Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,137 Endless Charm (Additional Update)

The sailor's revengeful ghost couldn't be held back for long, so I used the invisible needle to attack the poisonous monkey directly. Unexpectedly, the fat pig pushed him away with caution and blocked the blow for him.

The fat pig's skin was invulnerable to fire and water, and was invulnerable to weapons and bullets. The invisible needles were bounced out and fell into the grass.

"Flying needles kill people!" Fatty Pig said in shock: "Fuck his grandma, that guy Zhang Jiulin is here!"

The fat pig shouted my name at the top of his lungs. I lay quietly in the grass and continued to manipulate the invisible needle. I don't plan to kill the poisonous monkey, I just plan to cripple him first. It's not certain whether the neck ring can save Li Mazi's life. It is naturally safer to get the antidote from the poisonous monkey.

The invisible needle came and went without a trace. Fat Pig could not guard against it every time. Finally, I got a chance and pierced a hole in Poison Monkey's thigh. He screamed in pain, and Fat Pig shouted: " Monkey, hide in the warehouse first, and I’ll deal with him!”

The poisonous monkey limped into the warehouse, and I thought it would be useless to hide anywhere. Just as he was about to pursue the chase, suddenly a gloomy energy quickly approached. When he looked up, he saw Cleopatra leaping high and flying directly over the grass. Wherever she went, the gloomy wind was strong, and the grass was as large as a strong wind. Fall down, what a powerful evil spirit!

I was shocked, how could Cleopatra come to me all of a sudden, and then I realized that her target was Odama.

Oudama screamed: "It's so scary, don't look for me!" Then she turned around and ran away. Cleopatra chased after her, releasing countless venomous snakes from her body with a flick of her wrist. Cleopatra had just been awakened from a thousand-year slumber. , just like a person who wakes up and wants to eat, he is frantically absorbing the yin energy. The yin energy on Oudama is obviously much more delicious than those of the sailors.

I was about to take the tail jade back when the grass started to rustle and split into two groups like waves, and I saw a black flesh ball rolling out of it. As soon as the fat pig appeared, he suddenly spurted out a stream of vomit like a water arrow from his throat, hitting my clothes and staining the ice jade gourd. The disgusting smell was really choking my nose and hurting my eyes. I was so angry that I really wanted to cut the fat pig into pieces.

"Master Zhang, you're fine!" Fatty said with a smile.

I scolded, "I let you run away last time. If I don't kill you like a pig this time, my surname will be Zhang."

After that, I kicked up a stone and it hit the fat pig on the face and it shattered. He said with a smile: "If you cut off a piece of my flesh, you win!"

Then he pulled out the watermelon knife, and his body spun like a top, and the grass around him was cut off. These cheap tricks of Fat Pig really made people speechless. I could only keep retreating and wait for him to finish spinning before attacking.

The fat pig soon spread a clearing in the surrounding grass, and then his short and fat body jumped up from the ground like a spring, and slashed at me with one knife. I blocked it with my two swords and returned five or six knives to him in an instant. However, the blade only tore his clothes to pieces but did not hurt his body at all.

I felt worried. There was no point in attacking the fat pig. Oudama was about to be unable to hold on any longer. When the poisonous monkey came over later, I would definitely be unable to defeat him with my two fists.

Cleopatra was attacking Oudama frantically, chasing him so hard that he was running away with his head in his arms. With a thought in my mind, I said to Oudama with my consciousness: "Use illusions on the fat pig!"

"No, I don't have time now!" Oyu replied.

I quickly opened a few ghost bags and threw them at Queen Elizabeth. She grinned, as if she saw prey, and tore the ghosts into pieces with a few swipes. As she absorbed more and more Yin energy, her body The shape becomes more and more substantial.

Oyu took advantage of this moment to quickly recite a spell, and Fatty Pig suddenly looked around blankly: "Strange, where did he go?"

