Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,140 Killing the Fat Pig

Yin Xinyue shouted: "Husband, help me, my bones are about to be broken!"

I quickly took out a spiritual talisman from my arms. This talisman was specially made by me. The incantation on it was made of realgar. It had a miraculous effect on dealing with these poisonous snakes. I flicked the talisman, and the king cobra let out a hissing scream and fell to the ground, turning into a puddle of black gas.

I went over to see if Yin Xinyue was injured, and she said, "I'm fine, husband, why is this woman like a monster, with snakes everywhere?"

I explained: "She is the Queen of Egypt, and the cobra itself is her symbol! In addition, she was bitten to death by a cobra, so her ghost naturally merged with the cobra..."

I summoned Wei Yu and asked her to go help first. Li Mazi's eyes straightened up when he saw Cleopatra. I was afraid that he would be charmed. Weiyu glanced at Yin Xinyue and smiled slyly. I knew she was laughing at me for being as good as Li Mazi that day. I urged her to go quickly, and Weiyu turned into a white light and flew away.

Cleopatra seduced two men in her life. One was Caesar. Cleopatra used her beauty to win Caesar's support and successfully ascended the throne. After Caesar's death, she went to seduce Antony, one of the three giants of Rome. It was a pity that Cleopatra seduced two men. This time, he chose the wrong person. In the end, Antony was defeated by Octavian, one of the three giants of Rome. Cleopatra also became a prisoner. She once tried to win over Octavian with her beauty, but Octavian failed. But he doesn't follow this pattern.

Octavian can be said to be Cleopatra's lifelong enemy. Did she come to snatch the armor just to avenge her previous shame?

Yin Xinyue and I ran into an exhibition hall and faintly heard the sound of swords clashing. We saw a tall Roman man holding a sword and fighting with Cleopatra. The snake circle on the ground waited for an opportunity to attack him, but was blocked by the halo of light on the Roman man's body.

I was shocked: "Let me go, she really summoned Octavian's ghost!"

Yin Xinyue asked: "Husband, what exactly does she want to do?"

"Maybe he wants to scare Octavian out of his mind!" I replied.

I suddenly heard a snapping sound and looked to the side. Li Mazi was lying on the ground unconscious, and Oyu was slapping him from left to right. I went over and took a look, and a happy smile appeared on Li Mazi's face, and he murmured: "Your Majesty, let me be loyal to you under your pomegranate skirt!"

Wei Yu said: "I became like this when I came here. Are you men so weak in concentration?"

I was speechless for a while, then Li Mazi suddenly stretched out his hand and touched my chest a few times. He probably found that the touch felt wrong, and suddenly woke up: "Brother Zhang, why is it you!"

"Can you please stop being embarrassed!" I cursed.

"Oh, as the saying goes, if you die under peonies, you will be romantic as a ghost... Damn, who is beating my Queen, I will help!" Li Mazi suddenly became anxious.

I pulled him back. Li Mazi was very dangerous like this, not to mention that he might die himself, and he might also implicate us. Sure enough, once a man switches from his upper body to his lower body to think, his entire sanity is gone.

I told Li Mazi that if we subdue this evil thing, we can do whatever we want with it, even if we ask Queen Marie to have an unfinished love affair with him.

Li Mazi, whose IQ is below the line now, kept nodding. In fact, I lied to him. Once the six-pointed star circle is activated, Cleopatra's ghost will be directly sealed. How can there be any lingering ghost feelings?

Queen Marie and Octavian were fighting fiercely. I asked Li Mazi to quickly set up a formation. He used ink mixed with olive oil to draw a six-pointed star formation on the ground. I put Otama away because she also belongs to the pagan ghosts and gods and will be sucked in together.

Halfway through the formation, Li Mazi suddenly sat down on the ground and shouted: "Snake! Snake! So many snakes!"

Looking back, Cleopatra was staring at Mazi Li, probably performing an illusion. I asked Li Mazi to read the Tao Te Ching, but he got stuck after reading two sentences. I said, "Stop reading, read the Bible instead!"

Li Mazi recited the English version of the Bible very fluently, and the illusion was self-defeating. He continued to draw an array on the ground with his butt sticking out. When he was about to finish it, there was a sudden crash, and Cleopatra jumped out of the glass skylight. , Octavian also chased out.

