Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,127 The invisible needle shows its power! (Additional update)

When daylight was about to break, the old castle appeared in front of us. At this time, the wind was strong and a red mist arose, completely depriving us of our vision.

Mark pointed at the rearview mirror and shouted: "Zhang, look!"

I saw a knight holding a giant ax chasing out of the red mist. The horse actually ran faster than the Maserati. The distance between us was constantly shortening.

I asked Mark to speed up and rolled down the window, letting the invisible needle fly out. The physical bodies of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are just four corpses. I can't cause any substantial damage to them, so this time I only attack the horse's legs.

The horse was running very fast, and its four legs were like phantoms. It took me all my concentration to let the invisible needle hit its knee. The horse neighed, suddenly broke forward, and turned into white horse bones on the ground after it landed.

I thought I had gotten rid of the knight, but I didn't expect that there was a sudden heavy sound on the roof of the car, and the knight actually jumped into the car. Then a sharp ax struck the roof of the car. The sharp blade was only a few centimeters away from Mark's head. Mark screamed in fright.

"Open the skylight!" I shouted, while manipulating the invisible needle to attack the joints of the knight's hands.

The knight was stabbed, stopped attacking the car, and waved his hands desperately to drive away the invisible needle. Taking this opportunity, I stood up from my seat and exposed my head from the skylight. The knight saw me and slashed at me with an axe. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would have been beheaded.

I was furious. The so-called Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were just four foreign underworld soldiers. They were bullying me too!

I took out a medium-sized spiritual talisman from my arms and threw it over. The talisman automatically attached itself to the knight. He seemed to be electrocuted. The yin energy on his body collided fiercely with the yang energy of the spiritual talisman, causing his body to tremble violently.

Taking this opportunity, I jumped on the roof of the car and stood on the roof of the speeding car. This was a scene I had only seen in Hollywood blockbusters. My heart was pounding, but I knew that if I didn't fight hard now, there would be no chance of winning!

I kicked the knight on the waist, trying to kick him off. Unexpectedly, this guy's body was so heavy that he couldn't move at all.

The Yin Qi in the blood mist is constantly gathering and injecting into the knight's body. This is the queen cheering for her servant. The knight roared and broke free from the shackles of the talisman. He picked up the ax with both hands and chopped off the head.

I dodged sideways, drew out my swords and started fighting with him, but this place was too close to the castle, and the Yin Qi was constantly supporting the knight. I could hurt him, but I couldn't knock him off the car.

Mark shouted from below: "Zhang, come down quickly!"

I looked back and saw that there was a cliff, so I quickly jumped back into the car through the sunroof. Mark slammed his foot on the brake, and the car stopped on the edge of the cliff. The knight was thrown out under the action of inertia and fell directly down the cliff.

Mark was about to turn the car around when he saw the knight climbing up from the edge of the cliff, lifting the front of the car with both hands, and lifting the entire car.

Mark suddenly took out a pistol and fired several shots at the knight, but the bullets did no harm to him. The knight lifted the car higher and higher and pushed us towards the cliff.

I bit my middle finger open, smeared the blood on the invisible needle, formed a seal on my hands that could enhance the power of the magic weapon, and mobilized all my strength to prick him with the invisible needle!

Under the double blessing, the invisible needle became extremely powerful, piercing the joints of the knight's hands to pieces. With a violent shock, the car fell back to the ground, and the weight of the car body actually crushed the knight's hands.

Mark stepped on the accelerator and drove it off the cliff.

We both had lingering fears. It always felt a little weird for Mark, a gentle guy like him, to hold a pistol. Mark said he bought it for self-defense. Firearms are legal in Europe, and having a gun is as common as having a bicycle in China.

I told him to leave the gun in the car, because the bullets have no effect on the ghosts, and the queen will create hallucinations, and his gun will probably hurt one of his own people.

Mark was a little reluctant, probably because he felt insecure without holding something in his hands. So I gave him two things, one was the jade pendant, which I had cleaned out the Yin Qi, and the other was a jade knife, the ruthless knife I got from the twelve dead animals last time.

I have already dealt with this jade sword. It was used to kill concubines in the past. It contains the resentful spirits of many concubines. The queen on the bloody golden cup is a demon who harms young women. The two evil objects are exactly the same as each other. Don’t deal with it!

However, the Jueqing Knife has its own special effects, and it would be bad if it was accidentally scratched. So I sealed the blade with beeswax in advance and gave it to Mark as a self-defense prop. It should be better than the mahogany sword.

The surrounding blood mist still hadn't dissipated. Mark carefully drove the car under the castle. We got out of the car, picked up the guy and rushed towards the castle on the top of the hill.

After walking up for a while, we gradually left the height shrouded in blood mist. Mark suddenly pointed upward and shouted: "Sophia!"

Sophia was seen hanging from the tower with her hands tied, and her body was covered with bruises. The rope suddenly broke, and Sophia fell down and fell to the ground, splashing a large pool of blood.

Mark ran over wailing uncontrollably. I grabbed him and at the same time pierced Sophia's body with an invisible needle several times. Mark was shocked and said: "Zhang, what are you doing?"

I picked up a ball of spiritual power in my right hand, slapped his Tianling Cap, and asked him to look at what was on the ground again.

There was a pile of bones lying on the ground, he was still wearing tattered clothes, and a hole had been made in his skull by an invisible needle. This is the ghost released by the queen, trying to plot against us. Do you want to hide this from me with such a small trick?

I told Mark to follow me closely after entering the castle. This is the territory of the Vampire Queen. Don’t act rashly if you see anything. Mark nodded.

Although it is daytime now, as soon as I step into the castle, I feel very eerie, with no light coming in at all. Legend has it that the queen once entertained a group of dark witches here. Perhaps this castle was deliberately designed to be hidden from the sun because vampires hate sunlight.

My cell phone rang again, and a line of text popped up on it: "Congratulations on entering my castle, you have one minute to climb the tower, otherwise your wife will die!"

I looked up and saw that the spiral stone staircase seemed to have no end. The height of the tower was probably higher than twenty stories.

Although I knew the Queen was playing tricks on me, Yin Xinyue was in her hands, so I had to give in, so I told Mark to hurry up. At this time, there was a lot of negative energy around us, and many maid ghosts emerged from the shadows, attacking us with knives, silver plates and other things in their hands.

I shouted "Run!" and climbed up with Mark. The ghosts were floating and catching up with us very quickly.

After I called Wei Yu out to cut them off, Wei Yu was a bully and was more aggressive than anyone else. When he saw these little monsters, he was so excited that he waved his sharp claws and scattered them all.

Although the rear was handed over to Otama, there were still Yin spirits running out to stop us along the way, and even a skeleton suddenly hung down in mid-air and clawed at us. These Yin spirits were not of high levels, so I directly used invisible needles to attack us. Open the way ahead.

I finally made it to the tower within a minute, and I was almost out of breath. There was a wooden door in front of me. I pushed it open hard, but what I saw in front of me shocked me...

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