Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,136 Soul-Calling Array

The cobra bit the crowd crazily, and those who were bitten immediately fell to the ground, twitching, and foaming at the mouth. Some people panicked and took out pistols and opened fire randomly, only to injure one of their own.

I asked Oyu to keep an eye on the godfather's daughter, and at the same time I used invisible needles to kill snakes whenever I saw them, but I couldn't kill them no matter how many people I saw!

So I pulled out my double knives for killing ghosts and gods, and made a cut directly on my palm. I let Mo Xie suck my essence and blood and fly out. The two knives slashed along the ground, and many snakes were cut into two pieces.

I stood on a bench and yelled, "Get behind me!"

Everyone ran behind me, and I threw my magic charms in all directions to suppress the yin energy in my neck ring, and then used my mind to control the ghost-killing swords to circle in the center of the hall. The two knives flew into two phantoms, forming two layers of barriers, one yin and one yang, to block the snakes inside. The few snakes outside were scattered by me with invisible needles.

Then I dipped a little blood on my hand with the magic talisman and stuck it outside the circle. The circle of cobras seemed to be trapped by an invisible wall and couldn't escape.

I just collected two magic weapons. This operation was very energy-consuming. I was so tired that I was sweating profusely and my calves were shaking. More than a dozen people fell on the ground, all of them with purple faces. I checked one by one and found that five or six of them had died. While they were still struggling, I stuffed a pill of jade ointment into their mouths to temporarily suppress the poison.

"Ah, snake! Snake!"

Odama yelled, and I looked towards her. She was entangled in several cobras and was rolling on the ground. Although she is a spirit body, warm-blooded animals have a natural fear of cold-blooded animals.

I shook a few talismans to scatter the snakes on her body and asked, "Where's the little girl?"

"I don't know, she let a snake bite me and then disappeared." Odama replied innocently.

I felt annoyed and was about to scold her when my godfather came over, escorted by several bodyguards, took off his hat and said to me: "Mr. Zhang, thank you for rescuing everyone. The Mafia family owes you a debt." A huge favor.”

"You're welcome. The lady ran away with the necklace. I have to chase her back." I said.

"Well then, please bring her back safely!" The godfather bowed deeply to me.

I asked Yin Xinyue to stay here so that her godfather could protect her. Yin Xinyue didn't agree at first, but she agreed after my strong request.

Otama and I came to the yard and saw several smashed cars outside and some corpses lying on the ground. Regardless of the number of people or the firepower of this group of assassins, it was impossible to kill the Mafia family. It was more like It's deliberate.

Moreover, the deceased are all Italians. I have a vague feeling that Longquan Villa has colluded with local forces this time, and there must be an ulterior secret hidden behind it!

I asked Oyu to fly to the sky to sense the yin energy. She told me the direction with her mind, and I kept running in that direction. As I ran, I came to an abandoned mill. Oudama was so frightened that he hid behind me because there was a terrifying gloom coming from inside.

I vaguely heard the conversation of three people. One of them had a deep female voice, but it was in Egyptian, which I couldn't understand at all. The other two people turned out to be Chinese.

"I order you, stop, stop!" Then there was a violent beating and screams.

"Fat pig, we can't control this guy, should we think of a way quickly?"

"How many times have I told you, don't call me a fat pig, you stinky monkey!"

Sure enough, it was the two bastards from Longquan Villa. Upon hearing this, Cleopatra's neck ring had gone wild. These two people were assassins after all, not serious merchants of femininity. They couldn't control such powerful femininity at all.

"Bad brother, be careful!"

I suddenly stepped on a thin line on the ground. Odama pulled me from behind. A sharp crossbow arrow shot from the tree on the side and almost hit me.

I thought there was an ambush in the tree, so I quickly took out my invisible needle and shuttled back and forth on the big tree a few times, but there was nothing there. It turned out that this was a trap. The crossbow arrows just shot must not be ordinary crossbow arrows, but poisonous arrows.

At this time, the fat pig and the poisonous monkey ran out of the mill. I quickly hid in the grass. The poisonous monkey said: "My trap has been stepped on, and someone is coming."

