, how come it doesn't work?"

He stabbed the Greyhound several more times in confusion. The Greyhound's mouth was filled with blood and he said inarticulately: "Stop...stop..."

When the fat pig finally stopped, the greyhound's belly had been stabbed to pieces, and its bloody internal organs were exposed. He touched the greyhound's snout with his hand and said with an apologetic smile: "I'm so sorry, brother, for stabbing you to death."

I suddenly had a doubt. Greyhounds are just flesh and blood. If they use this move to kill someone, wouldn't I be involved in it too?

The man in the T-shirt explained: "Greyhound is a mirror image person. His internal organs are reversed from left to right, and his heart is on the right side. Didn't you notice that he just kept trying to stab the left side of his heart?"

I smiled bitterly and said: "This method of killing is too inefficient. If you kill a person, you have to lie down for several months to recover."

The man in the t-shirt shook his head and said: "That's also the score! This method of killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred to yourself is the best way to deal with top players."

The greyhound is dead, and the fate connection is automatically released. We stop chanting the incantation, and the white light around us disappears.

When the fat pig saw that we were fine, he was so frightened that he ran away. Even the stones flying in the sky could not stop him. Although I really want to cut this clown into pieces, the man in the T-shirt and I are both injured and need to bandage our wounds first.

The medicine on our body may have been poisoned by the poisonous monkey. Although it is a pity, we can only throw away all the medicine and tear off a piece of cloth from our clothes to bandage the wound.

The sword the man in the t-shirt used to cut himself almost exposed his bones, and cut off all the blood vessels. I wonder if any tendons were injured? In that case, I'm afraid my arm will be useless. When I bandaged him, I really couldn't bear it, and my eyes became sore as I said: "In the first year of junior high school, I swear this is the last time I see you injured. I want to become stronger, and become stronger at all costs. I don't want to see you again." Others sacrificed for me!”

I know this sentence is like farting, and I still have a long way to go.

The T-shirt man is kind-hearted in nature and always makes sacrifices for others at critical moments. But the more he behaves like this, the more I owe him and the more I can't bear it.

The man in the t-shirt smiled and said: "Jiulin, you are actually very strong. Now you can completely stand alone."

"No, that's not enough!"

I stood up angrily and walked towards the tiger. He had been knocked unconscious by the weapon refining array, and the skull necklace was scattered on the ground. I picked up my two knives and prepared to kill him to vent my anger, but when I picked him up, it seemed that I didn't need to do it myself.

The tiger's head was smashed by a stone with a hole as big as a bowl, and the white brains were exposed. There was only air coming out of his nostrils and no air coming in. I might as well just throw him here and let him fend for himself.

At this time, several people came over, stepping on the fallen leaves on the ground. I was suddenly shocked. Haven't we already killed all the twelve dead animals? Why are so many people showing up again?

Besides, in our current state, we simply don’t have the strength to continue fighting.

As the other party got closer and closer, I found that the leader was a man about fifty years old, with a Chinese character face, a stern expression, wearing a pair of round-framed old scholar glasses, and a straight Mao suit.

He held a dark ancient sword in his arms, which turned out to be Zhang Yaowu, the patriarch of the Zhang family in Jiangbei.

There were five people behind him, wearing red, white, black, green, and purple gowns. They were about forty to sixty years old. Some were wearing sunglasses, some were wearing masks, and some were wearing masks. Crutch, that should be the legendary six rudders of the Zhang family! It’s just that the helmsman in blue is dead.

In addition to these people, there are two familiar faces, namely the bearded man and the big gold tooth. The bearded man laughed and waved to me: "Brother Jiulin, you are well!"

Then he opened his arms and wanted to give me a bear hug.

My whole body ached, so I quickly ran away and asked, "Why are you here?"

"It's like this." Da Jinya explained at the side: "The patriarch heard that Longquan Villa was chasing you in Hongcun and murdered the leader in blue, so he personally led the elite forces of the Zhang family to come for reinforcements! No matter what, brother If he is not from the Zhang family in Jiangbei, how can we just stand by and watch."

I sneered, isn’t this called standing by and watching?

We all solved the twelve dead animals before showing up. If the helmsman in blue hadn't been killed, they might not have even bothered to show up!

But after all, Zhang Yaowu's seniority was in front of me, so I couldn't say anything, so I clasped my fists stiffly: "Thank you, you guys came just in time."