Then he saw Cleopatra, laughed and said: "Zhang, it turns out you are hiding here!" Then he slashed at Cleopatra with a knife.

A voice shouted: "Fat pig, are you crazy?" I looked up and saw the poisonous monkey squatting on a tree at some point.

The fat pig's body suddenly froze in mid-air. Cleopatra stretched out a hand with a cold expression, and suddenly attacked him with her fists and kicks crazily. She used ancient Egyptian fighting skills, and her movements were gorgeous and sexy, especially the pair on her chest. The uproar that kept shaking made me unable to take my eyes away...

This queen was proficient in astronomy, strategy, and martial arts. She also built a library to collect tens of thousands of ancient wisdom books. Unfortunately, she was burned down in a fire. It is no exaggeration to say that she is the embodiment of beauty and wisdom.

"Bad brother, stop looking, be careful of hidden arrows!" Oyu yelled angrily to bring me back to reality. I turned around and saw that Poisonous Monkey was holding a blow dart in his hand and was about to plot against me.

I quickly pulled out the invisible needle and flew into the blow dart tube. The invisible needle pushed against the blow dart inside and went directly into the throat of the poisonous monkey. He fell from the tree to the ground, coughed loudly and black blood, then took out a packet of antidote and poured it into his throat.

I walked over with my twin swords for killing ghosts and gods. Poisonous Monkey covered his throat and shouted, "If I die, your friends are also dead."

"I don't plan to kill you, I will break all your limbs and force you to hand over the antidote!" I sneered.

The poisonous monkey was shocked, suddenly sat down cross-legged, and murmured a spell. I realized that he was manipulating Cleopatra, but I couldn't kill him. At this time, Cleopatra had beaten the fat pig to the ground. She suddenly covered her head in pain, and then let out a roar that shook the world and made people cry. His eyes suddenly became filled with murderous intent.

Damn it, couldn't the poisonous monkey control her? Why did it work again at the critical moment!

Cleopatra suddenly came towards me, and I had to deal with her with all my heart. The poisonous monkey took this opportunity to run for his life by rolling and crawling on the ground.

Cleopatra was possessed by the godfather's daughter. Naturally, I didn't dare to attack her and could only passively defend. But she was merciless to me. After more than ten rounds of fighting, my situation became very serious. passive.

She seemed to see through this, and reached out directly to hug my head. Her eyes were extremely charming, and a pair of flaming red lips slowly came up to meet me. My whole body felt hot, my bones were almost brittle, my reason suddenly disappeared, and there was only one stubborn thought in my heart. As long as I could kiss this woman, I would be willing to do so even if I died!

She slowly opened her plump and sexy lips, and a black king cobra crawled out of her throat, hissing out the message. The scene was extremely enchanting. The poisonous snake slowly bit me on the lips, but I was completely charmed and didn't care at all. The knife in my hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Just when the king cobra was about to bite me, Cleopatra suddenly let out a scream and backed away desperately, covering her face. I felt a weight on my shoulder. It turned out that Otama jumped on me and gave her a claw.

"Bad brother, are you stupid?" Oyu shouted.

I was frightened for a while, and a cold sweat broke out on my body. I quickly recited the "Tao Te Ching" silently to dispel Cleopatra's charm.

Cleopatra took her hands away from her face, and the injuries on her face healed quickly, but she seemed to be irritated. When she raised her hands, several thick venomous snakes came out of her body and bit me and Odama.

"Ah, snake!" Oyu was so frightened that he hid behind me.

I kicked up the two knives and grabbed them with my hands. I cut off the venomous snake's head with the knife. The dead snake that fell to the ground twitched a few times and turned into a ball of yin energy and dissipated.

At this time, several cars suddenly drove up and a group of people jumped out of the cars. Cleopatra was aroused by the yang energy of the living people, showing an expression of gnashing teeth, and suddenly a burst of yin energy emerged from her body, and countless venomous snakes emerged from the yin energy and bit these people!

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