Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,138 Capturing the Poisonous Monkey

The people who came were members of the mafia family. When they saw the venomous snakes everywhere, they immediately picked up their submachine guns and started shooting at them. I was afraid of being accidentally injured by bullets, so I hurriedly hid aside with Otama.

A pool of venomous snakes on the ground squirmed in the gunfire, and turned into yin energy and disappeared. One of them shouted: "Miss, there!"

Cleopatra jumped up with a whoosh and ran towards the seaside. Those people were chasing after her. I shouted to them: "Don't go there!"

Three people stepped on the poisonous monkey trap and were shot in the neck by a crossbow arrow. They twitched and fell to the ground dead. The remaining people were too frightened to pursue. I ordered Odama: "Destroy all the traps!"


Wei Yu transformed into a white fox and ran forward at lightning speed. Traps were triggered wherever he went. The bodyguards and I followed behind.

At this time, three yin energy suddenly jumped out of the grass. I thought Cleopatra was going to release the snake again. Unexpectedly, it was a different move this time. I saw the three yin energy wrapping around the three corpses and lifting them up from the ground. , they opened their empty and pale eyes, pointing the guns in their hands at us.

I was horrified that Cleopatra actually manipulated the dead to attack us, and they also had submachine guns in their hands!

I told Otama to hide quickly, and she turned into a white light and flew away. The bodyguards immediately shot at the living corpses, but the bullets hitting them were like hitting rotten wood. They were dead in the first place and could not be killed at all. !

"Get down!" I yelled.

The moment I lay down, accompanied by the roar of gunfire, a dense network of firepower intertwined above my head. My heart beat wildly. Several bodyguards were shot and fell to the ground in an instant. The remaining people quickly found cover. One bodyguard hid behind a tree, bit a grenade with his teeth and threw it over there. The mafia's equipment was quick. Catch up with the special forces!

There was a loud bang, and the three living corpses were blown into pieces. A rain of flesh and blood fell around me, with severed hands, intestines, and internal organs scattered everywhere. I tried my best to protect my body with my spiritual power to avoid being hit by shrapnel. My ears buzzed for a long time before they returned to normal.

The Yin Qi released by Cleopatra struck again, controlling the bodyguards who had just been killed. Every time one of us died, she would get one more chess piece. This would go on endlessly...

Before the living corpses could stand up, I quickly rushed over and chopped off all their heads one by one.

The bodyguards were all scared to death. They had experienced many scenes of gunfire and bullets, but they had never encountered such a weird thing. I told them to follow me closely and not to shoot randomly. Everyone nodded in unison.

We ran to the beach, and Cleopatra was gone. There was a line of blood on the ground, which turned out to be left by the poisonous monkey I injured. He probably realized that he couldn't escape, so he simply sat there cross-legged, muttering a spell.

The poisonous monkey heard us coming and laughed. There was blood on the corner of his mouth, and he looked particularly embarrassed.

"Zhang Jiulin, you ruin our good things every time. I can't wait to eat your flesh and drink your blood!" He roared through gritted teeth.

"Anyone who commits unjust acts will be punished by his own death. All of this is caused by you, Longquan Villa, seeking death. You have no one to blame!" I sneered.

Poisonous Monkey laughed loudly: "But this time you are late!"

"What do you mean?" I suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Anyway, if this mission fails, I will die if I go back, so I have just released the restraint on the snake bite ring. Now Cleopatra is completely out of control. She will kill here!" The poisonous monkey was ferocious. said.

It turns out that Cleopatra's neck ring was called a snake bite ring.

I gritted my teeth, there is such a kind of person in the world. Even if he is finished, he still wants to support others, even if it does not do him any good.

Although he really wanted to kill the poisonous monkey with a knife, he couldn't die yet. I was about to reach out to catch him, but the poisonous monkey raised his hand, and several poisonous darts flew towards me. I danced my swords and knocked them all to the ground.

The poisonous monkey was frightened. He opened his bow from left to right and kept throwing out poisonous darts. I knocked them all down one by one. As I kept knocking down the poisonous darts, I gradually approached him.

