Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,115 God-like Enemy

When the dust slowly dispersed, I saw a god-like figure standing in the dust!

Long Qingqiu held the Fantian Seal in his hand and looked at us with mocking eyes. The Immortal Killing Sword actually fell into pieces, and there were golden fragments everywhere on the ground.

I was shocked: "How on earth did he do it? Fan Tianyin is just an offensive evil object. Why can it block the fatal blow of the Zhuxian Sword!"

The man in the t-shirt sighed and said: "Long Qingqiu's cultivation has reached the peak of the human world. He can fully unleash the power of Fantian Seal. Naturally, he can move according to his heart and can attack or defend!"

Zhang Yaowu gritted his teeth and said: "Hmph, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is the best killing formation in ancient and modern times. It was just the first move just now!"

Then the fragments on the ground suddenly moved, turning into Zhuxian swords of different sizes, and stabbed at Long Qingqiu in unison. Long Qingqiu jumped up like a ghost, avoiding most of the attacks, and the remaining small ones were firmly blocked by Fan Tianyin.

The helmsman in red yelled: "Don't give him a chance to breathe, brothers, get on shoulder to shoulder!"

The other three helmsmen immediately trembled and vomited blood at the same time. More Immortal Killing Swords carried the thick bloody aura and attacked Long Qingqiu from different directions.

Long Qingqiu threw the Fantian Seal into the air, blocking half of the sky. There was a ping-ping-pong-pong sound in his ears, and all the swords made of Yin Qi were knocked down.

"Okay, it's my turn!"

Long Qingqiu suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, and the Fantian Seal suddenly fell down, hitting a helmsman on the head.

The four helmsmen were concentrating on injecting Yin Qi into the formation. They did not expect that he would suddenly launch an attack. The helmsman was hit on the spot and his brains burst. He fell to the ground and twitched a few times before dying.

Zhang Yaowu was shocked and turned pale. He quickly snatched the apricot-yellow flag from the hands of the red helmsman, silently reciting a spell in his mouth, and a golden light quickly spread out from his body, covering everyone.

Seeing the powerful defense of Xinghuang Banner, I couldn't help but be speechless.

It turns out that the power of the same evil object in the hands of people with different cultivation levels is also very different!

The substitute helmsman in red quickly dragged the dead helmsman aside, sat down cross-legged, and began to stabilize the scattered formation. The small Yin Qi swords attacked Long Qingqiu even more rapidly, and transformed from four swords into countless swords.

"Long Qingqiu, if you dare to kill my brother, you will die today or I will die!" The red-clothed helmsman shouted angrily.

"Humble ants."

Long Qingqiu sneered, and suddenly all the small Yin Qi swords that were sent out were hovering in mid-air. The tips of some swords were only a few centimeters away from him, but they could not move forward one step further.

"What's going on?" I asked curiously.

"Long Qingqiu is using his spiritual power to forcefully confront the formation." The man in the T-shirt said with cold sweat: "He is deliberately showing off his strength by not using Fantian Seal!"

I have never seen anything like this before. Is Long Qingqiu really that strong? This has completely surpassed my understanding.

"Break it for me!"

Long Qingqiu shouted sharply, and the formation collapsed instantly. The four helmsmen fell out in different directions. The backlash of the sword formation caused each of them to bleed terribly.

I couldn't help but step forward to help, but the man in the T-shirt quickly grabbed me and shook his head slightly.

The red-clothed helmsman wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and said: "It's not over yet, helmsmen, hurry up and sacrifice your own private parts!"

The four helmsmen took out four evil objects: the Soul-binding Nail, the Immortal Binding Rope, the Vajra Umbrella, and the Dinghai Qin.

I have only seen these yin objects in my grandfather’s notes, and they are all famous in the circle! Today is the first time to feast your eyes on it. It seems that the Zhang family in Jiangbei still has two brushes.

As soon as I played the Dinghai Qin, a demonic sound that made people commit suicide suddenly came from Sixiang Mountain. Even I had to recite the "Tao Te Ching" silently to stabilize my mind. Under the influence of the magic sound, Long Qingqiu's figure trembled slightly, and Fan Tianyin's movements also slowed down a bit.

The other helmsman then threw out the soul-binding nails. Long Qingqiu gave a sharp shout and knocked down all the dozens of nails with his sleeves.

