Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,118 Departing for Italy

In the battle at Sixiang Mountain, the Zhang family in Jiangbei lost three helmsmen. It can be said that their vitality was severely damaged!

Because of my extraordinary performance, the clan leader wanted me to take over the position of the red helmsman and lead the entire Hubei yinwu circle.

I really didn't want to agree, but the clan leader was dying, and while vomiting blood, he forced the helmsman's token into my hand, acting like a Tuogu, with the big golden tooth beside him to encourage me. I had no choice but to reluctantly agree to temporarily act as the helmsman in red. Once the Zhang family found a suitable candidate, I would immediately give up the position.

The T-shirt man and I broke up in Hongcun, and he had to go back to Hong Kong to handle some business, so I didn't try to keep him.

I was also scarred by this tough battle with the twelve dead animals. I wanted to take a good rest for a month, but as soon as I returned to Antique Street and my butt was still hot, Zhang family members kept coming to visit me, and the threshold was almost leveled. .

This group of people tried to please me with all kinds of flattery, including inviting me to dinner or giving me gifts, which really annoyed me.

I usually think that the dragon of the Zhang family in Jiangbei has never seen the light of day, but now that I have the token in hand, I realize that the Zhang family is so powerful. About two-thirds of the femininity merchants in Hubei are branded by the Zhang family!

I really don’t want to be a bird pilot, so I discussed with Yin Xinyue whether we should travel for a while to avoid the limelight?

Just at this time, an email was sent from Milan, Italy, signed by Mark. He said in the letter that he was in trouble and hoped that my Chinese friend could take the time to go there.

I vaguely remember that Mark helped me a lot in order to subdue the devil's violin. Even his father, Dr. Paul, was killed, so I will repay Mark's favor no matter what!

Naturally, Yin Xinyue wanted to follow. I also called Li Mazi and said that I was going to Italy for business. I wonder if I could come. He rushed back from Macheng excitedly the next day, dressed like a fashionable uncle. Yin Xinyue joked that he was becoming more and more fashionable now, almost catching up with Wu Xiubo...

We followed the internal procedure this time, so we took a flight directly to Milan, Italy. I revisited my hometown and walked on the clean and tidy streets of Milan, with the blue sky above my head and the scent of lavender in the air. I was in a good mood.

Before arriving at the hotel, Li Mazi bought a bunch of things, saying they were for Xiaomeng. I pointed at the pile of LV bags and Citizen women's watches he bought and said sarcastically: "Xiaomeng still uses them in school. Do you want these things?"

Li Mazi scratched his head and giggled.

Yin Xinyue joked: "I can't tell that Li Mazi still loves Teacher Xia. When are you getting married? We are still waiting for the wedding banquet!"

"This matter... I haven't said a word yet." Li Mazi blushed. I rarely see this old boy blush, which means that he and Teacher Xia really love each other.

On the plane, I had been worried that after arriving in Milan, Li Mazi would be moved by the scene and think of Ruxue. I guess Ruxue may have hooked up with Ryuzawa Ichiro at that time, but it's a pity that we didn't find out in time.

Now that Li Mazi has come out of Ruxue's shadow, as a brother, I am still very happy for him.

When we arrived at the hotel run by Mark, the waiter immediately greeted me and asked me if I was Mr. Zhang from China? I answered yes, and the waiter immediately took us to a presidential suite. Mark had already said hello in advance, and all consumption was free of charge.

The presidential suite was as luxurious as a royal palace, but Li Mazi was so excited that he took various selfies in the room to show off. I told him not to post on WeChat Moments. Longquan Villa is eyeing us, and even a single photo might bring us disaster!

At noon, a waiter came in and brought steamed lobster. We enjoyed Italian food and passed the time watching TV in the room. At four o'clock in the afternoon, someone knocked on the door. When he opened it, he saw Mark standing outside in a suit and ties.

As soon as he saw me, Mark immediately hugged me excitedly: "Zhang, I've been looking forward to having you here. Only you can save me this time!"

"Sit down first and talk slowly." I patted his back and said.

