Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,126 The bloody battle on the rooftop

I rushed back to the hotel and found that all the glass walls outside the lobby on the first floor were broken. The lobby was in a mess. Several waiters were hiding behind the counter and calling the police. He was startled when he saw me running in, and then I noticed that there was blood all over my body.

I showed my room card, and a waiter who knew English told me that a "terrorist" on horseback had just rushed in and they had called the police!

This knight was so strong that he rode a horse and rushed directly into the hotel. I immediately came to the floor where Yin Xinyue was. There was a waiter who was trampled over in the corridor. He fell to the ground and moaned. I saw that he was not seriously injured. I didn't care about him anymore.

I rushed back to the room and saw that the door was wide open, the room was in a mess, the bed and the wall were covered with crossbow arrows, but everyone disappeared.

I called Oyu out and went to look for the people separately. Oyu was much faster than me and quickly told me with his mind that they were on the rooftop.

I quickly ran to the rooftop, and before I even opened the door, I heard Mark shouting: "Sofia, stop!"

I rushed out and took a look. I don’t know when Sophia had put on a glamorous red dress again. She was holding a piece of broken glass in her hand. Blood was leaking between her fingers. She was holding Yin Xinyue’s hair with one hand and holding the broken glass against her fingertips. on her neck.

Behind her stood a tall knight, and Mark and Li Mazi could only stare.

As soon as I appeared, the knight rushed towards me. I called Odama. She turned into white light and flew towards the knight. The knight shot her several times with his crossbow. I stepped on the air conditioner next to me and jumped. Get up and strike directly at the knight's vital points with both swords!

The knight blocked with his other hand, and I slapped his helmet off. I was stunned for a moment when I saw the face below. It turned out to be Dr. Paul. Unfortunately, his face was severely decayed, with large areas of gums exposed, and his eyes were glowing red.

"Father...Father! Why are you here?" Mark was shocked.

"He is not your father, he was just used as a sacrifice by the queen." After I finished speaking, I was pushed hard by the knight and rolled on the spot before I could stabilize my body.

The knight tightened the reins, and the horse stood tall and stepped towards me with its front hooves. I rolled to the side, and a few pieces of concrete on the ground were crushed. Then he reached down and pulled the crossbow to shoot me.

Oudama jumped on his horse and attacked him several times quickly. Oudama's attacks didn't do much damage to him, they just distracted him.

I put the two knives in my hands and used them as throwing knives, aiming at the knight's face and throwing them. Unexpectedly, the knight grabbed Oudama with one hand and used her body to resist my flying knife.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

I desperately ordered Mo Xie, the general who lives in the double sword, to kill ghosts and gods very well. Once I hit Wei Yu, I'm afraid her soul will fly away. Just when the tip of the knife was about to touch Oyu's back, Ganjiang Moye received the order and fell straight to the ground.

The knight threw Odama away and landed heavily on me. We both rolled to the ground.

I took the tail jade back, and as soon as I got up, I saw the knight galloping on his horse, picking up Sophia and Yin Xinyue from the ground and putting them on the horse, and then jumped down from the edge of the rooftop.

I shouted Yin Xinyue's name and ran over sadly and angrily until I saw the horse disappearing into the woods.

Suddenly my cell phone rang. I took it out and saw a line of text on it: "I want to take away my sacrifice. The other woman is your punishment!"

I cursed so hard and threw the phone on the ground that the screen cracked.

When Sophia was taken away and Dr. Paul's body appeared, Mark was greatly shocked. He was completely stunned.

Li Mazi came over to comfort me for a while, and then went to comfort Mark for a while, seemingly in a dilemma.

After a while, the police came, and Li Mazi explained what happened to them. I listened and asked, "Only one knight came?"

"Yeah, one is enough, how many more can come?" Li Mazi scolded.

"Oops!" I slapped my thigh. The other knight must have gone to the priest, and the queen wanted to stop him from bringing the Holy Grail of Jesus.

Why is the Queen so well-informed? I suddenly realized where I had overlooked something. Yes, the Bloody Golden Cup is integrated with the Internet and can be said to be pervasive. The Queen naturally knows all our movements, where Mark’s father is buried, and her relationship with Yin Xinyue.

After the police left, I asked Mark and Li Mazi to stop taking their mobile phones and follow me to the rooftop. I explained the matter on the rooftop, and both of them were extremely shocked.

After returning to the house, Mark quickly contacted the priest, but no one answered the phone. We all had an ominous premonition!

Mark made more than a dozen calls in a row. What happened that night made us sleepless. Li Mazi went downstairs to buy a few bottles of wine and some nuts to go with the wine. After a few glasses of wine, the thought of Yin Xinyue's life or death was uncertain. , thinking of Fanfan, I hugged my face and started crying.

Li Mazi enlightened me: "Brother, think on the bright side. The Queen is arresting the younger siblings to blackmail you, so the younger siblings' lives will not be in danger for the time being, and we still have a chance."

"Blackmail?" I wondered for a while: "What does the queen want from me? Now the priest's whereabouts are unknown, and the only Holy Grail that can deal with her will not come."

"I think she is probably a little afraid of you." Li Mazi said.

Li Mazi's words inspired me. I tried to think from the queen's perspective. What does she want most? To be young, beautiful, and praised by others, of course all of this must be based on one foundation, that is, she must have a physical body.

Could it be that she absorbed so much virgin blood just to return to the earth? But this is an act against nature and will inevitably be punished by heaven.

In other words, she was at her most vulnerable when she was being punished by heaven. She was afraid that I would step in, so she tried to thwart me at every turn!

Thinking of this, I couldn't sit still anymore, stood up and said, "I'm going to stop her now!"

Li Mazi shook his head and said, "No, you have to rest. Look at what you are like now. You are no match for her. Let's go after some sleep and go during the day."

I was exhausted physically and mentally from this night of torment, but when I thought about Yin Xinyue falling into the Queen's hands, I couldn't possibly sleep peacefully, and I had to go no matter what.

I have made up my mind and no one can stop me. Li Mazi said angrily: "We have experienced so many storms and waves in these years. As the saying goes, we can always turn danger into safety. Do you have to be so irrational? What are you doing? You're dying in vain, I won't care about you if you continue to make trouble!"

As he said that, he slammed the door and left. Mark was about to persuade him, but I snorted coldly: "Love comes or goes. Without this burden, I feel relaxed."

So Mark and I got in the car and were about to go to the castle again. Mark took out a small bottle of white granules from the car, which is a refreshing smelling salt. I inhaled a little and immediately felt refreshed and exhausted, but the effect of this smelling salt only lasted a few hours.

This thing is not considered a drug, but it is not something you can buy in ordinary pharmacies. I asked him where he got it, and Mark said, "I know some friends who do special business."

Italy is the birthplace of the Mafia. Is it possible that he still knows the Mafia? I was in a hurry to save people right now, so I didn't ask further.

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