The red-clothed helmsman roared: "Little baby, are you mocking the clan leader for not saving him?"

I replied coldly: "Don't dare, don't dare, the clan leader has personally come forward, how dare I say sarcastic words."

The red-clothed helmsman was about to say something, but Zhang Yaowu stopped him with a gesture. The red-clothed helmsman was furious: "Clan leader, listen to this kid's tone. There is a thorn in his words. It's really unpleasant!"

Zhang Yaowu said calmly: "Okay, those who don't know are not guilty. Since we have come forward, leave the next thing to us."

"What's next?" I raised my eyebrows: "Will Longquan Villa still send someone over?"

Zhang Yaowu looked at me and the man in the t-shirt and said that we were too seriously injured and was going to take us to heal first.

We had no choice but to follow Zhang Yaowu and walk straight ahead. When we left Hongcun, there was a mountain range stretching thousands of miles in front of us, which was very majestic. I remember that Hongcun is a resort under Huangshan Mountain. Could this mountain be Huangshan Mountain?

Da Jinya told me that this mountain does belong to the same lineage as Huangshan, but it is not called Huangshan, but Sixiang Mountain.

The reason why Huangshan is called Huangshan is because the Yellow Emperor once traveled here and refined the elixir here. It is said that the Eternal Life Cauldron used by the Yellow Emperor to make elixirs is hidden in the Sixiang Mountain next to it, and is guarded by the Four Elephant Divine Beasts, hence the name of the mountain.

Da Jinya said that Sixiang Mountain was the territory of the Zhang family in Jiangbei. Zhang Yaowu had worked hard over the years and slowly brought the decadent Zhang family back on track. He not only absorbed many masters, but also expanded many strongholds.

The Zhang family in Jiangbei owes its current status to Zhang Yao's martial arts!

Da Jinya deliberately spoke loudly so that Zhang Yaowu could hear him, and even flattered him in front of his face without blushing. This man really looked like Li Mazi.

There is a villa under Sixiang Mountain, which is also the property of the Zhang family. After we entered, the five rudders helped the man in the T-shirt and I re-bandage our wounds, and made some soup for us to drink. I frowned when I saw the medicinal soup, but found that there were only a few white pebbles in the bowl, so I asked what medicine this was.

"Stone soup!" The helmsman in red said seriously.

"Stone soup?" I repeated in disbelief.

It turns out that this stone is a natural jade paste produced in Sixiang Mountain. Legend has it that it is the medicinal residue left behind by the Yellow Emperor after he made elixirs. It can not only stop decay and promote muscle growth, but also relieve hunger and thirst.

There once was a god named Mr. Shiraishi who boiled Shiraishi for food every time he went out. In fact, what he cooked was this kind of jade paste.

I drank a little, and the taste of the jade paste soup was indescribably strange, with a slight salty taste. As a warm current slowly flowed into my stomach, it soon started to growl. Then I ran outside and vomited some bruises and minced meat. After vomiting, I felt much better.

With such a good thing, I have to ask the Zhang family for a few more pills. If I get seriously injured next time, I will hold one in my mouth.

Da Jinya asked me if I was hungry, and I answered smoothly: "Will you cook noodles for us?"

Da Jinya laughed and said, "It's so hard to cook noodles. I'll treat you to a good meal!"

He ran to the cellar of the villa and took some dried hare, wild boar, and wild bamboo shoots to make some simple food for us, and also opened a bottle of Lafite red wine. We were already hungry all the way down, so we had a hearty meal. The game in our hands was very delicious even if it was simply cooked. While I was eating, I emphasized that Jin Ya was good at cooking, and Da Jin Ya laughed happily.

The man in the t-shirt and I had something to eat in the restaurant. When we came outside, we found Zhang Yaowu and the captains sitting upright on the sofa without saying a word, as if they were waiting for someone!

From the very beginning, I had some doubts in my heart. Just to deal with the twelve dead animals, does the head of the Zhang family need to personally take action?

Will there be any powerful enemies coming next? However, Longquan Villa has suffered heavy losses, and the only threat remaining is the owner of Longquan Villa...

When I asked Zhang Yaowu, he nodded lightly and said: "Yes, according to reliable information, the owner of Longquan Villa will show up tonight. The Jiangbei Zhang family must wash away the shame of the Kunwu Bridge Battle!"

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