Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,128 The Queen Arrives

There was a long table covered with white tablecloth in the room. Under the candlelight, there were many delicious dishes, such as roasted suckling pig, cheese ice cream, honeydew melon, etc., which made me greedy.

A line of text appeared on my mobile phone: "Eat everything on the table and I will let you see your wife."

Damn, this queen is really full of tricks, but of course I wouldn't dare to eat a table of delicious food in such a gloomy old castle. So I opened my eyes, and as expected, the table was full of bloody human organs.

I said to Mark: "Let's go and ignore her!"

The phone rang, and the words on it automatically changed: "If you don't follow my game rules, your wife will die!"

I gritted my teeth, even if Mark and I could work hard and eat as much as we could, we wouldn't be able to finish such a large table of 'delicious food'.

I suddenly remembered that I had a few ghost bags given to me by men in T-shirts, so I took them all out. The names of various ghosts were written on them by category. I picked out a bag with "Starving Ghost" written on it and opened it. , several skinny Yin spirits immediately ran out, lying on the table and eating like crazy.

I don’t know what ingredients were added to these foods. Those hungry ghosts kept eating, and their stomachs got bigger and bigger, and finally burst. But they are spirit bodies, and it is not a big deal if their intestines are pierced. They are eating from the top and leaking from the bottom. What goes in from the mouth is food, and what falls to the ground is eyeballs, livers, intestines and other things. Mark saw this In one scene, I covered my mouth and went to the side to vomit. Even I felt very sick.

Soon the hungry ghosts swept away all the food. I recited a few salvation sutras and let them go. However, Europe is a bit far away from China, and I don’t know whether they will return to the underworld in China or report to the hell in the West.

A line of text appeared on the phone: "Just trying to be clever, but you will pass!"

Then the door directly in front of the table opened with a bang. Mark and I walked through the door. Behind it was a long corridor with locked iron doors on both sides. The screams of girls kept coming from behind the iron doors.

Mark was frightened when he heard this. He peeked through an iron door and told me that there was only a white skeleton inside.

These rooms were probably used by the queen to torture those girls. Thousands of years have passed, and the ghosts of these girls are still lingering. I want to wait until this trip is over to perform a ritual in this castle to save these poor girls.

A butler wearing a wig appeared at the end of the corridor. He was naturally a ghost. He bowed deeply to us and led us in one direction.

Mark and I exchanged glances and decided to follow it!

We came to a room, and the housekeeper bent down in front of the door and disappeared. Pushing the door open, it turned out to be a small church. In the past, nobles often built a small church in their castle and hired a priest in order to worship without leaving home. This was considered the highest level of residence.

There are rows of benches on both sides of the church, with many people in black wearing pointed hats sitting on them. They are all girls who were lured here by the game. Each of the people in black clasped their hands and murmured in Hungarian. What are you wearing?

There is an altar directly in front, with a bloody gold cup placed on it, which is filled with blood. There was also a cross nailed to the wall, but it was upside down.

Mark suddenly became emotional and kept making the sign of the cross on his chest, shouting: "This is a blasphemous ritual, a black mass!"

"Black Mass?"

I have read in some novels that this is a secret ritual of worshiping Satan. Westerners are relatively single-minded in their beliefs. Ordinary people worship God, while evil heretics all worship Satan.

On the left and right sides of the altar, there are objects as tall as one person, covered with black cloth. I don’t know what they are.

As we approached, the ghost of a noble lady actually appeared behind the altar. She held a golden cup and took a sip of the blood inside. Two bloody fangs were exposed at the corners of her mouth. She smiled seductively and said, "The most beautiful wine in the world. Nothing like the blood of a virgin!”

This charming lady was the vampire queen whom I met once that night. I drew out my two swords and said: "Queen, hand over Yin Xinyue quickly, or I will make you never reincarnate!"

The vampire queen chuckled and wiped the blood from her lips gracefully: "Don't worry, you can only have fun if you abide by the rules of the game!"

After that, the two pieces of black cloth fell down automatically. When I saw what was inside clearly, I couldn't help but stare.

They were two iron boxes as tall as one person, with heads cast in the shape of the Virgin Mary. The iron boxes could be opened from the middle, and the interior was densely covered with long iron nails.

This is the legendary torture device - the iron maiden. Once a person is stuffed in and the lid is closed, the person inside will be pierced by thousands of iron nails until they bleed out and die!

In each of the two iron maidens is a man in black with his hands tied, wrapped tightly from head to end. I suddenly realized that one of them was Yin Xinyue, and I immediately became furious and wanted to cut the queen into pieces.

But with Yin Xinyue in her hand, I didn't dare to act rashly, so I could only grit my teeth.

The Queen put down the golden cup and said with a smile: "You choose one of them to die, and you can take the one who survives with you."

Mark got excited and said loudly: "Are these two people Sophia and Mrs. Zhang?"

"Noo! No! No!" The queen shook her head and said, "One of them is Mrs. Zhang, and the other is an insignificant person. I will not play games with my precious sacrifice."

She said to me again: "Take your pick, you only have one minute, otherwise we both die together!"

I clenched my fists loudly. The two women were about the same size in terms of body shape and height, and both of them were gagged, unable to make any sound. Seeing that the time was coming, I knelt on the ground feebly and cried, and shouted to the Queen: "I will revenge you at all costs!"

The queen looked at me with her charming eyes: "I don't care, you were the one who provoked me first!"

Mark also begged her for mercy, saying that he could give her his entire family fortune, and just asked her to let Yin Xinyue go. I said loudly: "No, Mark, don't beg for mercy from this kind of woman, we haven't lost yet!"

"You haven't lost yet?" The queen came to me with noble steps: "Your friend has left you, and your wife's life is hanging by a thread. What qualifications do you have to challenge me. But you are pretty good-looking, and in my lover There has never been a handsome oriental boy here, as long as you are willing to submit to me, I can give you eternal life!"

After saying that, she opened her fangs and slowly bit my throat.

I suddenly showed a sneer: "Li Mazi, it's time to take action!"

"Smelly bitch, taste the blood of our Chinese black dogs!"

Li Mazi suddenly appeared behind me and threw a whole bottle of black dog blood at the Queen's face. Her face instantly melted like wax. She covered her face and screamed: "My face, my face!"

Then she shouted in a deep, vicious voice: "Kill these people!"

The men in black suddenly stood up from the bench, pulled out their daggers in unison, and the two iron maidens slowly closed together. I quickly threw the ghost-killing knives to the left and right, blocking their mechanisms, and I followed Li Mazi to the left. Ichiright rescued the people inside.

What Li Mazi saved was a foreign girl with blond hair and blue eyes. He wiped some oil on her butt by the way, and it was Yin Xinyue who I saved. I took off the rag from her mouth, and Yin Xinyue immediately put her head on my chest. Li started to cry loudly, and I comforted her softly: "It's okay, it's okay."

The queen and the blood-stained golden cup on the table disappeared, and the room full of girls came towards us. At this moment, an old man suddenly rushed in, holding a cup full of water in his hand, and he poured it out at everyone he saw.

The person who came was none other than Father Richard. The girl who was sprinkled with the holy water from the Holy Grail immediately returned to her senses. I was overjoyed. The appearance of the priest was beyond my plan.

Li Mazi said proudly: "How about it, little brother Zhang, you didn't expect me to bring in reinforcements!"

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