After a long separation, it was necessary to chat for a while. It turned out that since Dr. Paul passed away, Mark inherited Dr. Paul's hotel and manor. Except for occasionally taking care of the hotel, Mark spends most of his time in the countryside reading books, listening to music, and living a leisurely life.

There is really nothing to say about my current situation. I am still doing business every day as before, and I have to be wary of Longquan Villa every day.

I really envy Mark's life of idle clouds and wild cranes.

Mark took out a photo and showed it to me. In the photo, there was a young and beautiful woman with gorgeous blond hair and a pair of big, watery eyes. He said this was Sophia, the girlfriend he had just met.

Yin Xinyue shouted: "Wow! This girl has such a noble temperament. Congratulations Mark."

Mark smiled, but his expression was a little unnatural. I immediately realized that the person who had the accident this time was probably his girlfriend!

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know how to start. Anyway, Sophia has always given me a strange feeling recently..."

Mark narrated, saying that Sophia’s personality is completely opposite to his own. Sophia loves sports and adventures. She often participates in bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, etc., and has also climbed the Himalayas in China. Mark was attracted by her energetic personality and was fascinated by her.

But starting last month, Sophia became addicted to a strange mobile game. This game releases some small tasks for players to complete every day, such as taking a selfie somewhere, or running a few kilometers according to the prescribed route. Anyway, it’s quite good. interesting.

Since becoming obsessed with this game, Sophia often stayed away from home all night. When she came back the next day, her face was extremely pale, her eyes were empty, and there was a weird smile on the corner of her mouth.

Mark wondered if Sophia met someone on the game and fell in love with him?

In order to win back Sophia's heart, Mark invited her to a romantic candlelight dinner. Taking advantage of the ambiguous atmosphere that night, he wanted to make a meal with Sophia. But who would have thought that as soon as his hand touched Sophia's skirt, Sophia bit him hard on the arm, growled something incomprehensible, and then fled out the door.

Mark repeated the phrase over and over again, took note of its pronunciation, and asked a linguistics professor for advice. The professor was surprised and said that this was a long-lost medieval language. It took a lot of effort for the professor to decipher it. The meaning of that sentence was: "Until the blood ritual is completed, my chastity does not belong to anyone!"

Mark thought that Sophia must have been brainwashed by some cult, so he followed her quietly. One night, Sophia dressed up beautifully and sexy, got into a stranger's car and drove away. Mark chased her with a heartbroken car.

When he chased into a tunnel, suddenly the space seemed to be distorted, and a large amount of blood poured out from all directions, drowning him. Countless demons with claws and teeth rushed out of the sea of ​​blood.

Mark knew it was just an illusion, and he was chanting "God bless" desperately. At the same time, he felt something glowing in his arms. He took it out and saw that it was the jade pendant I gave him last time!

Under the protection of the jade pendant, Mark finally rushed out of the tunnel. Although he lost Sophia, there was only one road ahead. He drove to the end of the road and saw an abandoned castle with many cars parked outside. Mark knew something was fishy, ​​so he quietly got out of the car and went inside.

I saw countless people in black robes in the castle circling around a sculpture, chanting unintelligible words, and then used a dagger to cut a cut on the wrist and pour blood on the sculpture. Mark could not confirm that Sophia Is it in or not.

He thought about these hateful cultists and was about to call the police! At this time, a man in black took off his clothes. It was a girl. She was carried to the table by everyone. Everyone cut her flesh one by one. The girl prayed fervently and laughed, as if she was extremely excited. Mark watched helplessly as she was cut into a skeleton, still with a smile on his face, and then the men in black ate all the cut meat, and took out her heart and put it into a gold cup.

The call in Mark's hand has been broadcast, and the police have been asking what's wrong? Mark thought that Sophia was also responsible for killing this girl, so he gave up the idea of ​​calling the police and turned off his cell phone.

He returned home worriedly, and waited until dawn to see Sophia in a red dress coming back like a lonely ghost. Mark stepped forward and asked where Sophia had gone. Sophia looked at him with a creepy look and smiled.

Mark opened Sophia's sleeves and found that her arms were covered with wounds cut by knives. It turned out that she had participated in this terrible ritual countless times, and maybe she would become a sacrifice like that girl in the future.

Mark was heartbroken. He really had no choice but to think of me...

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