Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,114: Immortal Killing Sword Formation

Zhang Yaowu told me that sooner or later there will be a life-and-death battle between the Jiangbei Zhang family and Longquan Villa!

I just didn't expect that the confrontation between the two major forces would be broken by the twelve dead animals. This group of people broke into Hongcun and killed the leader in blue. This was a naked provocation, forcing the Jiangbei Zhang family to take action.

Before Zhang Yaowu arrived, he had already issued a declaration of war to Longquan Villa. With the personality of the owner of Longquan Villa, he would definitely come to keep the appointment.

I was stunned for a while. When the T-shirt man introduced the twelve dead animals to Hongcun, it was just for self-protection. He didn't expect that it would trigger a decisive battle between the two major forces!

Zhang Yaowu asked us to rest for a while and notify us immediately if anything happened. Da Jinya arranged a guest room for us. When I thought that the owner of Longquan Villa was coming soon, how could I still sleep?

The man in the t-shirt is sitting cross-legged on the ground doing exercises. It’s useless for me to worry here, so I just lie on the bed and close my eyes to relax.

After a while, I heard a faint noise coming from outside. I thought it could be the owner of Longquan Villa, right? Immediately, I asked the man in the T-shirt to leave the guest room and found that Zhang Yaowu and others had already disappeared.

As soon as I left the villa, I found a few people standing on Sixiang Mountain. I could only see a few small black dots from too far away, and there was a faint sword light dancing. I thought to myself that Zhang Yaowu was not kind. The owner of Longquan Villa did not even notify me when he came.

The man in the t-shirt and I have almost recovered, and it didn’t take much effort to climb Sixiang Mountain. When we reached the top of the mountain, I found an Eight Immortals table in an open space, with incense burners, tributes, fruits and other things on it. A large formation was drawn, and the four helmsmen sat cross-legged on the east, west, north and south of the formation, meditating with their eyes closed.

The helmsman in red was holding the apricot-yellow flag, the most precious treasure of the Zhang family, in the center. It looked like they were setting up some kind of mysterious formation.

Zhang Yaowu was also here, and I asked, "Chief, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yaowu smiled slightly: "The Immortal Killing Sword Formation is complete, this time I will make sure Long Qingqiu never comes back!"

"The Immortal Killing Sword Formation?" I was slightly surprised. Could it be the formation mentioned in "The Romance of the Gods"? Legend has it that the Killing Immortal Sword Formation is the first killing formation since the beginning of the world, and it is the trump card of the Tongtian Cult. Once activated, even if the opponent is a god, he will be wiped out in an instant.

But I didn't see how awesome the Zhuxian Sword Formation in front of me was. It turned out that the legend was also exaggerated. The so-called Zhuxian Sword Formation was actually a formation created using the Zhuxian Sword, a top-notch evil object passed down from ancient times.

The four helmsmen have invited the artifact spirits of the Zhuxian Sword here, using their lives as blessings. If the formation is broken, it means that they will also be wiped out...

I was stunned for a while and asked, "Isn't this very dangerous?"

Zhang Yaowu said with hatred: "In the battle at Kunwu Bridge, we underestimated Long Qingqiu's strength! As a result, he killed hundreds of masters by himself, and he could not recover for decades. So this time we had to use the magic weapon Family skills are not enough."

"What are your special skills? The one named Long needs to learn a lesson!"

Just then, an eerie voice came from down the mountain. When we turned back, the voice was already close at hand.

I saw a man wearing an evil ghost mask standing opposite us with his hands behind his hands. A trace of white hair was exposed at the temples. He was very graceful and slender. He was wearing an antique blue robe with a black dragon embroidered with teeth and claws on it. .

When I saw this man, I couldn't help but take a breath. When did he go up the mountain? There are many experts here, but no one has noticed his aura. Could it be that he is the legendary Longquan Villa owner Long Qingqiu!

Zhang Yaowugong cupped his hands and said: "Master Longzhuang went to the meeting alone, how confident he is. But you are already here, why don't you let everyone see your face?"

Long Qingqiu sneered: "A bunch of ants are not qualified to see my true face."

The grumpy red-clothed helmsman stood up first and scolded: "Long Qingqiu, don't be so arrogant. The top experts from the Zhang family in Jiangbei gathered at Sixiang Mountain today. Do you think you can make it down the mountain alive?"

