Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1133 Cobra Bracelet

After we went out, we got into a car. The bald man kept chatting with us all the way. His manner and manner were very gentlemanly, which made me gradually develop a good impression of the Mafia. But as the car drove further and further into the countryside, Li Mazi asked me worriedly in Chinese: "Brother Zhang, will these people take us to the wilderness and kill us?"

At this time, an open space appeared in front of him. There was a private helicopter parked in the open space. The bald man explained: "It's a long way to go to Sicily, and it's too troublesome to book a flight, so I borrowed my godfather's private plane. I don't know, Mr. Zhang Can you get used to sitting?"

I smiled and said, "I'm used to sitting! I've done it many times."

The layout on the helicopter is simple and the journey is smooth. Without the roar of the propeller overhead, it would be no different from riding in a car.

Two hours later, the helicopter landed slowly on the island. In front of it was an elegant villa. The big bald man led us all the way forward. Every few steps along the way, there would be a man in black carrying a submachine gun. It seemed that the guards here were really tight. .

We stopped on the second floor of the villa and knocked on the door a few times. An old voice inside said: "Come in!"

After opening the door, I found a pink boudoir with bears and Barbie dolls hanging everywhere. An old man in simple clothes was sitting in front of the bed. Lying on the bed was a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. The old man was holding the girl's hand. His hands were tightly knitted with thick eyebrows.

If I had met this old man on the street, I would never have guessed that he was the current Godfather of the Mafia.

When the old man saw us strangers, he showed some doubts in his eyes. The bald man quickly chatted with him in Italian. The old man immediately stood up, shook my hand and said, "Hello friends from the East, call me Lao Wei." Just ask me, I believe anyone who can defeat the devil and the vampire queen must have extraordinary strength."

The bald man probably said this just to boost my reputation, so naturally I had to be modest and said, "Can I check on the lady's condition?"


The godfather asked his servants to bring a chair. As soon as I got close to the sleeping girl, I felt a yin energy lingering on her body, and the area on her right arm was particularly strong. It felt like a black mist was shrouding her.

She wore a strange bracelet on her right wrist. It was made of pure gold and shaped like a cobra with its head and tail attached. Although it looked old, the paint on it was still as bright as new.

I asked my godfather: "Where did you buy this bracelet?"

The godfather replied: "It was given to my little girl at her birthday party a month ago, but there was no name written on the gift box. After she opened the box, my little girl liked it very much and has been wearing it on her hand..."

I examined the bracelet and told the godfather that it was an ancient Egyptian item and that it must have come from the royal family. In ancient Egypt, cobras were a symbol of royal power. Only pharaohs would wear cobra crowns on their heads, and ordinary people were not worthy of having them.

The godfather said with great appreciation: "Mr. Zhang is indeed well-informed, so is the little girl's illness related to it?"

I nodded affirmatively: "It's 100% related."

The godfather's eyes suddenly became gloomy, and he said coldly to the bald head: "Immediately check the guest list of the party that day to see if any suspicious guy sneaked in that day!"

The bald man bowed and left. I thought to myself that this godfather really loved his daughter as much as she loved her.

I gathered some spiritual power in my hand to touch the bracelet. Suddenly, the bracelet turned into a black and white cobra, and it opened its fangs and bit me. I was so scared that I quickly retracted my hand.

I thought it was embarrassing now, but my godfather asked, "Can Mr. Zhang see it too?"

I was stunned for a moment and looked around. Neither Li Mazi nor Yin Xinyue saw the illusion just now. It seemed that the godfather, as a friend of Dr. Paul, still had some ability to perceive supernatural phenomena.

The godfather said: "I wanted to take off this bracelet several times, but I was frightened every time! I asked one of his subordinates to do it for me. Unexpectedly, the bracelet was back on the little girl's wrist the next day, and the subordinate also died of ulcers all over his body. , I don’t know what kind of poison I was poisoned with.”

I explained: "Feminine objects will automatically recognize their owners. They must have confirmed their owners. If they are taken away by force, there will be backlash."

At this time, the girl suddenly woke up. Her eyes were extremely white and blue, and there was a black energy between her eyebrows. When she saw me, she suddenly burst into hysterical tears and reached out to grab my face.

I avoided her attack and asked Li Mazi to give me a bottle of holy water. I poured some of it on my hand and slapped her on the forehead.

Holy water contains extremely strong power to exorcise evil, but it will not harm the souls of ordinary people at all. It is much easier to use than my blood essence. The girl shivered as if she had been electrocuted, and the yin energy on her body began to slowly transform. There was actually a charming woman's face overlapping her baby face. I asked, "Who are you!"

The woman gritted her teeth and said something I couldn't understand. I shouted, "Get out of her, or don't blame me for being rude!"

There is a language barrier between us, but I think as a Yin spirit, she should be able to understand what I mean. I poured some more holy water and just held it in my hand. I was threatening her to come out, otherwise I would use force to drive her to pieces.

With a bang, the girl's bracelet automatically fell off and rolled to the floor. Her eyes suddenly became normal and she shouted: "Father!"

The godfather was overjoyed, hugged his daughter, kissed her several times on the face, and then gave me a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Zhang is indeed well-deserved. I can't thank you enough."

"No, no, it's just a little effort..."

Yin spirits bully the weak and fear the strong, so I can drive her away directly. This is also due to my practice these days.

The godfather said irresistibly: "According to our tradition, you have done something for me, and I will do something for you. Mr. Zhang, just tell me what you wish!"

Sure enough, as shown in the movie, the Mafia are all honest people. If you do me a favor, I will definitely return a favor to you. It is precisely because of this that the Mafia will be supported by celebrities.

But I didn’t want anything in particular. Li Mazi tried his best to signal me that he wanted money. He wanted money. I was too lazy to answer him, so I said, “I don’t want anything. According to the rules of femininity merchants, I’ll take the bracelet.” Just leave.”

The godfather said: "Although Mr. Zhang took away the bracelet, I must return the favor."

Then he gave me a private number and said that I could contact him for anything in the future. He also joked that he could do anything for me except that I wanted to run for President of the United States.

I put on my cobra bracelet and said goodbye to my godfather. When I left the villa, Yin Xinyue said: "I didn't expect the Mafia to be so humane! I think this old godfather is so gentlemanly."

Li Mazi joked: "Brother and sister, you didn't see people killing people and setting fires. If you had seen it, I guarantee you wouldn't think so."

I said: "What are you talking about murder and arson? Do you think it's a bunch of young and Dangerous guys? The Mafia is a legal organization in Italy. It will never use its arsenal and killers except when it comes to life and death. I heard that they give it to nearby people on Halloween." Children prepare candies.”

Li Mazi said: "I only care about one thing. We have helped people so much, so asking for a few million euros is not too much, right?"

I rolled my eyes at him: "Look at your potential!"

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