Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,116 The tragic battle (additional update)

After Long Qingqiu finished speaking, his eyes were shining brightly, and Fan Tianyin smashed down on Zhang Yaowu's head again! Zhang Yaowu was half dead after resisting the first attack. I really can't imagine how he could resist the second time?

I used the invisible needle and prepared a sneak attack. There was no need to be polite to Longquan Villa.

The man in the T-shirt quickly grabbed my hand, shook his head at me and said, "Don't!"

"If this continues, the head of the Zhang family will die!" I shouted excitedly.

"Long Qingqiu has only used 50% of his strength so far. Not only can the small invisible needle not hurt him, but it will anger him, which will cause a bloody storm in Sixiang Mountain." The man in the T-shirt warned.

"Then are we going to watch the head of the Zhang family being smashed to death?" I asked.

The man in the T-shirt bit his lip. I knew he didn't want to admit that facing Long Qingqiu, we had no choice but to stand by and watch.

The cracks in the golden light shield were getting bigger and bigger. Zhang Yaowu held up the apricot flag desperately. I heard his joints cracking. The powerful power of Fan Tianyin made his body unable to bear it.

At this time, Zhang Yaowu suddenly vomited a large mouthful of blood, and his face became paler than before. Seeing that he could no longer use the power of the forbidden spell, he quickly took off his shirt and exposed his back.

I saw a tattoo of an ancient general on his back. The general had a sword hanging on his waist and a military talisman in his hand. There was a strong tragic look between his brows.

"That's his guardian spirit - Wen Tianxiang!" the man in the T-shirt told me.

Wen Tianxiang was a great hero in the Southern Song Dynasty. He once led King Qin's army and fought against the Yuan army countless times. Even if he was captured in the end, he refused to surrender. He died generously after writing "Song of Righteousness" and "Crossing the Lingding Ocean".

Among them: Who has never died since ancient times? The memory of loyalty is remembered in history and has been passed down by future generations for a long time.

Zhang Yaowu summoned Wen Tianxiang's Yin spirit without any need for any yin objects. A wave of green energy surrounded him, the cracked golden light shield glowed again, and the Fantian Seal that hit him at a rapid speed finally froze in mid-air.

But this situation only lasted for a second, and the Fantian Seal began to fall again, and even the apricot-yellow flag was about to break.

Wen Tianxiang's seven orifices began to bleed, and he suddenly penetrated Zhang Yaowu's body. Then another voice came out of Zhang Yaowu's mouth: "I would rather die than surrender!!!"

With a whoosh, Fan Tianyin was pushed away, and Wen Tianxiang's Yin spirit was also scattered. I was dumbfounded by this scene.

Zhang Yaowu supported the ground with one hand. It seemed that his physical strength had been exhausted to the limit. The tattoo on his back was bleeding continuously. After suffering such heavy injuries, it was estimated that he would never be able to summon Wen Tianxiang again.

"Okay, okay!" Long Qingqiu clapped his hands expressionlessly: "In the past twenty years, you are the only one who can block the blow of Fan Tianyin! But after tonight, no one in the world can stop it."

At the same time, Fan Tianyin grew rapidly, and the surrounding dark clouds swirled like a whirlpool. The surrounding trees roared, several small trees were uprooted, and the strong wind made people unstable.

A strong fear suddenly arose in my heart. I knew that when Fantian Seal fell for the third time, it would bring the power to destroy the world!

The helmsman in red shouted angrily: "Long Qingqiu, what on earth are you going to do before you give up!"

"I want you to die!" Long Qingqiu said lightly.

"Have your spring and autumn dreams..."

After speaking, the red-clothed helmsman gave a sharp shout, and rushed over with the remaining three helmsmen, attacking Long Qingqiu together. Long Qingqiu was too lazy to move when faced with the siege of the four masters. He only used a few moves to knock all three helmsmen away, then grabbed the red-clothed helmsman and lifted him up high.

"Master Long!" Zhang Yaowu suddenly said: "How about we make a bet?"

"Okay, you tell me." Long Qingqiu narrowed his eyes and said.

"If I can block the third Fan Tianyin attack, please be noble and let my men go." Zhang Yaowu said.

"This is not enough. If you kneel down and beg me, I will agree!" Long Qingqiu said contemptuously.

The red-clothed helmsman spat out blood inarticulately: "Clan leader... no... we can't agree. People in the Zhang family can only die standing up, not kneeling down."

Zhang Yaowu bit his lip angrily: "Okay, I agree!"

Long Qingqiu laughed and threw the red helmsman in his hand like garbage: "Then let me see what you are capable of!"

I clenched my fists. Long Qingqiu's strength was simply unfathomable. He might have reached the level of a supreme god, even more powerful than the three big bosses in Fengdu Ghost City, including the Demon Lord and the Demon Emperor. I even doubted that the person standing in front of me was really a person?

Zhang Yaowu suddenly took out three nails and pierced two into his shoulders and one between his eyebrows. I couldn't bear to see it. Then his pupils suddenly turned completely black, and two lines of blood and tears fell from his eyes.

"Clan leader, no!" The red-clothed helmsman knelt on the ground and cried.

Zhang Yaowu did this to extinguish the yang fire in his body. Could it be that he wanted to use the power of yin spirits?

Long Qingqiu put his hands behind his hands and smiled: "Haha, in order to save your life, do you even use such despicable methods?"

"Hmph, our Jiangbei Zhang family would rather sacrifice our own blessings and fall into the eighteenth level of hell after death, but we also want to prevent you evil people from causing harm to the world!" After Zhang Yaowu finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly became strong, and the wind was mixed with some... Howling ghosts.

All these Yin spirits were sucked into Zhang Yaowu's body, and veins popped out on his forehead.

It is normal for traders of femininity to travel all over the country and come into contact with some strange arts. At this moment, Zhang Yaowu has no trump card and can only rely on the endless Yin Qi of Sixiang Mountain, but this will undoubtedly lead to a common death.

"In my eyes, you are still an ant after all." Long Qingqiu laughed wildly and pointed his right hand towards the sky: "Fantian Seal, surrender!"

Everyone present looked up at the sky, and saw the Fantian Seal rumbled down from the dark clouds, emitting a dark light, like a dark stone falling from the sky.

Zhang Yaowu stood up, holding an apricot flag in his hand. The protective shield that had absorbed the Yin Qi was no longer golden, but turned pitch black.

The two forces collided together, shaking everyone to the point of becoming unsteady.

The ground under Zhang Yaowu's feet exploded inch by inch, and he spat out blood. What a terrifying power this was!

Fan Tianyin slowly smashed down, and even those of us standing nearby felt an invisible force sinking above our heads. Zhang Yaowu's body kept shaking, as if he was holding up a Mount Tai.

He suddenly knelt down on one leg, looking increasingly painful.

If Long Qingqiu had retained his strength just now, now he was exerting 100% of the power of Fantian Seal. Suddenly, with a click, the Zhang family's strongest magic weapon, the apricot yellow flag, finally broke, and the protective shield disappeared.

Zhang Yaowu's expression was the same as that of each of us, extremely shocked.

"Clan leader!"

The helmsman in red rushed over and pushed Zhang Yaowu away. Fan Tianyin fell on him with a bang, smashing him into a pulp.

Centered on his remains, several exaggerated cracks extended all the way to our feet.

Zhang Yaowu sat on the ground and looked at the red helmsman who sacrificed himself in disbelief. Long Qingqiu moved his fingers, and the blood-stained Fantian Seal flew back to his palm. He sneered: "Sorry, you didn't block the third party. Come on, now it’s time for me to keep my promise and kill all of you!”

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