Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,124 Countdown to Death (Additional Update)

After listening to the priest's narration, I told him that we had entered the castle last night and told him exactly what happened in the castle.

The priest muttered: "It seems that the member of the game production team has awakened the Bloody Golden Cup and integrated its magic with the game. The queen used it to return to the world and murder those innocent girls!"

There was one thing that I couldn't figure out very much, so I asked the priest: "Why are the femininity combined with online games? I have dealt with countless femininity objects since I started working, but this is the first time I have encountered this situation. I dare to say that the femininity objects can also be combined." It’s evolved with the times.”

The priest explained: "This is not surprising. Inventions and creations are originally the patent of the devil. Nowadays, those science and technologies have made human morality more and more bottomless. It is the temptation of the devil. In fact, I came to Hungary this time to deliver a religious speech. , encourage everyone to throw away their smartphones and get closer to the people around them."

No wonder so many scientists in history were burned to death by the church, but on a certain level, what the priest said makes sense.

Our lives are getting better and better, but the spiritual world is becoming more and more desolate. People are not like humans, and ghosts are not like ghosts.

The priest suggested that we throw away our mobile phones and accumulate some merit, but there are many important contacts on my mobile phone, so I think it’s better to forget about this merit...

The Vampire Queen can be said to be the most powerful ghost in Europe. For an existence of this level, garlic, crosses, and holy water are probably not effective. I asked the priest if there is any way to deal with her?

The priest said: "The bloody golden cup has absorbed the essence and blood of too many girls and has become extremely powerful. The only one that can compete with it is the Holy Grail of Jesus."

I asked: "Is the Holy Grail of Jesus the one mentioned in the Bible?"

"Exactly, it's the cup that Jesus used to hold wine at the Last Supper. Legend has it that the Holy Grail has the power to purify all evil." The priest nodded.

I started to worry, this Holy Grail is a legendary divine object, where can I find it?

However, I underestimated the power of the Vatican. The priest told me that the Holy Grail had been recovered as early as the Knights Templar's Eastern Crusade and had been stored safely in the most heavily guarded warehouse in the Vatican.

Only cardinal-level figures can enter this warehouse. As he spoke, he turned up the black coat covering his clothes, and found a red robe underneath. It turned out that he was a cardinal!

I immediately became excited and asked the priest to lend him the Holy Grail. I promised to return it to him after using it. The priest shook his head and sighed for a while, looked at Mark and said: "Back then, Paul and I failed to prevent the Bloody Gold Cup from reappearing in the world. Now that Mark is encountering such great difficulties, I have to do anything to help. I will rush back to the Vatican tomorrow. , bring you the Holy Grail, but you can only use it for one night."

The priest was afraid that I would lose the Holy Grail, so he took out a pen and paper from his briefcase and wrote a contract on the spot for me to sign. I know that Europeans are like this. They have to create a written document for everything big or small, so he followed the Romans and signed his name on it. .

After the meal, the priest took his leave. He had to catch a plane, so Mark gave him a ride.

I went to see Sophia's condition. Her mental state was quite stable, but she was confused and unresponsive. I asked Yin Xinyue and Wei Yu to help her take a bath and change into clean clothes.

I kept my ears open to listen to what was going on in the next room. I had to keep Sophia safe before Mark came back.

At this time, the hotel waiter called and asked if you wanted a midnight snack? I stopped by at night to discuss it with the priest. I didn’t eat much, so I ordered one. After a while, the waiter pushed a cart with pizza and red wine in it.

Yin Xinyue has been getting back into shape after giving birth and never eats at night, so I called Li Mazi over to eat together.

The pizza was topped with small sausages and tomatoes, which looked very appetizing, but when I took a bite, I tasted a disgusting smell of rotten meat. When I looked up, I saw that it was covered with human internal organs, eyeballs, and blood clots. The layer of cheese was a piece of rotten human skin. I was so disgusted that I rushed into the bathroom and vomited.

After I came back, I saw Li Mazi still eating human skin pizza with gusto. I shouted, "Damn it, you can eat this too!" I slapped the pizza out of his hand, and the pizza fell to the ground. Normal.

Li Mazi asked in confusion: "Brother Zhang, what's wrong with you? Are you possessed by an evil spirit?"

I rubbed my temples. Was it all an illusion just now? But this hallucination was too realistic. I took another look at the wine in the glass. The color was obviously wrong. When I put it under my nose and smelled it, I realized it was blood.

Li Mazi was getting drunk with his own cup. I asked him, "Is that wine you're drinking?"

"Yes, it tastes really good!" Li Mazi replied.

Yin Xinyue saw that I was startled and deceitful, so she came over and asked me what was going on. This was really a bit strange. I wonder what evil spirit was so bold and dared to attack me!

And this is a bit unjustifiable. My resistance to this type of illusion is much higher than that of ordinary people. Li Mazi is usually the one who gets tricked first...

I suddenly felt wet and hot on my pants. When I lowered my head, I saw that my pocket was bleeding. I took out my mobile phone and it was covered with warm blood. I asked Yin Xinyue: "Did you see blood?"

Yin Xinyue shook her head: "Husband, why are you acting strange tonight? Don't scare me."

I recited a few spells to dispel the illusion, and everything returned to normal. I turned on my phone and found that the app had new updates, and a line popped up on it: "I know what you did last night!"

There is a strange female face vaguely in the black background.

I was shocked. The Yin spirit was actually talking to me through the app. This really refreshed my understanding. Just when I was stunned, the line of letters suddenly disintegrated and automatically formed another sentence——

"Let's finish the game!"

I yelled into my phone: "What do you want?"

The line of words and the woman's face suddenly disappeared, and there was only a bloody clock on the entire screen, which made me confused.

I had a vague premonition that something would happen once the hands on the clock reached twelve o'clock. After a while, Mark came back and everyone went to rest, but I felt uneasy and kept looking at my phone.

Looking at the sleeping Yin Xinyue next to me, I thought that if the vampire queen came to find me, the people around me would also suffer. The opponent this time is unprecedented, and I don’t want Yin Xinyue to be involved in danger again.

So I quietly put on my clothes, took the guy and left the hotel.

I walked to a square and saw a sculpture of St. John standing here. The sculpture was holding a Bible in one hand and a cross in the other hand while preaching.

Legend has it that St. John is the most loyal disciple of Jesus. After Jesus was killed, he continued to preach in the world. Finally, he was nailed to the cross again by the Roman tyrants. When he was dying, he was taken to heaven by a group of angels.

Although there is no such thing as incense abroad, I looked at it with my yin and yang eyes and saw a faint golden light on the sculpture of St. John.

I took out a few talismans and set up a simple defensive array on the ground, calling out Oyu, so that if I was confused by the illusion later, she could remind me immediately.

I sat cross-legged in the center of the circle, with my back against the sculpture of St. John, and my eyes kept staring at the clock on my phone.

Oudama was so bored that she jumped on the Bible in St. John's hand and dozed off. Although she was a foreign god, she couldn't be so disrespectful. I was about to call her down, and suddenly the ground around me It started to vibrate.

Then blood poured out from the cracks in the floor!

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