Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,120 The Devil’s Invitation

The iron piece on Mark's leg was pierced too deep and might have damaged a major artery. If he were to pull it out hastily, he would definitely bleed to death.

I quickly called an ambulance, but Mark disagreed and struggled: "I must find Sophia no matter what!"

"You can't take risks with us now. Go to the hospital for treatment. I promise that Sophia will appear in front of you early tomorrow morning." I promised.

Although Mark was reluctant, he had no choice but to do this. He handed me the keys to the Maserati and said that the GPS in his car had set a route to the castle.

After I got into the car, I was still frightened. I didn’t know who my opponent was. He can actually control a corpse to plot against us.

Just then, there was a ding from my phone. I took it out and saw that the first task had been completed, and a second task popped up, asking me to contribute ten drops of blood.

Li Mazi sat in the co-pilot, took a look at his cell phone, and cursed: "What the hell is this mission? Is anyone really capable of doing it?"

Yin Xinyue said: "The second task is to let people bleed. Wouldn't the subsequent tasks be even more perverted? There are no substantial rewards in it. Why are those girls willing to do it?"

I said coldly: "These two tasks may seem like nothing, but they actually have profound meanings. The first task is to determine whether the subject is a healthy person, and the second task is equivalent to screening."

"Screening?" Yin Xinyue was a little confused.

"Do you think that a girl who is unwilling to hand over even ten drops of blood will do the perverted tasks later on?" I replied.

Li Mazi asked: "How will the phone know whether to bleed or not? Do you drip blood on the phone?"

I wasn’t too clear about the mechanics of this game, so I put my phone in my pocket first.

The Maserati was quite comfortable to drive, but as the sky gradually turned dark, we still did not reach the mysterious tunnel Mark mentioned, but the GPS showed that we were almost there. Ten minutes later, we arrived at a desolate suburb. Are there any old castles around?

We got out of the car and took a look. There was no sign of Yin Qi around. Could it be that the path Mark set was wrong? Impossible, he had obviously been to the castle in person.

I called Mark, and he was also surprised, so he told me the names of the places I would pass along the way. I checked them one by one on the GPS and found that the previous paths were all correct, but the mysterious tunnel was missing.

Yin Xinyue said: "Husband, will the castle be an illusion? In fact, it does not exist."

I said: "If it is really an illusion, the girl who came to participate in the ceremony must be real, right? But there is not even a single figure around."

I had no choice but to ask Oyu for advice. She is a master of illusion. Oyu touched her ears and said, "I feel like this is similar to a ghost hitting a wall."

Li Mazi said with a smile: "Isn't this nonsense? I even encountered ghosts breaking up walls abroad. Brother Zhang, you are well-informed. What do Europeans call this? Devils breaking up walls?"

"The devil hits the wall..."

Li Mazi's casual remarks gave me an idea. I had read in a book introducing Western witchcraft that there is a weird supernatural phenomenon in the West called Satan's Bridge! Legend has it that Satan will build a bridge by the river late at night. Only fallen souls will see it. Once you walk across this bridge, you are selling your soul to Satan.

Maybe that tunnel is the same as Satan's Bridge, selecting people who pass by and taking them to the castle.

After listening to what I said, Li Mazi said: "Then how did Mark pass by last time?"

I explained: "He was chasing Sophia's car before driving into the tunnel, but there was a supernatural phenomenon in the tunnel. If it hadn't been for the jade pendant I gave him to protect him, he might have disappeared."

When I was at a loss, I suddenly thought that those girls had gone there through the guidance of the game. As long as they unlocked the subsequent tasks, they might be able to pass through that mysterious tunnel.

I took out my phone and opened the app. Since I cheated on the first task, I might be able to get through the second task too!

So I took a mineral water bottle from the car and dripped water on the screen drop by drop, but nothing happened.

"Oh, this doesn't really require virgin blood, does it?" I asked in surprise.

Yin Xinyue smiled and said: "It seems that we can only invite our little ancestor out."

I called Oudama out again. She was usually a blood sucker, but when she heard that she was asked to bleed, her head shook like a wavy drum. Finally, I promised to buy her a large box of biscuits, and then I carefully bit my finger and dripped blood on my phone.

The first drop of blood fell on the screen, and the entire screen immediately turned blood red. Yin Xinyue was shocked: "Brother Zhang, look, the screen is sucking blood!"

As expected, Otama's blood disappeared and seemed to merge with the red screen. This scene simply refreshed my understanding. Oudama kept dripping ten drops of blood, sucking his fingers distressedly, and the screen returned to normal, with a "Mission Complete" prompt popping up.

I was worried for a while. If the third task asked someone to cut the flesh, she probably wouldn’t even agree to buy a truckload of biscuits for Otama...

Unexpectedly, the third task is "The master invites you to a mysterious party." The task prompt is to take your mobile phone across a certain road, keep going, and you will see an old castle.

"Hurry!" I said and quickly ordered everyone to get in the car.

It's still the same path as before. Even I don't believe it. We just follow the original path again. Will there really be a mysterious tunnel?

After driving for a while, Yin Xinyue patted my shoulder and said excitedly: "Look, hubby, it's that tunnel!"

It turned out that there really was a tunnel on the smooth road. The tunnel was very long and only one of our cars was driving inside. I was always nervous, fearing that something would suddenly escape.

In the end, we passed through the tunnel safely, apparently because we had the 'invitation letter' with us.

After exiting the tunnel, the surrounding scenery seemed to be different. An old castle appeared in the moonlight ahead, which looked very similar to the one on the game login interface. Li Mazi took out his mobile phone and took a selfie with Gubao, and asked me to take one too. I didn't care about this, so I told him to go away.

Just when I was distracted, a girl in a white dress suddenly appeared in front of the car lights, slumped in the middle of the road. I stepped on the brakes hard. The car's braking performance was so good that it stopped instantly. Li Mazi, who was not wearing a seat belt, hit his head on the windshield, covered his head and screamed.

Yin Xinyue asked: "Did this girl have an accident?"

The girl looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old, with delicate skin, black hair and blue eyes. She had an angelic and sweet face, revealing her white collarbone. Li Mazi said with a smile: "It's so dangerous for a little girl to be out in this wilderness. I'll go down and ask her if she needs help."

"Come back!" I grabbed Li Mazi, took the phone from his hand, and pointed it at the girl: "Look carefully at what this is!"

The sweet girl under the mobile phone camera was clearly a skinny mummy, and she was not wearing a dress, but a tattered shroud. Li Mazi rubbed his eyes hard a few times: "What...what's going on? "

I warned: "You two stay in the car and don't move, I'll go down and deal with it!"

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