Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,129 Black Sun

Mark asked confused: "Zhang, why is Mr. Li here? Didn't you have a quarrel?"

Our quarrel was naturally staged. On the rooftop of the hotel, I quietly told Li Mazi the plan, asked him to prepare some materials, and gave him a sunshade charm. The Vampire Queen is monitoring us all the time through the mobile phone network, putting us in a passive situation. If we want to defeat her, we have to build plank roads openly and cross Chencang secretly!

The appearance of the priest was indeed unexpected. Li Mazi told me that it turned out that the priest was chased by the undead knight on his way here last night with the Holy Grail. But what kind of magic weapon is the Holy Grail? He relied on the power of the Holy Grail to escape death.

But he wasted time on the road, and when he arrived at the hotel, he only saw Li Mazi, so the two of them walked together and entered the castle.

Mark gave a thumbs up after hearing this: "The Chinese's Thirty-six Strategies are so clever! Even I was fooled!"

After speaking, Mark suddenly remembered something and quickly went to check the girls who were subdued by the priest. They were probably looking for Sophia, but Sophia was not among them.

Yin Xinyue said: "Husband, I saw Sophia being taken away by the female devil."

I pondered, if Sophia was just a sacrifice, would the Queen need to put in so much effort? Sophia is young and beautiful. The Queen is a beauty lover by nature. Maybe she wants to be reborn in Sophia's body!

Thinking of this, I quickly called everyone over, and suddenly I found that Li Mazi was hugging the foreign girl, and the foreign girl kept kissing him on the face!

I immediately became furious and kicked him in the butt. Li Mazi fell to the ground with lipstick marks all over his face. I cursed, "Can you have some moral integrity? Believe it or not, I'll tell Teacher Xia when I get back!"

Li Mazi quickly wiped off the lipstick mark with his clothes and said quibbled: "These foreign girls are so open-minded. You don't have to be so exaggerated to thank me for saving her."

I assigned the task and asked the priest and Yin Xinyue to stay here to take care of these girls. I, Li Mazi and Mark took the Holy Grail to deal with the queen.

The priest had no objection to this arrangement, but he told us several times not to lose the Holy Grail, which made my ears calloused.

Li Mazi brought me a large bag of materials. I took out some dulam wheat and gave it to Yin Xinyue, asking her to keep it for self-defense. Then I sprinkled some refined salt around the house.

I took out a blank piece of talisman paper, folded it into the shape of a boat, hung it with a silk thread, dipped it in some virgin blood sprinkled on the desk, and hung it on my finger.

The yin boat quickly pointed in a direction, and the three of us chased there. Although we encountered some yin spirits along the way, we were all in danger. Finally, we came to an open-air balcony surrounding a tower. , with many withered plants on it.

Li Mazi asked: "Don't all vampires die in the light? Why is the queen running here?"

I explained: "Elizabeth is not actually a vampire in the strict sense. A vampire has an immortal body. She is just a ghost spirit at the level of a ghost king..." At this point, I suddenly thought, once reincarnation is successful, what will happen to her? Will he really become a vampire?

"Look at the sky!" Mark shouted.

I saw that the sun was slowly disappearing. I never expected that there would be a solar eclipse today. Chinese and Western cultures are similar in this regard. Once a solar eclipse comes, many demons and evil spirits will come out of hell!

Could it be that the vampire queen has been dealing with us just to delay it until this moment?

At this time, the blood-stained golden cup suddenly appeared on the ground. It continuously spilled blood and soon submerged the entire balcony. The withered flowers and plants on the ground came to life under the nourishment of blood, and bloomed with coquettish red flowers.

I took out an ink fountain from the bag. Li Mazi was really efficient at doing things. You can find something like this in a foreign country. It was already mixed with rooster blood and ink.

I asked Li Mazi to take the ink fountain and block the surrounding area to prevent the Queen from getting out from here. Through previous battles, I discovered a pattern. As long as the Queen uses her magic, she will release a large amount of blood first. This blood is the carrier of her Yin Qi.

Then I took out a bottle of mineral water, poured it into the holy cup, put my index and middle fingers together according to the method taught me by the priest, dipped a little water in and made a cross on the rim of the cup, so that the water inside was blessed and became holy water.

I handed the chalice to Mark and told him to splash it on the ground. Mark held the Holy Grail and poured holy water all the way. As soon as the holy water met the blood on the ground, the two reacted quickly. The Holy Grail contains supreme divine power and quickly washed away the blood. The plants that were splashed turned from a strange bright red color. Returned to normal color.

However, it was a solar eclipse at this time, and the Yin Qi was strong. The ground had just been washed clean, and the blood around it was quickly replenished. If this continues, our holy water will not be enough.

I shouted to Mark: "Don't worry about the blood on the ground, just pour it into the gold cup!"

He stepped on the blood and walked over. Just as he was about to splash it, the gold cup suddenly flew up. Mark chased after him, and Jin Bei kept retreating, as if he was deliberately luring him. I suddenly had a bad feeling and asked Mark to come back quickly.

At this time, the blood behind Mark began to boil, and a tall figure emerged from it. He was one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse who was awakened as a sacrifice to Dr. Paul. He held a crossbow in one hand and a sword in the other.

As soon as Mark saw his father, he was stunned. I rushed over, but the distance between us was too far, and I saw Dr. Paul chop off Mark's head with his sword!

I lost all hope for a moment. Mark subconsciously raised the Holy Grail to block it, and at the same time a golden light glowed on his body. It turned out that the jade pendant was protecting him. The Holy Grail and the power of the jade pendant firmly blocked the sword.

Doctor Paul slashed wildly a few more times, but all were blocked, but the Holy Grail was just a lump of wood. If it got damaged, wouldn't the priest tear me apart?

"Mark, stand down!" I yelled, and at the same time drew out my double sword to attack Dr. Paul from behind.

Doctor Paul turned around, stuck his sword on the ground, stopped my sneak attack, and shot several crossbow arrows at me. I reacted quickly to deflect the crossbow arrows and attacked frantically.

The sword in Doctor Paul's hand is powerful and heavy, and the Yin Qi around him is continuously supporting him, so he and I can only fight at a draw.

At this time, I heard a cry of prayer, and looked up. On the roof of the tower, which is also the highest place in the entire castle, Sophia was lying on the ground, and the Queen was kneeling in front of her, reciting ancient mysteries toward the black sun. mantra. There was a dark wind surrounding them, and Sophia's red skirt kept rolling in the wind, as if a flame was burning.

Mark shouted: "Sofia, I'm coming!" and started to climb up the stairs.

I was entangled with Dr. Paul and couldn't escape. I was afraid that Mark would be in danger, so I shouted to Mazi Li: "Hurry and help him!"

I was so anxious that I used my special skills, each attack became more powerful, hoping to end the battle quickly.

But Dr. Paul couldn't kill him no matter how hard he tried. At this moment, Mark screamed and fell off the ladder. Mazi Li ran over quickly. I thought Li Mazi was going to save him, but I didn’t expect that Li Mazi suddenly strangled Mark’s neck!

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