Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,117 The Son of Destiny

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere at the scene instantly dropped to freezing point, and everyone secretly clenched their weapons.

The man in the t-shirt slowly pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword, as if saying his last farewell before death: "Jiulin, we met each other. I'm very happy to have you as a friend. It's a pity that I couldn't protect you well, and I won't be able to protect you after I die. Yan met your grandpa."

I pulled out my double sword to kill ghosts and gods. Knowing that I was going to die, I became more open-minded and laughed loudly: "If we die together, we will have a companion on the road to hell!"

Bearded and other masters of the Zhang family sacrificed their vaginas, preparing to defend the last dignity of the Zhang family.

Only Da Jinya was so frightened that he hid behind a tree and kept shouting: "I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

Zhang Yaowu stood up from the ground and covered his chest with one hand. Although he was seriously injured, he still carried the majesty of the patriarch: "Everyone, I have caused trouble to you today. Zhang will atone for your sins in the next life."

The Zhang family members said one after another: "Patriarch, no matter what you say, we are willing to follow you."

Everyone was determined to die, but Long Qingqiu seemed to have seen the funniest joke: "What a touching parting between life and death. From today on, there is only Longquan Villa in the world, and there is no Zhang Family in Jiangbei."

"Stop dreaming!" I roared and charged forward, brandishing my swords.

I knew I was going to die, but I just didn’t want to see the man in the T-shirt sacrifice for me, so I decided to be the first to die.

"Zhang Jiulin, it's really good for you to have such cultivation at such a young age, but it's a pity..."

Long Qingqiu threw Fantian Seal into the sky and immediately locked onto me. I completely gave up my defense and just wanted to take the opportunity to stab him.

Long Qingqiu put his hands behind his back and floated away like a ghost. He probably didn't bother to fight me at all, and just wanted to wait for Fan Tianyin to fall and finish us off together.

At this moment, Fan Tianyin in the sky was entangled by rolling thunder and lightning.

Then a bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket struck down, and a burst of dragon roars came from the sky. Everyone looked up in surprise and saw a long snake-shaped body rolling in the clouds. Although it was far away, I was pretty sure it was a dragon!

Long Qingqiu also let out a puzzled sigh and even forgot to kill me. This feeling is very heart-wrenching. The Fantian Seal is hanging above my head, but it just can't fall down.

The dragon rushed towards Sixiang Mountain with lightning. When the lightning disappeared, a strange person appeared in front of us.

It was a dark-skinned middle-aged man, dressed in elegant ancient clothes and smiling.

The strong wind around him was blowing the fallen leaves, but none of them could touch him. This man seemed to contain an unfathomable divine power!

"May I ask your Excellency..." Long Qingqiu's tone suddenly became polite.

"I'm Li Tengxiao." The middle-aged man smiled slightly and deliberately glanced in my direction: "There is another nickname, called Bald Tail Old Li."

Those present were all famous femininity experts, and a burst of discussion immediately broke out: "What? Bald-tailed Old Li!", "It's the black dragon from Shandong!"

When I saw Bald-tailed Lao Li appear, I was so excited and excited that I almost cried.

Because I know the strength of the bald-tailed old Li very well. He is a person who makes the T-shirt man dare not even move, and he is the dragon god who protects Shandong. Only he is worthy of fighting Long Qingqiu.

The corner of Long Qingqiu's mouth couldn't help but twitch: "I wonder what Mr. Li Long is doing in Sixiang Mountain?"

Bald-tailed old Li pointed at me with a smile and said: "As the saying goes, you will reap melons if you sow melons, and you will reap beans if you sow beans. This little friend Zhang Jiulin had kind thoughts in the past and saved the only Miao Miao of the Li family. Today he is old Li Te is here to repay his kindness!”

Long Qingqiu gritted his teeth and said: "Master Li Long interferes with the life and death of mortals, isn't he afraid of violating the laws of heaven?"

Bald-tailed Old Li laughed loudly: "Old Li, I often violate the rules of heaven, and I am already an old fool! My friend, for the sake of Old Li, let the people on Sixiang Mountain be spared today."

Long Qingqiu asked gloomily: "What if I don't forgive you?"

Bald-tailed Lao Li still had a smile on his face, but his eyes suddenly became serious: "Then Lao Li can only die with you..."

After a period of silence, Long Qingqiu suddenly laughed, walked over and patted me on the shoulder: "Zhang Jiulin, you are so proud! Okay, I still underestimated you, so I will say goodbye today. We will see you later, Chief Zhang." After that, he walked down Sixiang Mountain.

Looking at Long Qingqiu's back, I believe I'm not the only one who feels this way, as if the strength to support myself standing was suddenly drained away, and I wanted to collapse to the ground.

Bald-tailed Lao Li saved our lives. I couldn't help but appreciate the praise. I immediately knelt down and kowtowed to him: "Thank you so much. Zhang Jiulin will always remember your kindness today."

But before my knees hit the ground, Bald-tailed Old Li helped me up. He said calmly: "Old Li never owes a favor. I saved you today, and the favor I owe is paid off!"

I also wanted to say some words of thanks. Bald-tailed Lao Li waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, it's time for me to go back. Before I leave, I'll give you a few words! These words are related to you and you." Whether you can realize the future fate of those around you depends on you."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was sudden thunder and lightning in the sky.

A voice shouted in mid-air: "The Lord of all spirits is born without a father or a mother. Fengdu is separated from life and death, and there are sorrows and sufferings."

When I finished the last sentence, the thunder and lightning stopped, and the bald-tailed old Li had long disappeared. I chanted and kept this poem firmly in my mind.

(ps: These words of Bald-tailed Lao Li reveal a huge secret about Zhang Jiulin. You may as well take a guess!)

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