Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1121: Bloody Castle

When I got out of the car, I rubbed my eyebrows a few times and opened my eyes. The little girl immediately turned into a mummy in my eyes. I stepped forward and asked her if she needed help.

The mummy put on a pitiful look and told me that she was abducted by bad guys and escaped secretly, but ended up breaking her leg. I looked very disgusted because its body was severely rotten and there were some maggots crawling around. I silently took out a medium-sized talisman from my pocket.

I sneered: "I can't help you, you should go to hell for help!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and threw out the magic talisman. The mummy bounced up from the ground, flew several meters away like a wire, and lay on the ground grinning at me.

There was a sound of breaking out of the ground. I looked around and found that there were tombstones without words on the roadside. Some rotting mummies crawled out from the tombstones. All the mummies were female!

I was in a hurry to save Sophia and didn't want to get entangled with these little things, so I posted a few talismans on the roadside, dropped a drop of my own essence and blood on each of them, and recited a spell, which should be able to block them for a while.

"Husband, help!"

As soon as I heard that it was Yin Xinyue's voice, I ran back to the car and saw a bunch of mummies shaking violently holding the car. Some of them even put their skinny arms into the car. Li Mazi stepped aside desperately, holding a cross on the car in his hand and praying continuously.

I drew my ghost-slaying swords and quickly wiped away the mummies that had climbed onto the car. I jumped into the car and started the engine. The mummy that had just blocked the road wanted to stop us, but I hit it directly. It flew apart from the car and cracked the windshield.

The talisman I arranged on the roadside blocked them like an invisible wall. We whizzed past the crowd of mummies without any danger. Yin Xinyue asked with lingering fear: "Husband, are these zombies?"

"No, it's just a dead body dominated by Yin Qi!" I said.

When I just fought with them, I noticed that there was a yin energy lingering on them. These yin energy gathered in the same direction like threads, which was the castle directly in front!

This castle is a high-end yin house, and it can actually generate such powerful yin energy that it can dominate the surrounding corpses.

As I got closer and closer to the castle, I couldn't help but worry, not for myself, but for Yin Xinyue. This castle is so powerful, God knows what will happen if we enter it, and I don't want her to take risks with me.

I asked her to stay in the car with Li Mazi. Yin Xinyue pouted and said, "Husband, what are you talking about? Mark is your friend and our friend. I will definitely go with you."

Li Mazi also echoed: "It's not necessarily safe outside the castle. It would be bad if something happens to us then. It would be safer to follow you..."

I sighed and told them that after entering, everything would be under my command and I would leave immediately after rescuing people.

The castle is built on a hillside. After we parked the car, we walked along the winding mountain road for a while before reaching the foot of the castle. The entire castle was dark, with only one room lit.

In addition to being a place of residence and display, the castles of nobles in the Middle Ages also had a defensive effect. When foreign enemies came, they could pull up the suspension bridge and it would become an impregnable city!

This castle has experienced so many years of wind and frost, the doors and windows have long been rotten, and the walls have been severely eroded by the sun and rain. Walking into the gloomy hall, I felt that this room was really big. I didn't know how the backward workers in the backward Middle Ages transported stones to the top of the mountain to build it?

When I was going up the stairs, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a person wearing an ancient European maid uniform, holding a plate and flashing by. Yin Xinyue asked me what was wrong. I was afraid of scaring her, so I said it was okay.

The interior of the castle is like a three-dimensional maze, and there are many ghosts along the way. From time to time, figures who look like European knights and butlers can be seen passing by. I have a feeling that the people who once lived here have turned into ghosts and are lingering around.

Fortunately, there was a very powerful Yin Qi inside the castle, and I followed it so I didn't get lost. Finally, we saw a door with light, and there were bursts of prayers coming from behind the door.

I made a silent gesture to Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi, and then slowly approached the door!

Through the gap in the wooden door, I found that the room was brightly lit. Many people wearing black clothes and pointed hats were circling around a sculpture and praying. They were covered from head to toe, with only two eyes exposed.

I couldn't understand what they were reciting, but I could vaguely see that the sculpture was holding a golden cup in its hand, from where the Yin energy emanated.

"It seems like a cult is holding a conference!" Li Mazi muttered in a low voice.

At this moment, the girls in the room suddenly took out their daggers. Everyone walked to the statue and used the dagger to cut a cut on their arm, letting the blood flow along the sculpture and finally collect into the golden cup. Soon the sculpture was stained red with blood, but the gold cup could not be filled with blood.

After everyone had contributed their blood, the girls respectfully stepped away, leaving only one person standing in the middle. She began to take off her clothes. When she took off her hood, I suddenly discovered that she was Sophia.

"No, Sophia is the sacrifice tonight!" I shouted.

"What should we do? There are so many people inside, and they all have knives." Li Mazi said in fear.

At this time, Sophia had already taken off her clothes, and several people came forward to lift her up and place her on the stone platform under the statue. Sophia folded her hands and prayed devoutly. The men in black slowly approached her, raising the blood-stained knives in their hands.

In this situation, I couldn't wait any longer. I immediately kicked open the wooden door and shouted: "Let that girl go!"

The people in the room seemed to be waking up from a big dream, looking at me with surprised eyes. Only then did I remember that I was speaking in Chinese, which they could not understand. At this moment, the golden cup suddenly released a strong yin energy and wrapped around these girls.

Their eyes immediately became ferocious and bloodthirsty, they shouted in Hungarian, they raised their knives and came towards us to kill us.

I suddenly realized one thing, that golden cup is a ghost. As long as I control it, I can save everyone here. Immediately, he took out a few talismans and gave them to Li Mazi, asking him to stick them on the golden cup, and I would lure these girls away.

When Li Mazi saw the battle, he was too frightened to move. I kicked him in the butt before gritting my teeth and rushing towards the Jinbei.

His action immediately attracted everyone's attention, and the girls rushed to chase him. I picked up a wooden chair and threw it at them, successfully diverting their attention, so they all raised their daggers to stab me!

Yin Xinyue turned pale with fright. I told her to hide and use the Yin Yang Knife technique at the same time.

What these girls were holding were just ordinary fruit knives. My double knives for killing ghosts and gods were as sharp as iron and would break as soon as they touched.

But these girls have completely lost their minds, and even though they have no weapons in their hands, they still rush over desperately. I can't kill them all, right? So he called Otama out and asked her to use genjutsu to deal with them.

Oudama jumped onto a table, made a hand seal, and quickly said to me: "No, bad brother, their souls have been sealed, and they can't cast illusions at all..."

"Brother Zhang, come and help!" At this time, Li Mazi's cry came.

I looked in the direction of Li Mazi and saw a "bloody man" standing there. The golden cup in the hand of the sculpture was constantly spurting blood. Li Mazi was almost covered in blood, and the blood on the ground was flowing everywhere. My few magical talismans were also washed away. The place where the magic talisman came into contact with the blood continued to smoke, and soon the magic talisman was burned to ashes.

"Wei Yu, help Li Mazi!" I ordered.

"Ah?" Oudama looked embarrassed: "But I can't deal with that thing."

"Go!" I shouted.

Oudama suddenly turned into a ray of white light and flew over. At this time, the girls suddenly knelt down, picked up the blood on the ground and drank it, as if they were drinking nectar and fairy dew.

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