Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,142 Six-Pointed Star Formation (Additional update)

As soon as they fought, Cleopatra instantly killed the Yin Rat, the Poisonous Monkey, the Tiger, and the Cunning Rabbit. These four used props when they were alive, and their attack power was greatly reduced after they turned into ghosts.

Galloping Horse is a ninja, and he was quickly destroyed in a head-on confrontation. Then Aries and Greyhound screamed and turned into black smoke and dispersed.

I was a little unsure. I originally expected the twelve dead animals to fight Cleopatra to hurt both sides and then take advantage, but she actually wiped out most of them without any effort. Li Mazi said: "Brother, this is what you dealt with last time." The twelve dead animals? It doesn’t look very impressive.”

"Damn it, it really hurts to stand and talk. They were more perverted than the last when they were alive!" I replied.

Yin Xinyue said: "Husband, look, those two strong men are so powerful!"

I looked over there, and sure enough, it was the Barbarian Bull and the Golden Dragon. The Barbarian Bull was huge and had extraordinary strength, while the Golden Dragon looked like half of Zhang Xianzhong, wearing armor stained with blood and rust, and holding the Seven Kills Monument. The two of them worked together to suppress Cleopatra until she could not breathe. The two wretched men, Fat Pig and Ghost Chicken, took the opportunity to touch her.

Cleopatra was enraged and made a hissing sound from her mouth. The shadow behind her was like a pool of boiling black water, from which huge poisonous snakes crawled out one after another. One poisonous snake wrapped around the body of the bull and was caught by him with his hands. Live at both ends and tore into pieces all of a sudden. The golden dragon thrust the Seven Kills Monument into the ground, and suddenly the sky became dark and the earth became dark. A strong murderous Yin Qi spread around, shocking all the poisonous snakes to death!

Cleopatra rushed forward and punched through the abdomen of the bull with her bare hands. The bull reached out and grabbed her slender arm, and the golden dragon struck down the Seven Kills Monument, destroying Cleopatra in one fell swoop!

I was stunned for a while. These two people joined forces and were able to knock Cleopatra down.

Moreover, Cleopatra is possessed by the godfather's daughter. How should I explain this when I go back? But unexpectedly, Cleopatra did not die. She just fell to the ground, holding the Seven Kills Monument with both hands and muttering a spell in her mouth.

Suddenly the earth shook and the mountains shook. I realized something was wrong and told Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue to retreat quickly!

We escaped twenty meters away, and suddenly the ground trembled violently. Countless thick poisonous snakes spewed out of the ground like spring water. Fat pigs and ghost chickens were swallowed up by them, and wild cows were also pushed into the air. In the middle, his hands were firmly holding the upper and lower jaws of the giant snake. Only the golden dragon used its Yin Qi to protect its body and escaped.

"Oh my god, Queen Marie is so strong!" Yin Xinyue said blankly.

I suddenly remembered something and ordered Li Mazi: "Hurry up and draw the formation now, otherwise it will be too late!"

Li Mazi agreed, found an open space and began to draw the six-pointed star formation. He was just halfway through the drawing when suddenly a burst of children's cries came from the square. I looked over there in surprise and saw Cleopatra kneeling among the giant snakes, holding a child in her hands.

"That's...Caesar!" I said in fear.

"What? We just killed Octavian, why did another Caesar come out?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"No, no, this Caesar is not that Caesar. He is the little Caesar, the son of Queen Marie and Julius Caesar." I explained.

I suddenly realized Cleopatra’s true motive for breaking into the exhibition at night and fighting Octavian! She and Caesar gave birth to a child named Little Caesar. Later, when Caesar was assassinated, this child became the legal heir of Rome. When Octavian conquered Egypt, Little Caesar's whereabouts were unknown. In fact, any fool would have thought that he He was killed by Octavian.