But when the nail hit the ground, Long Qingqiu suddenly couldn't move, as if he was petrified.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the soul-binding nails were nailed to Long Qingqiu's shadow, fixing his head and limbs respectively. It seems that the soul-binding nail is a restraining object. As long as it is nailed to the shadow of a living creature, the living creature cannot move.

Zhang Yaowu explained: "The three ghost objects, the Soul-binding Nail, the Immortal Binding Rope, and the Dinghai Qin, are all tailor-made for Long Qingqiu. The helmsmen knew that they would not be able to compete head-on, so they studied these ghost objects day and night. For today’s battle!”

"Little trick!" Under the horrified gazes of everyone, Long Qingqiu instantly broke through the shackles of the soul-binding nail and took another step forward.

"If these two things can't trap him, look at my Immortal Binding Rope!"

The helmsman in red shouted, and a golden rope flew out of his hand, and it immediately wrapped around Long Qingqiu's body like a giant python.

"We succeeded!" The helmsman in red shouted excitedly: "Chief, please make his head fall to the ground!"

Zhang Yaowu immediately pulled out the black sword. His movement was like a dragon. He rose into the air and stabbed Long Qingqiu's throat. The power of this sword was even more powerful than that of the man in the T-shirt.

However, Long Qingqiu snorted softly, and the rope that bound the immortals was broken, and the strings of the Dinghai Qin were also broken. The three helmsmen were so violent that they raised their necks and spit out a large mouthful of blood arrows.

Long Qingqiu suddenly waved his hand, and Fan Tianyin flew towards Zhang Yaowu's head. Zhang Yaowu was shocked. It turned out that Long Qingqiu was deliberately hit, just to induce him to take action!

Zhang Yaowu frantically wanted to avoid the Fantian Seal, but the Fantian Seal always hung above his head, as if it had locked him.

Once the Fantian Seal falls, even gods cannot escape death! A layer of cold sweat broke out on Zhang Yaowu's head. He simply threw away the black sword, stretched out his hand and sucked the apricot-yellow flag into his hand, blocking it above his head, taking a completely defensive posture.

"Clan leader, let me help you!"

The helmsman in white shouted loudly, opened the diamond umbrella and threw it upward. The umbrella rotated smoothly, covering Zhang Yaowu's head.

At this time, Fantian Seal fell, the Vajra Umbrella was instantly shattered, and cracks began to appear in the protective cover of the Xinghuang Flag. Zhang Yaowu's face looked extremely ugly, and huge beads of sweat appeared on his head!

I saw Fan Tianyin slowly deforming the protective cover of Xinghuang Banner and falling inch by inch. Everyone present held their breath!

I clenched my fist fiercely, but I knew that I could never help. Zhang Yaowu was currently focusing on dealing with Fan Tianyin, so he must not be disturbed.

Seeing the Vajra Umbrella being shattered, the helmsman in white suddenly dipped his hands into some of the blood he had spit out, tore open his shirt and quickly drew symbols on his chest.

This is to infuse one's soul into the evil object and forcibly increase the power of the Vajra Umbrella.

The helmsman in white is going to protect his clan leader with his life!

The broken Vajra Umbrella stood up again, blocking the space between Xinghuang Banner and Fan Tianyin, but Long Qingqiu looked disdainful.

His fingers moved slightly, and Fantian Seal suddenly sank violently, shattering the Vajra Umbrella together with the soul of the white-robed helmsman.

The helmsman in red cried angrily: "Old Bai!"

Then, Fantian Seal moved down like a rock, holding the golden light until it landed a few centimeters above Zhang Yaowu's head before stopping. Zhang Yaowu vomited a large mouthful of blood, and suddenly opened his eyes, which turned out to be pale.

He recited the Zhang family's forbidden curse in his mouth quickly, and held the Fantian Seal bit by bit with his own strength.

I looked up at the sky and saw billowing black clouds, centered on Fantianyin, spinning continuously.

What a level of battle this was, it shook the hearts of everyone present.

"The guy named Zhang is indeed not a coward. He was able to take one of my moves." Long Qingqiu praised him with an understatement, just like a master praising a smart apprentice.

Fan Tianyin was finally pushed back. Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Long Qingqiu sneered: "Then, come again!"

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