Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,119 Thriller Game (Additional Updates)

After speaking, Mark covered his face and cried loudly. Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue turned pale. I comforted Mark and said, "Don't worry, since I'm here, I will definitely rescue Sophia!"

Mark took out something from his arms, which was the jade pendant I gave him last time, but it was covered with a layer of black light. He said that ever since he met the devil, the jade pendant had been dim and seemed to have malfunctioned, so he did not dare to follow Sophia anymore for fear of something happening.

I held the jade pendant in the palm of my hand and looked at it. There was a cloud of yin energy lingering on it, completely blocking the yang energy of the jade pendant. I thought those devils must have a lot of background! Grandpa injected his own yang energy into this piece of jade, so ordinary yin spirits would not dare to approach it.

I will accept the jade pendant for now, and I will do a ritual later to cleanse the yin energy from it. Mark said goodbye first. When he walked to the door, his phone rang suddenly. After answering the call, Mark was shocked and said: "No, Sofia is going there again tonight!"

It turned out that he hired a private detective to keep an eye on her, and gradually figured out Sophia's behavior. If she was going to attend that kind of ceremony at night, she would definitely put on a bright red dress.

I checked the time and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon: "Then let's set off now! Maybe we can stop her."

Mark drove us to Sofia's residence in his Maserati. On the way, I asked him where I could get that strange game. Mark clicked a few times on the mobile mall and immediately sent me an app installation package.

I clicked to install, and a gloomy European castle suddenly appeared on the interface, surrounded by tombstones and a blood-red moon in the sky. But I encountered difficulties when registering. I only need to fill in my account number and password, but no matter how I register, it says I can't register.

Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi also took out their mobile phones and tried it, but they couldn't register. Mark said: "This software is very strange, and I can't register either."

"It's so mysterious. Is it possible that it's just a matter of pride?" Li Mazi said disdainfully.

"You're right, this software probably selects people. I guess only virgins can register!" I frowned and said.

"It seems that it is really possible..." Mark recalled, saying that although the people in black in the castle were completely covered, judging from their height and figure, they were indeed girls about the same age as Sophia.

"Then none of us meet the conditions." Li Mazi spread his hands.

I said, "Wait a minute, there's a guy in the car who qualifies!"

Li Mazi looked at Yin Xinyue in shock: "Brothers and sisters, the Zhang family brother is not good at that, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yin Xinyue blushed and cursed.

Of course, the person who meets the conditions is not Yin Xinyue, but Wei Yu. I called Oyu out and saw a little lolita with triangular ears coming out of my arms. Mark was so frightened that he almost lost control of the steering wheel. I told him that this was my spiritual pet. Mark didn’t quite understand the concept of spiritual pets. , listened to my explanation for a long time, and regarded it as my guardian angel, and I did not continue to take it seriously.

Oudama was lying on the car window wagging his tail and said in surprise: "Wow, where are we? There are so many foreigners!"

"We are abroad now." I replied.

Oudama was so excited that I gave her my phone and asked her to help register an account. Although Oudama is a virgin, she is not a human being. I wonder if this counts?

Weiyu spent a long time registering an account, and sure enough, he logged in. We came over to take a look at the contents.

The game interface is composed of black and red and is very stylish. As soon as it is opened, a line of English pops up, which roughly means "Welcome to the Scarlet Castle app, complete thirteen challenges, and win a mysterious gift."

I clicked on the task prompt. The first task was very simple and required me to run 20 kilometers with my mobile phone. Li Mazi asked: "Brother from the Zhang family, do you really want to play with this evil thing? Be careful and something might happen."

"If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't catch the tiger's cubs." I sneered.

"Then you get out of the car and run twenty kilometers now? I can't even run one kilometer..." Li Mazi said.

I glanced at him with disdain: "Look at the overindulgent look on your face. You may not even be able to run down a hundred meters, let alone a kilometer."

Li Mazi scratched his head and giggled. Of course I couldn't really get out of the car and run, so I hung my phone on the pendant on the front of the car. The phone has a vibration sensor. As the car body shook, the running distance started to display on it.

But before we ran twenty kilometers, we had already arrived at Sophia’s residence. I put my phone back in my pocket, and Mark took us to an apartment. We knocked on the door but no one answered. I asked him to get out of the way so that I could show off my skills.

I took out the invisible needle, poked it in the lock cylinder and opened the door. The room was in a mess, and there were several clothing design drawings hanging on the wall. It turned out that Sophia was a clothing designer. Mark said angrily: "I'm late." step!"

"Call the private detective and take a look." I asked.

Mark took out his cell phone and was about to dial a number when he suddenly saw something outside the window and went downstairs. We looked at each other and followed him downstairs.

Mark walked very fast. When we found him, we found that he was frantically smashing the windshield of a car with his fist. The glass of that car was very hard. Mark's hand was covered with blood and only a crack was made.

I thought Mark was crazy, and he shouted to me: "Zhang, it's not good, someone is dead!"

I stepped forward and saw that all the windows of the car were closed, and there was a rubber pipe connected to the exhaust pipe, which was tightly stuffed into the interior of the car.

Anyone with a little common sense knows that car exhaust contains a lot of carbon monoxide, and people in the car are committing suicide!

I asked Mark to get out of the way, then drew out the double swords that killed ghosts and gods. I hit the glass hard with the handles and smashed it into pieces, and then opened the car door.

I saw a bearded man in a coat sitting in the car, tilting his head and rolling his eyes. This was an obvious sign of carbon monoxide poisoning. I tried to drag him out of the car, but inhaled a breath of poisonous gas that made me choke and get out immediately.

Mark said this was the private detective he hired! He volunteered to help, but I told him to stay back, as I was careful and risked his life if I failed to save him.

I took a deep breath and reached in to pull the bearded man again. His body was so heavy that I couldn't pull it no matter how hard I tried. Later I discovered that he was wearing a seat belt. I was hurriedly trying to unbuckle my seat belt when suddenly the bearded man opened his pale eyes and said something I couldn't understand in a gloomy voice. Then he had something in his hand, a lighter!

I felt a shiver in my heart, but I have been through life and death so many times, and my reaction ability has become extremely fast. I immediately ordered everyone to retreat!

At this time, the bearded man lit the lighter. I was only one meter away from the car. Knowing that I couldn't escape, I mobilized Min Ran's spiritual power with all my strength and put my hands in front of me.

There was a roar, and the rising flames suddenly filled my field of vision. The moment the explosion occurred, I clearly saw a faint golden light in front of me that bounced off most of the fragments, but I was also blown away by the heat wave.

Yin Xinyue, Li Mazi, and Mark were standing far away, and they were also knocked over by the air wave. After the explosion, broken glass continued to fall from the sky, and a thick plume of smoke rose from the car in front of them.

"Husband!" Yin Xinyue crawled over in a panic. Her face was covered with black smoke to see if I was injured.

All three of us were fine, but Yin Xinyue was frightened, hugged me and cried, and I patted her back and whispered comfort.

But Mark was more unlucky. He lay on the ground and screamed, and it turned out that a piece of iron had penetrated deeply into his thigh...

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