Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,122 Saving Sophia

After the girls drank the blood on the ground, they became more violent and their eyes glowed strangely red. I tried my best to use the things in the room to deal with them, throwing some chairs at them as I ran. The blood on the ground quickly spread to the entire room, and I felt like I was standing on a lake of blood.

At this time, I suddenly realized that Yin Xinyue was missing, and Fisoya lying on the altar was also missing, so I yelled several times anxiously.

As a result, I accidentally slipped on the blood on the ground and fell heavily to the ground. The blood immediately soaked into my clothes, and the blood still retained its warmth.

A girl who was at the front suddenly jumped on me and scratched my face hard. Seeing that the 'big army' behind me was about to catch up, I kicked her away, got up and ran!

I glanced at Li Mazi. He looked worse than me. He took off his shirt and was shirtless. He tried to use his own clothes to plug the bleeding gold cup, but he couldn't.

Odama Zhengmu tried his best to pull the golden cup out of the sculpture's hands, but the thing didn't move at all.

I really didn't expect to be in such an embarrassing situation. Yin Xinyue was still missing, and I felt annoyed. At this time, Yin Xinyue suddenly popped her head out of the door and shouted: "Husband, Li Mazi, come here quickly!"

I immediately took back the tail jade and rushed toward the door with Li Mazi. Yin Xinyue picked up a piece of wood from somewhere. After we went out, she immediately pinned the piece of wood to the door and immediately locked the door.

Sophia was also with Yin Xinyue. She was wearing Yin Xinyue's coat and sitting on the ground with blank eyes, like a puppet.

It turned out that when I lured those lunatics away, Yin Xinyue immediately pulled Sophia and left first. Fortunately, Sophia seemed to have lost her soul, and she didn't resist no matter how hard she pulled her.

I praise Yin Xinyue for being so smart! It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, so ask Li Mazi to carry Sophia on his back and retreat immediately.

Li Mazi's clothes were still inside, and he was naked and covered in blood. He was very reluctant to do this hard work, but he still carried Sophia on his back.

I used my mobile phone to shine light in front of me, but I didn't expect that it was easy to get in and difficult to get out. All the rooms looked the same, and they were spinning around like a maze. We came to a room without windows. I accidentally bumped into something, and the thing scattered all over the floor with a crash.

"Ah, dead man!" Yin Xinyue was so frightened that she grabbed my arm tightly.

I took a photo of it with my phone and found two long chains nailed to the ceiling, with a strange iron hook hanging from them. The reason why it is weird is that the iron hook has many forks like tree roots, and each fork has a sharp end.

There are several skeletons hanging on this iron hook. Judging from the size of the skeletons, they all seem to be women.

It turns out that this iron hook is specially used to let out human blood. This room feels like a prison cell. These deceased people were probably hung on the hook before they were alive and bled to death.

We walked through the middle carefully, and suddenly Li Mazi screamed and fell to the ground. I looked back and saw Sophia sitting on Li Mazi with a blank look in her eyes.

Li Mazi complained: "This girl didn't say hello and suddenly pushed me down..."

"I'm afraid I was hit by the Yin Qi here." After I finished speaking, I took out a few magic talismans and prepared to stick them on Sophia, but Sophia picked up Mazi Li like a chicken and threw it towards me.

I was caught off guard and was hit by Li Mazi, and my ribs were almost not broken. Suddenly the weight on his body disappeared, and Sophia was seen pinching Li Mazi's neck and lifting him up with one hand.

From the look on her face, it was clear that she was possessed by a Yin spirit. I immediately drew out my double swords for killing ghosts and gods, turned them upside down, and prepared to strike her.

Unexpectedly, Sophia reacted very quickly and threw Li Mazi, grabbed my collar with both hands, lifted me up, and pushed me back. Yin Xinyue shouted: "Husband, be careful, there is a hook behind you!"

My heart suddenly went cold. I didn't want to die like this. It would be too painful!

Yin Xinyue grabbed a broken brick and rushed over desperately. The brick hit Sophia on the head. She was fine at all, and kicked Yin Xinyue away.

While Yin Xinyue held her for a short while, I took a few deep breaths to wake myself up, and then flew out the invisible needle. The moment Sophia was about to hang me on the hook, the invisible needle accurately knocked the hook open.

The hook swung high and swung towards my back. Taking advantage of the flash of light, I kicked Sophia hard in the stomach, saying sorry to Mark ten thousand times in my heart. Sophia was kicked and screamed again and again. Taking this opportunity, I hit her neck with my double sword of killing ghosts and gods.

Shocked by the yang energy of the double swords, Sophia's body trembled violently. I knocked again, and she shook even more violently. Suddenly her eyes returned to normal, which showed that she had recovered. Unexpectedly, she reached out and scratched my face hard, and I suddenly felt a burning pain on my cheek.

"How come this girl doesn't recognize her relatives?" Li Mazi said.

"Why don't we recognize our relatives? She doesn't know us at all." I replied.

Sophia's eyes rolled up again, and I thought to myself that was too bad, that she was willingly possessed by the spirit. She is in a weak state now. If I keep trying to drive away the evil spirit, it is very likely that even her soul will be scattered.

I was afraid that Sophia would attack us again, so I asked Li Mazi to quickly control her. Li Mazi rushed over and pressed her hands tightly.

Now I have to wake up Sophia's consciousness, but the terrible thing is that she doesn't know any of the three of us, so I dialed Mark's phone, briefly explained the situation, and asked her to call back Sophia's soul, and then I turned on the speakerphone , putting the phone to Sophia's ear.

Mark kept calling her name on the phone. Gradually, Sophia stopped struggling, her eyes began to become normal, and two lines of tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Taking this opportunity, I hit her hard on the back of the head with two swords, and a female ghost dressed as an aristocrat was knocked out of Sophia's body. The female ghost looked very young and charming. I was sure it was the culprit, so Stab it with a knife.

The female ghost floated and flew back a certain distance. I quickly caught up with her, not giving her any chance to escape. A set of fierce sword skills whizzed by!

The female ghost was so driven by me that she suddenly opened her fangs and stretched out her long nails to grab me, but I moved around so she couldn't touch me at all. I cut her more than a dozen times, but as soon as she was injured, her body would automatically absorb the yin energy here to repair it. After fighting for more than ten rounds, she suddenly spoke in Hungarian.

A skeleton fell from above and jumped on me and scratched me. I pushed it away with all my strength. When I looked up again, the female ghost had disappeared...

I chased a few steps out of the door, and after thinking about it, I decided to forget it. This female ghost was probably living on that golden cup. It had just sucked up the blood of virgins, and its yin energy was extremely strong. It was almost impossible for me to destroy her. The most important thing at the moment was The only thing is to bring Sophia back.

I asked Li Mazi to carry her on his back. Along the way, we encountered many ghosts wandering in the castle, but luckily we were all safe. Finally, when we saw the moon again, I was so excited that I wanted to kneel down.

We went down the mountain and returned to the car. It was already four o'clock in the morning, and we actually spent nearly a whole night in the castle.

I quickly set up the gps and planned to go directly to the hospital where Mark was staying and ask him to meet Sophia. However, an extremely long path appeared on the map, with a total length of more than 400 kilometers. Li Mazi exclaimed in surprise: "Italy is not that long from beginning to end. Did this kid go abroad to be hospitalized?"

"No!" I pointed to our current coordinates: "We are abroad, we are now in Hungary!"

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