Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,125 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

The blood on the ground soon spread throughout the square, as if it was about to drown me. Only my magic circle was not stained by blood. I knew that the magic talisman alone was useless. It was the divine power of St. John that was at work!

I asked Oudama if these were illusions? She jumped down from the statue, put a little blood on her hands and shouted, "It's true, bad brother!"

I looked around, and suddenly big bubbles popped up in the vast lake of blood, and then four knights on horseback emerged from it. These knights, including their men and horses, were all covered in thick armor. There is a blood rose painted on the position, which is probably their family emblem, and they are holding spears, swords, axes, crossbows and other weapons.

The four knights kept circling around the magic circle. It was obvious that they were also afraid of St. John's power. I thought to myself that since I didn't dare to come in, let's do it. Let's do it until dawn.

At this moment, my phone suddenly shook. I looked down and saw a line of text on it: "Defeat my Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, or your friends will die!"

What, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

I remember it was said in the Bible that when the end of the world comes, knights riding four horses, white, red, black and green, will come to the world. They will bring war, famine, plague and death to mankind, so that Humanity is headed for destruction.

The four horsemen in front of them are indeed riding horses of these four colors, but they are definitely not the real four horsemen of the apocalypse. They are probably four knights loyal to the vampire queen, deliberately dressed like this to intimidate the enemy.

At this time, the two knights suddenly turned their horses and ran towards the hotel!

I gritted my teeth, this queen was so despicable, she even used Yin Xinyue and the others to threaten me. I wanted to call Li Mazi, but the phone didn't respond at all, and even pressing the power button didn't work.

The words on the phone automatically changed again: "If you want to challenge the Queen's authority, you must first prove your strength!"

I gritted my teeth and said to Oyu: "One person versus one person!"

"No, they look so scary. I can't deal with them. Goodbye." As he said this, Otama was about to dive into the gourd, but I grabbed him and threw him towards one of the knights. The knight's attention was diverted and he immediately swung his giant sword and slashed at her.

Oudama turned into a point of light and was chased around in the sky by the knight.

I stepped out of the magic circle, and my leather shoes were immediately soaked with blood on the ground. The spear knight galloped wildly, pointing the spear in his hand at my chest.

The spears used by medieval knights were more than two meters long. My double swords were only suitable for close combat. It was ridiculous to use them against spears!

But the current situation doesn't allow me to hesitate. I don't know how long I can hold off another knight. If two knights attack me at the same time, I will only be cut!

Seeing the knight rushing towards me, I dodged to the side and used my mind to control the invisible needle to stab him, but the knight was covered in armor and wrapped tightly, and he bounced back after being stabbed several times.

I saw an opportunity and let the invisible needle fly into the eye hole of his helmet. Through the picture transmitted into my mind, I clearly felt that his eyeball was pierced. The knight's eyes were blinded by me, but it had no effect on him.

I was at a loss and could only keep dodging. It would be great if I had the Sirius Whip in my hand. Every inch is longer and every inch is stronger!

At this time, I noticed a bundle of nylon rope around the sculpture and immediately ran towards it. At this time, the knight stabbed me from behind.

I rolled on the spot to avoid the shot, and at the same time grabbed the rope and swung it out, instantly catching the knight's head. He galloped on his horse, dragging me around the sculpture. There was a wave of blood under my feet. I knew that if I was dragged down, I might be dragged to death.

The knight obviously had the same plan. He reined in the horse and prepared to run towards the other side of the square. Taking advantage of the brief opportunity, I tightly wrapped the other end of the rope around the leg of the statue of St. John. When the horse started running, it suddenly jerked up and the knight in armor fell from it. .

The horse that lost its owner ran a few steps and suddenly fell to the ground. It turned out to be a pile of horse bones.

I rushed forward quickly and opened several holes in the knight's body with my two swords. The Yin Qi lingering on his body slowly dissipated. I opened his mask and found that underneath was a blond man with glasses. He had been dead for a long time and was in the state of a shriveled mummy. There was a sign hanging on the neck of the mummy. I pulled it out and saw that it read "Art" Tom, a game developer at the Electric Company.”

It turns out that this knight is the one who awakened the golden cup. It seems that the so-called four knights of the apocalypse were summoned using living people as sacrifices.

Weiyu shouted: "Bad brother, I can't stop you anymore, I'll leave it to you!" Then it turned into a white light and flew back into the gourd.

The knight holding the huge sword turned his horse to deal with me. I bit my middle finger, dripped my blood on the swords, and whispered a few spells. The two swords glowed with dark green light and flew towards the knight, spinning. Attack him.

The knight had to concentrate on dealing with the two swords, and the horse was still running. I lifted the spear on the ground. This spear was really heavy, weighing more than thirty kilograms at least. I tried my best to lift it up and aim it at the knight's chest.

It was too late when the knight noticed. The inertia of the sprint made him stabbed by a spear like a candied haws. The moment the spear pierced his body, he actually swung his giant sword to chop me, and I quickly rolled aside.

The tail of the spear rubbed against the ground for a while, and then suddenly hit a raised brick, lifting the knight's body from the horse. The horse under his hips turned into a pile of bones and scattered on the ground while running.

The spear itself does not have the power to exorcise evil spirits. Although the knight's body was penetrated, he still insisted on attacking me.

I took back my two swords and fought him hand to hand. The giant sword was obviously not suitable for close combat and could not touch me at all, but I opened more than a dozen wounds on him!

The knight knelt on the ground with a slumped voice, and the Yin Qi from his body drifted away.

I thought it was over, but the two groups of Yin Qi ran in the same direction at the same time, which was a cathedral. I thought badly, there are many cemeteries in European churches, and the ghost of the knight is still there, and he must be looking for another corpse to possess him!

I ran after the two groups of Yin Qi. When they were about to rush into the church, they were suddenly blocked by a golden light and were instantly extinguished. I looked up and saw that there were sculptures of Jesus and the Twelve Apostles carved on the front wall of the church. It turned out that these evil spirits could not invade God's territory.

The blood in the square slowly flowed back into the cracks in the stones, and my mobile phone returned to normal. Li Mazi called and asked anxiously where I was. Sophia suddenly woke up just now and slashed at them with a knife. Fortunately, no one was injured.

I asked Li Mazi to protect Yin Xinyue, and I rushed back immediately. Just when I was about to hang up the phone, Li Mazi suddenly screamed: "What the hell is this!" and the call ended.

It must have been the knights. Even in the middle of the night, I couldn't stop the car, so I ran as fast as I could toward the hotel...

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