Finally, he threw away all the poison darts on his body, and suddenly there was a pill in his hand, which he was about to stuff into his mouth. I thought he was going to commit suicide by taking poison, so I rushed over to stop him. The poisonous monkey suddenly laughed: "Zhang Jiulin, let's go to hell together!"

It turned out that it was not a pill at all, but a poisonous smoke bomb. He threw it on the ground, and a purple poisonous mist immediately rose up around him.

I grabbed the poisonous monkey by his collar and forced his face into the soft sand, while I held my breath. The bodyguards were ready to come over to help, and I waved them all away. The poisonous monkey I was holding down struggled desperately, and I felt like I couldn't hold it anymore.

Unexpectedly, God helped me. A gust of sea breeze blew away all the poisonous smoke.

I pulled the poisonous monkey up from the sand. When he saw that I was not dead, he cursed angrily: "Damn it, why do you always get so lucky!"

I shouted: "Hand over the antidote!"

"Go ahead and dream, do you think I will give it to you?" Poisonous Monkey said with a perverted smile.

I stabbed his leg hard with the knife, and then turned it around. The poisonous monkey screamed in pain: "Zhang Jiulin, you are the village owner's close enemy. Sooner or later, the village owner will kill you and everyone around you!"

At this time, the godfather was escorted by bodyguards to the beach and said coldly: "Mr. Zhang, leave this man to us. I have a hundred ways to make him talk!"

Although the godfather's voice was not high-pitched, it was full of coercion. He could always sit firmly in the godfather's position, and he must have killed countless people, and he had a fierce murderous aura in him.

The poisonous monkey turned pale with fright, and suddenly took out a small bottle from his arms. I thought he was going to commit suicide out of fear of crime again, but I didn't expect him to throw the bottle at my feet and cry: "Here's the antidote, kill me, kill me quickly, please!"

After saying that, he actually took the initiative to hit my knife, and I kicked him in the neck. The poisonous monkey rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

The comatose poisonous monkey was carried away by the mafia, but unfortunately the fat pig ran away. This guy is really a weakling, and he can escape every time. I said to my godfather with guilt: "I'm sorry, no Get your daughter back!"

"I saw it just now. This snake bite ring is too evil. You don't have to blame yourself. I believe in your strength. By the way, you left in a hurry just now, and I forgot to give you something." As he said this, he took out something Published an ancient parchment book titled "The Key of Solomon".

I was surprised for a while. I had heard about this book. It was said to be the crystallization of King Solomon’s wisdom in his life. It contained many methods of dealing with witchcraft and evil spirits.

The godfather said that he was very interested in ghost theology, which is why he became friends with Dr. Paul. He bought this book from an auction and it was the private collection of Defoe, the great writer of the 17th century. Defoe is the author of "Robinson Crusoe" and he is also a famous ghostologist. This book records many spells to deal with pagan witchcraft, which may be of some help to me.

I took my godfather's car back to the church. When Yin Xinyue saw that I was safe and sound, she immediately rushed over and hugged me. The people who had just been poisoned had already been rescued. I thought it would be okay to stay here, so I left first.

Back at the hotel, Li Mazi was still lying on the bed. I don’t know whether the antidote given by the poisonous monkey was real or fake. The next morning I bought some white mice and mixed the poisoned holy water with the antidote and fed them to them. The white mice were fine after eating them. It seemed to be true.

Li Mazi woke up slowly after taking the antidote, but his body was still a little weak. I bought some mung beans, pumpkin and millet that have detoxifying effects and made porridge for him to drink. After drinking millet porridge in a foreign country, Li Mazi was extremely moved and said: "Brother, after all these years, I finally understand that everything is fake, only the brotherhood between us is real!"

I smiled and said: "What kind of emotion should I express? It's not about separation between life and death."

"It's almost there!" Li Mazi said deeply: "After this trip to the Gate of Hell, I gained a few more profound insights into life!"

The next day the Godfather sent several cars to pick us up and take us to another hotel, which was run by a mafia family to protect us.

I was very confused and asked the bodyguard who sent us here: "Why do you want to protect us?"

He explained: "Mr. Zhang doesn't know something. The mafia is preparing to declare war on the Daquan Gang. The godfather specially told Mr. Zhang not to walk around outside in the past few days. If you need anything, just tell the people in the hotel."

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