"Damn it, why are you so uncooperative? I just finished painting the formation." Li Mazi said resentfully.

"You're too slow! Hurry up and catch up!" I shouted.

Cleopatra actually ran away. From this, it seems that she was afraid of the six-pointed star formation.

As I was running, I suddenly felt something was wrong. There was only my footsteps in the long corridor. When I looked back, Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi were gone. I thought to myself that I had been tricked by a ghost, but could this low-level method be used against me? And I didn't notice it at all.

Weiyu said in the ice jade gourd: "It's not you who have been tricked by ghosts, but they have been tricked by ghosts!"

"When did they get lost?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know, this is just my guess!"

Weiyu is proficient in illusions, so her guess was probably correct, so I had to turn back to find Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi. After walking a few steps, suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air above my head, and with the flash of a knife, I subconsciously stepped back. A watermelon knife was cut against the tip of my nose, and then a chubby little fat man fell to the ground, grinning and rushing towards me. I smiled evilly and said: "Zhang Jiulin, the grudge between us should be settled today. If I kill you, I can be promoted to the Great Protector!"

It turns out that Fat Pig was hiding behind the display cabinet just now. The display cabinet was so high that he couldn't be found at all. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have been injured by now.

I gritted my teeth secretly. Sure enough, this guy was up to something again, so I said, "I don't think the Great Protector is suitable for you. Other titles are more suitable."

"What title?" Fat Pig asked curiously.

"Damn fat man!" I laughed.

The fat pig was furious, picked up the watermelon knife, and came to chop me crazily. I knew he was invulnerable, and fighting him would be a waste of effort, so I kept dodging. Fatty Pig thought I was scared and laughed wildly: "Zhang Jiulin, you can't hurt me, and your spells are ineffective against me. In a protracted battle, you can't defeat me." of!"

I said coldly: "You really think you can use the same move on me twice!"

After saying that, I threw a talisman, and the talisman flew directly towards Fat Pig. He clasped his fingers in his throat and vomited a large puddle of filth on the talisman paper.

However, many ghosts suddenly emerged from the talismans floating in the air, lying on the fat pig and biting them. The fat pig was shocked: " is this possible!"

"How is it impossible?" I said: "Did you know that there is a kind of ghost called a filth-eating ghost? I have sealed more than a dozen filth-eating ghosts on this talisman. Don't you like to vomit? Just vomit as much as you want! Vomit as much as you like! They will all take it as ordered!"

The fat pig suddenly burst out with a murderous aura, forcibly shaking off the densely packed filth-eating ghosts on his body. However, they smelled the vomit on the fat pig's body and wrapped around him like flies chasing blood. The fat pig slashed at them with a knife, but it had no effect on them.

I took this opportunity to rush forward and attack Fat Pig with a few slashes. He had to deal with the filth-eating ghost and also parry my attack, so he looked a little worried.

I cut off his watermelon knife sold at a street stall with one blow. Fatty Pig gritted his teeth and said: "You are so small, you can still kill me. I will haunt you today so that you can't save your wife and brother!"

As he said that, he rushed towards me like a rogue and wanted to hug me.

I held my breath and suddenly pulled out the knife, and the blade quickly passed between his eyes. I had practiced a lot for this knife in the past two days. The fat pig's eyes were immediately damaged. He covered his eyes and howled in agony. The scream was worse than killing a pig. I sneered and said, "Are you invulnerable from head to toe?"

Fat Pig suddenly took off his clothes, and a strange formation was drawn on his body, like a skull made up of countless mysterious symbols. He said viciously: "Zhang Jiulin, I have no intention of going back alive today. Even if I turn into a ghost, I’m going to destroy you!”

I don't know what evil method he is going to use, I just know that this kid doesn't have a few seconds to live. Sure enough, before Fat Pig finished reciting the spell, his body began to shake, and he suddenly fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth: "Fuck...your...knife is poisonous!"

"I've cut so many snakes with my knife. It's normal for there to be snake venom on it. Save your time and energy and fall down!" I said with a faint smile.

The fat pig vomited a mouthful of poisonous blood unwillingly, and then died.

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