Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,139 Queen Marie's Dance

I'm confused, it's only been one night, the progress is too fast, right? Why did a big circle gang show up again?

It turned out that the godfather had someone take care of the poisonous monkey last night, and he couldn't bear the torture and confessed everything. Longquan Villa has always wanted to expand its business to Europe, but it just didn't have the chance.

Recently, they have hooked up with the Big Circle Gang, which has been in constant conflict with the mafia. Longquan Villa plans to use the snake bite ring to kill all the leaders of the mafia, so that the Big Circle Gang can smoothly take over their territory. In this way, Longquan Villa can gain a firm foothold in Italy.

The Snake Ring had always been on the godfather's daughter, in a sleeping state, just waiting for the best time. Unexpectedly, their plan was disrupted by an uninvited guest like me. As a result, they lost everything with one move!

Poisonous Monkey couldn't stand it anymore this morning, so he swallowed an iron nail and committed suicide while the guard wasn't paying attention. His body was disposed of cleanly, not even a hair was left.

The Godfather went to meet with other leaders of the Mafia family early this morning. Everyone was prosperous and suffered losses. The Big Circle Gang used this despicable method to expand its territory. They decided to join forces to control the power of the Big Circle Gang in Sicily. Uprooted.

The godfather also said that after the Daquan Gang is dealt with, it will be Longquan Villa's turn!

It seems that although Longquan Villa is supported by Long Qingqiu, it has already suffered heavy losses. That's why it did such a desperate thing. But I didn't expect that stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice. Instead, it will have a life-long enemy...

I had nothing to do in the next few days, so I just stayed in the hotel watching TV, eating, and studying the book "The Key of Solomon." This book was written in BC and is extremely obscure. I think it is unrealistic to read it in such a short time, so I just picked out some important parts.

There is a kind of magic circle mentioned here, called 'Solomon's Seal', also called the Hexagram Array. The eye of this array is a huge hexagram, and there are many mysterious symbols painted on the outside.

These symbols are all things related to God, such as the Spear of God and the Holy Grail of Jesus, which have damage bonuses to evil things. But Solomon's Seal focuses on sealing pagan ghosts and gods, and its effect on snake bite rings is obviously stronger!

However, things like magic circles and spells are not effective if they are drawn as they are. Generally speaking, people with firmer beliefs will have better results when using them. If you don't believe in it at all, it is just a piece of paper.

I gave this arduous task to Li Mazi and asked him to do nothing every day and just read the original Bible crazily to increase his faith. Li Mazi read so hard that his lips were on fire and blistered. He complained to me that he was a senior in high school. I have never been so hard. Later, he became a little obsessed. He would bring up a Bible verse in two sentences. Every time he went to a place with voice-activated lights, he would shout: "God said, let there be light!"

Compared with our leisure time, the past two days have been very lively outside. There are news of gun battles on TV every day, and sometimes even late at night, we can hear gunshots like firecrackers coming from the distance. The common people of Italy are at odds with the mafia. Although people die in gun battles every day in the city, they still live a leisurely life and regard the land grabs between gangs as a topic of conversation after dinner.

The mafia was out in force, and a week later, the Daquan Gang was eradicated. The leader of the Daquan Gang was trembling with fear, so he submitted his criminal evidence to the court, prosecuted himself, and went to jail to accept the police's explanation. Protect.

Longquan Villa wanted to hold my thigh in Italy, but I didn’t expect that this thigh would be chopped off now. Long Qingqiu would probably hate me to death!

A week passed by and the Snake Ring had been missing. That day, the father came to our door and told us an important piece of information. Someone saw his daughter in the city. There was an exhibition of ancient Roman cultural relics in the city recently, and his daughter was at the exhibition. Appeared several times.

It's hard to find her whereabouts, and it's peaceful outside. I plan to subdue the Snake Ring tonight.

The moon was dark and the stars were dark these two nights. This time, without waiting for Yin Xinyue to say anything, I asked her to come with me. Because Cleopatra's charm is so terrifying, she can wake us up when we lose our minds.

The godfather sent two of his men to take us to the exhibition. When we arrived, the venue was closed, but the godfather had already greeted the organizer in advance, and I walked in without any difficulty.

The venue was empty. There were pieces of precious antiques placed behind the glass cabinets. They were all handicrafts, weapons, and armors from the ancient Roman period. Each piece was priceless. Although the godfather said that he would pay for anything damaged tonight, I Don't be too shameless. Besides, these are precious heritage that cannot be copied. If damage can be avoided, I will try to avoid it.

Yin Xinyue asked me: "Husband, among so many antiques, are there any vaginal objects?"

"Probably there will be!"

I suddenly saw a piece of armor. The sign below said it was worn by Octavian when he conquered Egypt. This was an antique that had witnessed history. I couldn't help but stop and take a look.

When I looked towards the armor, I suddenly noticed that a charming face appeared in the reflection of the glass cabinet, and then the face "cracked". In fact, the glass cracked, and the entire glass cabinet was actually inside. It shattered with a crash without any warning.

Suddenly there was a burst of yin energy behind us, and we saw countless king cobras tangled together and rushing over. There was a bulge in the middle of the snake tide, shaped like a chair. Cleopatra cocked her long white legs very domineeringly and sat on it, moving with the tide of snakes.

I shouted: "Li Mazi, spread the realgar quickly!"

I shouted several times but there was no response. I saw Li Mazi staring at Cleopatra, completely stunned, and two nosebleeds slowly flowed out of her nostrils. I stepped up and gave him a kick, took out a large handful of realgar powder from the bag in his hand and sprinkled it over.

As soon as the snake tide encountered the realgar powder, it immediately began to twist and struggle, looking like a large pot of black water boiling. Cleopatra's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she rushed towards her with an overwhelming amount of Yin Qi. She must have absorbed a lot of Yin Qi crazily in the past few days.

I don't plan to be merciful this time. Anyway, with a ghost of Cleopatra's level, even if I try my best, I can only get a draw. There is no chance of winning if I am timid.

I stabbed it with a knife, but Queen Elizabeth avoided it with magnificent movements. A cloud of Yin Qi condensed in her hand. She took the Octavian sword inserted next to the armor in her hand and started fighting with me. At the same time, poisonous snakes were released from her feet to attack. I.

I asked Yin Xinyue to spread realgar next to her to avoid being bitten by poisonous snakes. The two swords in my hands danced into a cold light, which collided with her long sword, constantly sparking sparks. Suddenly there was a crash and the sword was cut off. I felt a chill in my heart. This was a cultural relic!

Cleopatra suddenly stepped back. Her target was Octavian's armor. I shouted to Mazi Li: "Hold the armor and run!"

Li Mazi said "Oh", and when he hugged the armor and left, he reluctantly glanced at Cleopatra a few times.

Cleopatra's eyes suddenly glowed green, she made a snake-like hissing sound from her mouth, then she spun around like a dance and attacked me. Her movements were as light as a cheetah, and the gold jewelry on her body was so dazzling that I couldn't resist it for a moment.

Suddenly she kicked me in the chest and I leaned back. She didn't care about me and rushed towards Li Mazi.

I was about to give chase when Yin Xinyue suddenly screamed. Looking back, she was actually entangled by a giant cobra...

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