Octavian was a very scheming person. He was Caesar's adopted son when he was a child, and was actually his male favorite. Many historians suspected that he was the mastermind behind Caesar's assassination! As soon as Caesar died, he immediately began to recruit troops to fight for the dominance of Rome, and finally succeeded in defeating the other two giants and monopolizing power.

The bone fragments Cleopatra pulled out from Octavian's armor were the bones of Little Caesar. Perhaps this was some kind of ancient Roman witchcraft, just like the Chinese carpenter's aversion to victory.

I sighed: "What a stubborn woman. Rome and ancient Egypt have long ceased to exist. Are you still thinking about your own power?"

Yin Xinyue said: "No, husband! You are wrong. The look in her eyes is clearly that of a mother. She just wants to reunite with her child!"

I suddenly realized that Yin Xinyue was right, her eyes were indeed full of tenderness and doting.

This woman has spent all her life trying to figure out how to deal with various forces, using her beauty and strategy to deal with various forces, like a fox wandering among tigers and wolves. Maybe she has never really loved any man, and she has given up her only share of money. I sincerely left it to my own flesh and blood.

Cleopatra was a queen, a politician, but also a mother!

The giant snake suddenly chewed up the bull to pieces. The yin energy formed by the bull was automatically absorbed into Little Caesar's body, and his shape became more real. Cleopatra murmured something, and suddenly the giant snakes swam in all directions, and one of them jumped towards us.

Seeing that the situation was not good, I quickly threw a realgar talisman, and the giant snake turned into a ball of black smoke. Yin Xinyue asked in fear: "Why did she suddenly attack us?"

"No! She's not attacking us..." I looked at the giant snakes swimming towards the city: "She wants to resurrect her son with the flesh and blood of a living person! We must stop her quickly, otherwise many people will die! "

The golden dragon suddenly rushed over, picked up the Seven Kills Monument and threw it at Cleopatra. She could have dodged it, but in order to prevent her child from getting hurt, she blocked the blow.

Cleopatra's figure began to flicker, and I saw the godfather's daughter possessed by her vomiting blood.

I said anxiously: "If this continues, the godfather's daughter will be beaten to death. No more, I have to take action, Li Mazi, have you finished the formation?"

Li Mazi nodded: "The painting is done, I'm just waiting for your order!"

"Launch the big formation!" I shouted.

Li Mazi then recited a spell, and the formation radiated a dazzling light. There were constant air currents swirling around it, and all the giant snakes were sucked back into the six-pointed star.

Solomon's seal was really powerful. I asked Li Mazi to keep chanting the spell and rushed over with my two swords.

Cleopatra and the Golden Dragon were fighting fiercely, and I suddenly stepped in, and they both attacked me at the same time. A poisonous snake appeared on Queen Marie's right hand and bit me, and the golden dragon struck down the stone tablet with a stroke.

I quickly jumped away and smashed the Seven Kills Monument against the poisonous snake. The poisonous snake immediately disappeared and the two of them continued to fight.

The three of them fought for a while, and the scene was too chaotic to describe. I simply concentrated on helping Cleopatra deal with the golden dragon. Cleopatra seemed to realize that I was helping her, and gradually stopped attacking me.

With the combined efforts of the two, Jin Long's body was constantly injured, and he continued to absorb the surrounding yin energy to repair it. Gradually, the repair speed could not keep up with the speed of injury. His movements became slower and slower, and he began to be unable to support...

Suddenly a strong wind hit, and the golden dragon was automatically sucked in one direction. He desperately hit the ground with the Seven Kills Monument, trying to stabilize his body. But it was not a sharp weapon after all, and it could not be inserted firmly no matter how hard it was inserted, and then he was sucked into the hexagram.

I looked back, holy shit, it was too exaggerated. The halo of the magic circle had covered half of the square. Dark clouds were rolling in the sky, and a huge glowing six-pointed star loomed in the dark clouds.

The godfather's daughter knelt on the ground in pain, covering her head with her hands. The Cleopatra attached to her body was stretched very long like a layer of clothing, and was sucked in little by little...

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