Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,134 Cleopatra

I thought since we are all here, why not spend a few days in Sicily, so I booked a hotel. In the evening we ate in a restaurant by the sea. Outside the window was the sea dyed red by the setting sun. The restaurant was very elegantly decorated, and there was a pianist in a tuxedo playing Chopin's "Nocturne".

I have been looking up information about ancient Egypt on my mobile phone. Yin Xinyue urged me: "The steak is almost cold. Let's go back to the hotel and play with my mobile phone later!"

I closed the phone and told them with a smile: "We will make a lot of money this time in Italy."

Li Mazi became excited: "How much is that bracelet worth?"

"Listen carefully, don't be scared. This is actually not a bracelet, but a neck ring worn by an Egyptian royal woman. And the owner of the neck ring is none other than the famous Queen Cleopatra!"

Li Mazi was shocked: "Are you sure?"

I nodded slightly.

Ancient Egypt has experienced the rule of countless pharaohs. I just compared the collections in major museums around the world and found that this neck ring is a craft of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. The cobra symbolizes royal power, and ordinary women and even nobles are absolutely not allowed to make or wear it. There was only one queen in the entire Ptolemaic dynasty, and that was Cleopatra.

According to legend, Cleopatra was a strange woman with both beauty and wisdom. During her reign, she not only fascinated the men of Egypt, but also managed Egypt in an orderly manner through her strategies.

Even the literary writer Shakespeare called her "the most sexy temptress in the world".

Unfortunately, Egypt was later captured by Rome, and Cleopatra was also imprisoned by Octavian. In order to maintain the dignity of the royal family, she committed suicide with a cobra. This neck ring must have been worn by Cleopatra before her death.

Therefore, the neck ring in front of you has extraordinary value both from the perspective of femininity and archeology!

Since being shocked by me, the Yin spirit in the neck ring has been particularly honest, but to be on the safe side, I sealed it with a few talismans.

We spent three days in Sicily. That night, when we went out to go clubbing, a piece of news was broadcast on TV. The bald man of the famous local Mafia family was shot dead yesterday. His funeral will be held tonight in Sicily. Held at a local church.

The three of us looked at each other in shock. Unexpectedly, the person we had met only two days ago would die. Maybe as a mafia, we will face such a fate anytime and anywhere, right?

Yin Xinyue asked: "Brother Zhang, should we give him a ride?"

I shook my head: "We are going back to China the day after tomorrow, so it's better not to cause trouble."

I returned to the hotel depressed like this. As soon as I walked to the door of the room, I heard a rustling noise coming from the room. Yin Xinyue was so frightened that she wanted to scream. I covered her mouth and whispered to her: "Go find Li Mazi!"

Yin Xinyue nodded, told me to be careful, and went out.

I listened carefully and found that the rustling sound came from the bedroom. The area was of good security, and we lived on the seventeenth floor. I thought the person who came in was not an ordinary thief.

When I cautiously entered the bedroom, I stepped on some dirt, which gave off a foul smell.

When I opened the bedroom door, I saw a tall figure with his back to me. He opened my suitcase and was rummaging around for something.

His hand touched something, and a burning smell immediately rose from his skin, but he still held it tightly in his hand. It was Cleopatra's neck ring!

There is no yang energy in this man, but he can contact the physical body, which means that he is not a Yin spirit, but a living corpse!

I never imagined that someone in faraway Italy could control living corpses. I stabbed him from behind, and the man suddenly turned around. With a ray of moonlight coming in from the window, I saw his face clearly, and it turned out to be a big bald head!

But he was already dead, with pale skin, hollow eyes, and a bloody hole on his forehead.

Just when I was stunned, the big bald man suddenly punched me. He was so powerful that he hit me directly from one end of the bed to the other. I stepped on the wall with my feet, and the ghost-slaying swords in my hands danced with a dazzling dark green light.

The big bald head roared wildly and pounced on me without any plan. I cut more than a dozen wounds on him. The places hit by the ghost-killing swords were immediately burned, but he couldn't feel the pain at all, and instead forced me to We can only retreat...

The room was already small, and I was gradually forced to have no way out. The big bald man did not continue to attack me, and was ready to escape through the door. I stabbed his shoulders with two knives from behind and knocked him to the ground.

He actually made an action that I didn't expect. He opened his mouth and swallowed the neck ring wrapped with the talisman. A puff of green smoke immediately rose from his throat, his belly kept bulging, and the yin and yang qi were colliding fiercely in his body.

At this time, Li Mazi rushed in with a bottle of holy water in his hand. When he saw the enemies struggling on the ground, he immediately shouted: "This...isn't this that guy?"

"His body has been manipulated, pour it on him quickly!" I ordered.

Li Mazi then unscrewed the bottle cap and poured a bottle of holy water on the big bald man. Even if he was the incarnation of the devil, this bottle of holy water could scare him away, but the big bald man had no reaction at all.

"What's going on?" Li Mazi turned the empty bottle over, stuck out his tongue and licked a drop, and cursed: "The taste is wrong, the holy water has been tampered with!"

After Li Mazi finished speaking, he suddenly sat on the ground holding his stomach, with cold sweat pouring down his head, and said with a painful and twisted expression: "Brother... I... I'm poisoned."

At this time, the big bald head suddenly jumped up and stepped on Li Mazi's body to escape. Yin Xinyue stood at the door, holding a desk lamp in her hand. The big bald head was tall and fast. I was afraid that she would be injured, so I shouted at her: "Don't stop him, let him go!"

Yin Xinyue was so frightened that she stepped aside, and her bald head disappeared at the door. Li Mazi was already foaming at the mouth and twitching. What kind of poison was this? How powerful was it?

I was shocked and hateful in my heart. I was shocked that my opponent would poison the holy water. I was disgusted that Li Mazi wanted to die, but he chose to lick it with his tongue!

Yin Xinyue asked worriedly: "Will Li Mazi die?"

Li Mazi's hands and feet began to get cold, and he said inarticulately: "Give... give me a good time."

I really couldn't bear to see him like this, so I took some things out on my body and was surprised to find a few pebbles in my pocket. Then I remembered that it was the jade ointment that the Zhang family gave me last time at Sixiang Mountain.

So I asked Li Mazi to suck one. It is said that the jade ointment is the medicinal residue left by the Yellow Emperor when he made elixirs. The saliva produced by holding it in the mouth has its own medicinal properties and can suppress the poison.

Li Mazi's symptoms had eased, but it still didn't work, so I lightly tapped his shoulders and top of his head with the handle of the ghost-killing knife, and then quickly affixed a talisman to each of these three places. Li Mazi suddenly He stared and stopped moving.

Yin Xinyue was so scared that she covered her mouth: "Husband, did you kill him?"

"No, I just sealed his soul orifice and put him into a state of suspended animation, stopping his physiological functions!"

I asked Yin Xinyue to help lift Li Mazi to the bed. At the moment, I can only take it easy first, and then try to find an antidote to save him.

Who would be careful enough to poison holy water, and I seem to have seen this method before? My thoughts changed, and I suddenly understood that it must be those bastards from Longquan Villa again.

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