Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,141 Shura Tu!

Finally all the twelve dead animals were solved. I breathed a sigh of relief and called Wei Yu out to find Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue together. I searched the whole building, and finally I came to the rooftop and found them preparing to jump off the building!

I quickly ran over and grabbed the collars of the two of them. Li Mazi had already stepped out with one foot. If Oyu hadn't grabbed my clothes from behind, all three of us would have been almost dead.

When they woke up, Li Mazi was so scared that his legs were weak and he collapsed on the ground. Yin Xinyue hugged me and said, "It's so scary, I almost fell to death!"

I comforted her softly. From here, I could see two lights, one green and one white, intertwined in the square below. Accompanied by the faint sound of swords clashing, Cleopatra and Octavian were fighting fiercely.

"Get downstairs quickly!"

We returned along the same path and when we came to the floor where Fat Pig and I fought, I saw Fat Pig's body moving, and I immediately became alert. Is this guy really Xiaoqiang? He's not even dead?

I saw the belly of the fat pig kept bulging, as if there was a nest of little mice hidden inside. The Eternal Spirit Ring on my hand began to flash, and the little Ring Spirit reminded me in my mind: "Master, we have detected a large number of Yin spirits around. Approaching!"

"A large amount? How many specifically?" I asked.

"Twelve!" replied the little Nazgul.


I suddenly had an ominous premonition, so I quickly took out cinnabar, ink, iron nails and other materials and started to draw the formation, inserting the ghost-killing swords on the left and right on both sides. I sat cross-legged, held out the invisible needle, and asked Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue to hide behind me.

Suddenly a cold wind blew up, biting the bones, and mixed with some strange cries: "The twelve dead animals live and die together. If anyone kills me, I will retaliate!"

The fat pig's corpse exploded violently, blood and flesh spattered, and black water continuously flowed from the corpse. Heishui automatically drew a formation on the ground, which was exactly the same as the evil formation on Fat Pig just now, except that the size was much larger.

Immediately afterwards, twelve Yin spirits appeared in various directions of the formation. They were the twelve dead animals that I killed! I suddenly remembered what that skull-shaped formation was. Senior Rat told me before that it was a kind of evil spell called "Shura Tu". Once a person with the "Shura Tu" brand is killed, he will Turn into a ghost and take revenge on your enemies!

It seems that the twelve dead animals have been collectively branded as 'Shuluo Tu', which will be triggered immediately once all members are killed. These twelve people are Long Qingqiu's murder tools. Naturally, Long Qingqiu wants to drain all their value. Once they are defeated by this evil spell, it means that they will never be reincarnated.

I planned to strike first, manipulating the invisible needle and the two knives to attack at the same time. Jin Long blocked the Yang Dao with the Seven Kills Monument in his hand. Fat Pig jumped up and ate the Yin Dao in one bite. The translucent belly was bumping around, but it couldn't get out. The cunning rabbit raised his hand and fired several darts.

Her darts were all transformed by Yin Qi, and were blocked by the large formation I set up.

Then galloping horses, ghost chickens, and bulls rushed over from three angles, causing the formation to begin to show signs of collapse. The backlash force hit me, and it felt like someone kicked me in the stomach, and my throat As soon as it tasted sweet, I vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Honey, are you okay!" Yin Xinyue was frightened and quickly took out a tissue to wipe my mouth.

"Don't rub it!"

I soaked a little blood and quickly wrote four names on the ground - Xie Bi'an, Fan Wujiu, Niutou Abong, and Horse-faced Rakshasa. These are the names of the four great evil spirits in the underworld. I don't know whether they exist, but Writing their names will surely frighten the evil spirits.

Sure enough, the Yin Rat and Poison Monkey, who are the less courageous among the twelve dead animals, were frightened, but it had no effect on others. Seeing that the formation was about to be unable to hold up, I was complaining in my heart. It was very difficult for me to deal with these twelve people one by one. If we fight together now, wouldn't it cost me my life?

"Brother Zhang, I can't hold on anymore!" Li Mazi stammered.

"Run!" I shouted.

I retracted the Yang Dao and the Invisible Needle, and the three of us turned around and ran for our lives. The formation barely held on for a few seconds and finally collapsed. The twelve fierce ghosts made the sound of howling like ghosts and wolves, and their bodies were entangled together, like a strange snake with countless heads, chasing them all the way along the corridor.

Yin Xinyue asked: "Husband, can you let Cleopatra deal with them?"

This sentence reminded me, and I said ecstatically: "Honey, you are so smart!"

I tore up some small paper figures out of yellow paper, smeared a little bit of my essence and blood on them, and threw them away wherever I went, hoping to temporarily lure away the twelve evil ghosts so that we could get out of here.

We fought with them for more than ten minutes and finally ran to the back door of the venue. Suddenly the fat pig jumped down from the rafter. While holding my head, he pulled my hair fiercely and said, "Zhang Jiulin, let's see what other tricks you have."

I accumulated a ball of spiritual power in my palm and knocked him away with a slap. The fat pig rolled around like a ball and suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "Brothers, Zhang Jiulin is here!"

A gust of evil wind came, and seeing that other evil spirits were coming, I was so anxious that I subconsciously reached for my weapon, but my left hand came up empty. The fat pig patted his belly and laughed: "Your knife is in my belly!"

"Don't be so proud of yourself!"

I raised my hand and threw another Yang Dao. The Yang Dao automatically attacked Fat Pig, instantly cutting more than a dozen cuts on his body, and also opened his stomach. The Yin knife flew out from inside, and the two knives returned to my hand at the same time.

In fact, I didn't use any tricks. It was completely a free play of the two swords. Mo Xie, the go-getter, is a husband and wife. If the wife is trapped, the husband will naturally try his best to save her.

Fat Pig's body recovered quickly, and other Yin spirits also chased after me. I threw a few talismans to ward them off, and quickly fled the venue with Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue.

When we ran outside, we saw that Octavian had been killed and there was a broken sword on the ground. Cleopatra knelt on the ground, holding the broken armor in her hands, and slowly pulled out some tiny bone fragments from it. There were some beetles crawling around her.

I was shocked, could those be Egyptian scarabs? Legend has it that ancient Egyptians would bury scarabs with them after death, because scarabs are messengers between the worlds of yin and yang.

Yin Xinyue asked: "What is she doing?"

Since the scarab appears here, it means that she wants to open the passage between the Yin and Yang worlds. I have a bad feeling: "Is she trying to resurrect herself?"

Li Mazi said: "Then can I still have an affair with her?"

I looked at him with great contempt. At this time, the twelve dead animals chased me. We didn't have much time. I took out a bottle of eel blood from the bag and sprinkled it around Cleopatra. Then I took Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi to hide. Went into the bushes nearby.

Once a person becomes a ghost, he will have the instinct of a ghost. The twelve dead animals are attracted by the yin energy of eel blood and lie on the ground and lick the blood crazily. Cleopatra glanced at them, as if she was deeply humiliated, and suddenly rushed over and tore the green snake closest to her to pieces.

The twelve dead animals immediately circled and attacked her. I smiled and said, "The show is about to begin!"

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