"Really? Why didn't I feel it? Could it have been touched by a wild dog?" Fat Pig said.

"You stay here and guard!" Poisonous Monkey ordered.

"Why!" Fat Pig refused to accept.

"Because my ranking is higher than yours!" Poisonous Monkey glared at him fiercely.

Fat Pig stood reluctantly at the door. I was planning in my mind how to deal with these three people at the same time. Although the fat pig is difficult to deal with, he is just a clown and has no lethality; the little girl controlled by Cleopatra cannot distinguish between friend and foe. Although it is difficult, she can still cope with it; the key is the poisonous monkey, his moves are too insidious. He will die if he is hit, and I have to capture him alive to get the antidote for Li Mazi, which is a bit difficult!

I asked Oyu: "Can you see the trap set by the poisonous monkey?"

Oudama moved his tail in the grass and said, "Yes!" Then he reached out and grabbed a piece of yellow grass to play with.

My eyes lit up and I grabbed one. Isn't this Haiying grass? This is a wild vegetable that grows on the seaside. It is said that it is transformed by the souls of the dead in the sea. It is a plant with strong yin.

I heard the sound of waves not far away. That was the sea. Italy was an important hub of the Maritime Silk Road in ancient times. Countless sailors were buried underwater in this sea area. It is better to use local materials and let these innocent souls come to help. I can help!

I used a knife to cut an open space on the ground, drew a simple pattern on it, and sprinkled the crushed seaweed into it. If you want to invite the ghosts here, you have to give me some benefits, such as burning paper money or something, but the fat pig will definitely find me if I burn the paper money.

So I bit my middle finger and dripped a little blood essence into the center of the formation. This meant that I had to sacrifice my life to pray for the soul, but this time I was very unkind and planned to refuse the payment. Anyway, after summoning the ghosts of these sailors, I will leave. How can they still come to China to find me?

As I recited the incantation, the wind blew violently around me, and then countless ghosts floated over from the sea. They were wearing sailor uniforms from different eras, and their bodies were covered with shells and seaweed. There were also many missing arms and legs, and their hands were Carrying rusty weapons.

When Fat Pig saw it, he was shocked and said: "Monkey, monkey, there is something going on outside!"

He took out a watermelon knife, vomited a mouthful of the contents of his stomach, and then started slashing at the dead souls. I also accepted this method of exorcism.

The poisonous monkey ran out, his face turned pale with fright, and then a little girl jumped out of the window behind him, who was the godfather's daughter. It's just that she has the shadow of Cleopatra on her body. She is a stunningly beautiful, sexy and hot woman. No gorgeous words can be used to describe her enchanting beauty. Moreover, she is dressed in a particularly 'cool' way, and only her body is sensitive. The parts were simply covered with gold ornaments.

My heart beat wildly. Is this Cleopatra who has fascinated countless people? It is indeed shockingly beautiful!

Wei Yu hit me with his small fist and said with a bulging mouth: "Look at your appearance, wait until I get back and tell Sister Xinyue."

"Damn it, this is a normal reaction from a man, right?" I replied.

"You're overreacting. Wipe the nosebleed quickly. It's so embarrassing! I'm going to hit you in the chest with my little fist." Oyu said angrily.

Cleopatra became excited when she saw these innocent souls. She attacked them crazily and continuously absorbed the sailors' Yin Qi. The world of Yin Ling is like this, the big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats the shrimp.

The poisonous monkey shouted anxiously: "Don't run around, there are my traps around!"

Unfortunately, Cleopatra did trigger a trap and was shot in the neck with a poisonous needle, which suddenly froze her body.

The fat pig shouted anxiously: "Monkey, are you an idiot?"

"It's okay, I have an antidote here!"

The poisonous monkey ran over, but was slapped away by Cleopatra, and then she continued to fight with the wronged soul. It turned out that although the neck ring was extremely poisonous, it had its own detoxification ability. I felt ecstatic, and now Li Mazi was saved.

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