Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,123 Vampire Queen

Yin Xinyue said in surprise: "How come we ran from Italy to Hungary all at once? Are we traveling through time?"

I thought for a moment and said, "This is probably the legendary Guibei Mountain!"

The so-called Guibei Mountain is a person who appears inexplicably far away. I remember there was a program on CCTV's "Into Science" that said an old man flew from Hebei to Shanghai overnight. Experts said that the old man suffered from sleepwalking. That's complete nonsense, that's actually Guibei Mountain.

Guibeishan is a very powerful spell. It seems that the Yin spirits in this castle are quite powerful!

Although Hungary and Italy are two countries, the distance is about as far as Hubei to Anhui. However, the car's gas is running out. We came in a hurry, we didn't exchange many euros, and our passports are still in the hotel. It will definitely not be possible to drive all the way back. Reality.

I called Mark and explained the situation, and Mark said he would fly over right away.

We pulled into a nearby diner and had something to eat while Sofia lay unconscious in the car. At ten o'clock in the morning, Mark rushed over. His leg was bandaged, he was not very flexible in walking, and he was holding a crutch in his hand.

As soon as he saw Sophia, Mark was so excited that he couldn't express it in words. At this time, Sophia woke up and saw Mark as if she were a stranger, screaming and grabbing him desperately. Mark said to me sadly: "Zhang, is Sophia possessed by the devil?"

There is no yin energy in Sophia, so I suggest she rest for a while.

So we found a hotel nearby to stay. After a long night of hard work, we were already exhausted. When we saw the bed, we felt like we were seeing relatives, and we slept until the afternoon.

In the evening Mark came and knocked on our door. I asked him how Sophia was doing. Mark shook his head and said it was not good. Although Sophia was awake, her eyes were dull and she didn't say a word to him.

I feel that Sophia's mind has been controlled by something evil, and she has to dig deep and subdue the golden cup to restore her to normal.

Mark said: "Zhang, can we have a casual dinner together tonight? I have invited a guest, you may like it."

"Guest?" I thought to myself that besides Mark, I had no other acquaintances in Europe, but after he said so, I agreed immediately.

We met Mark in a hotel in the evening. Not long after, a middle-aged man with a big belly came over. He had a mustache and small eyes. He looked a bit like the humor master Chaplin. He was also holding a large suitcase.

He said hello to Mark, glanced at us, and suddenly turned away.

Li Mazi shouted: "What's wrong with this guy? Does he look down on the Chinese?"

"Don't talk nonsense, there may be other reasons." I explained.

Mark chased after him and talked for a long time before inviting him back. After he sat down, he immediately said arrogantly: "I'm sorry, I never cooperate with infidels. This time it's for Mark's sake."

Mark introduced us to a man named Richard, a priest in the Vatican, an expert on medieval ghost theology, and an old friend of his father, Dr. Paul.

During the day, Mark searched for information about the golden cup on the Internet and saw a paper published by Richard, so he made a phone call for consultation. Richard happened to be nearby, so he was invited.

Li Mazi said: "Mr. Father, you can't judge people by their appearance. In fact, we also believe in God."

The priest read a passage, and Li Mazi was confused and asked Mark if he was scolding him? Mark said he was memorizing a passage from the Bible, and Li Mazi's lie was immediately exposed.

The priest told us straight to the point the origin of the golden cup. Its origin can be traced back to a famous woman in Hungary in the 16th century, Elizabeth, the Vampire Queen.

Legend has it that Elizabeth was a descendant of a witch. After she came of age, she married a brave earl. The earl was away fighting all year round, and it was difficult to meet her more than once. She stayed alone in the empty room all day long, worried that once her appearance grew old and wrinkled, she would no longer please her husband.

One day, a maid accidentally pulled a hair while combing her hair. Elizabeth slapped her in the face. Blood spurted out of the maid's nose and splashed on her face. She unexpectedly found herself splashed with blood. The place becomes particularly tender.

So she ordered the maid's stomach to be cut open and her blood to be smeared on herself. After enjoying the blood bath, Elizabeth was excited to find that her skin had regained its youthfulness, but this effect could only last for a short period of time.

In order to keep herself young forever, she began to kidnap girls from nearby villages crazily, drink their blood, and bathe in their blood. Legend has it that Elizabeth killed more than 600 girls in her lifetime and became the vampire queen who was feared throughout Europe!

Later, when the count died in battle, she inherited the entire castle and went even further. She even openly robbed girls on the street, came up with all kinds of criminal methods to torture them, and threw the bodies of the girls she killed down from the castle.

She considered herself to be the queen of one side, and no one dared to do anything to her. In the end, this incident alerted the supreme king, who sent an army to attack her castle and tried her in court. Elizabeth was eventually treated as a vampire, nailed with thirteen silver nails, and burned alive in a fire. In Catholic culture, this method of death meant that she would never be reincarnated.

There are also many horror stories about her spread among the people. Some people say that she was once the lover of the first generation of vampires, while others say that she is a descendant of a witch. However, because that period of history is too long, these can no longer be verified.

After listening, Li Mazi said: "I only know that men will become bad when they are rich, and women who dare to love women will also become bad when they have money."

I coughed and signaled him to stop talking nonsense, and asked the priest: "So this golden cup is the one Elizabeth used during her lifetime?"

The priest drank a glass of wine and said: "According to the information I checked in the Vatican, this golden cup was given to Elizabeth by the devil, and it carries the curse of the devil. The Vatican calls it the Bloody Gold Cup. In fact, two years ago I I already know its whereabouts..."

The priest said that he learned that the gold cup fell into the hands of an auction house two years ago. He once wrote a letter to warn the auction house not to let the gold cup fall into the hands of the public, otherwise there will be endless troubles! But those businessmen were greedy for profit and ignored him at all.

He couldn't stop it, so he contacted Dr. Paul to snap the photo. Because the priest and Dr. Paul were close friends, he agreed immediately.

The two hurried to the auction site in Paris. The gold cup was actually raised to a high price of 40 million euros. Paul could not afford that much money at the time, and finally unfortunately fell into the hands of an IT giant.

The priest contacted the buyer, hoping to perform a ritual to seal the evil spirit in the gold cup, but the buyer believed in Protestantism and would not even look at him, a Catholic priest.

Although foreigners do not have the concept of Feng Shui, they still care about face and think that it is a very face-saving thing to put such a high-priced treasure in the company.

The priest kept a close watch, and nothing happened to him for the next two years. However, a month ago, a member of the game production team of this company disappeared together with Jinbei. Soon this weird mobile game appeared on the Internet. Only young virgins are eligible to register and follow the game to complete thirteen challenges. Once they try, they will fall deeply into it and eventually disappear mysteriously...

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