Long Qingqiu looked at the red helmsman expressionlessly: "I don't talk to people who are about to die."


The helmsman in red was so angry that he blew his beard and stared. Zhang Yaowu coughed and asked him to step aside temporarily.

At this time, Long Qingqiu turned his face to me, and the eyes under the mask released infinite magic power. One look made me realize what horror is: "Are you Zhang Jiulin, the ghost dealer in Wuhan?"

I suppressed my fear and replied, "Exactly. I would like to thank Master Long for his special care during this period."

I thought my words would anger him, but Long Qingqiu just smiled faintly: "Actually, the main reason I came here today is to see you! I want to see who you are, who has the ability to defeat so many of my men..."

Over the years, I not only killed Ichiro Ryuzawa, but also killed the four elders of Fenghu Yunlong, the eight guardians, and two disciples, which naturally aroused Long Qingqiu's curiosity.

I said neither humble nor arrogantly: "Long Qingqiu, I will make you kneel down and beg for mercy later."

What I said was a bit harsh. The bearded man, the big gold tooth, and others turned pale with fright, and Zhang Yaowu also slightly raised his eyebrows.

Long Qingqiu said slowly: "I'm afraid everyone here still doesn't know the purpose of my visit this time. The battle at Kunwu Bridge was the biggest failure in my life..."

We were stunned at the same time. The Zhang family lost hundreds of masters in the battle at Kunwu Bridge, and their vitality was severely damaged. After that battle, whenever the name of the owner of Longquan Villa was mentioned, everyone in the world would tremble.

Why does he still say it is his biggest failure?

Long Qingqiu slowly glanced at everyone present with his gloomy eyes: "I should have eradicated the roots back then and killed you all, but it's not too late now."

The red-clothed helmsman yelled: "Long Qingqiu, stop pretending to be a master. Today's Zhang family is no longer the Zhang family of the past. The Immortal Killing Sword Formation is here, can you escape?"

"Then let's go together! If you hurt me, I lose." Long Qingqiu held up his hands disdainfully, his blue robes rustling in the strong wind.

"Open the formation!"

After Zhang Yaowu gave the order, we quickly retreated behind the formation and stood with him.

At the same time, the large formation emitted a dazzling blood light and continued to expand outwards. Countless small transparent formations composed of Yin Qi vaguely appeared in the formation, mixed with the sound of wind and thunder.

An object slowly floated in front of Long Qingqiu. It was the Bantian Seal that Longze Ichiro once used!

The moment Fan Tianyin appeared, its size expanded thousands of times, as if a dark cloud had enveloped Sixiang Mountain, and even the moon above its head was blocked from its light.

I was horrified. I had seen Fantian Seal more than once. Why did Long Qingqiu appear in such a domineering way?

Zhang Yaowu squinted his eyes and said: "It seems that Long Qingqiu is more powerful than before!"

I asked: "Clan leader, how sure are you of this battle?"

"Not even one percent! But Long Qingqiu will definitely not go down the mountain alive tonight..." Speaking of this, Zhang Yaowu's eyes darkened: "It's just that the four helmsmen will probably die with him, but as long as Long Qingqiu is defeated, then The big sacrifices are all worth it.”

Long Qingqiu didn't even move. Fan Tianyin released powerful Yin Qi and blocked the transparent sword in the formation. He sneered and said: "The Immortal Killing Sword Formation is nothing more than that."

Suddenly a helmsman knelt on the ground and vomited a large mouthful of blood.

I was shocked, Zhang Yaowu comforted me and said: "The purple-clothed helmsman is sacrificing his own life to bring out the Immortal Killing Sword. He was not injured by Long Qingqiu."

The purple-clothed helmsman suddenly opened his eyes and shouted with blood in his mouth: "A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. The Immortal Killing Sword is here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge golden sword suddenly appeared above Long Qingqiu's head, with a purple electric light wrapped around it. The Zhuxian Sword is endlessly changing, big or small. Long Qingqiu raised his head and looked up, with a slight sneer of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

The next second, the huge Zhuxian Sword crashed down, and the earth shook instantly. The rising dust completely submerged Long Qingqiu's figure. I think this old thief must be dead now!

(PS: The new month is here, everyone buy your monthly tickets! There will be an extra update today.)

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