Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,143 Godfather’s Promise

When I saw Cleopatra being separated from my godfather's daughter, I screamed the name of my godfather's daughter - Mary Sue!

"Mary Sue, wake up!"

People are most sensitive to their own names. She gradually woke up from her trance, her empty eyes returned to normal, and asked: "Who are you and why do you know my name?"

I said, "Your father asked me to take you back. Hold my hand."

Mary Sue held my hand, and I transferred my yang energy to her. As she awakened her self-awareness and was nourished by my yang energy, Cleopatra was peeled off from her little by little, and her whole body was like Like being sucked into a black hole, it became thin and long.

Mary Sue suddenly screamed and covered her neck ring, only to see that the neck ring turned into a poisonous snake. I quickly grabbed the poisonous snake and threw it aside. After it hit the ground, it turned back into a snake bite ring. But the moment I threw it out, I felt as if the tiger's mouth was stung. When I lowered my head, I saw two bloody holes on it. , I suddenly became dizzy. It seemed that the snake venom had already taken effect. I knew that I was dead now!

At this moment, the six-pointed star circle stopped, and Cleopatra got back into the snake ring and quickly changed back to human form.

She sneered, but the smile quickly disappeared from her face, because when the six-pointed star was activated, her son had been sucked in first.

Cleopatra roared hysterically, suddenly lifted me off the ground, and threw me far away. This fall knocked me to pieces. Yin Xinyue ran over worriedly. I told her to take her godfather and daughter and run away while I dealt with Cleopatra.

Yin Xinyue agreed and left. She didn't notice that I was bitten by a snake. It would take a few minutes before I died from the poison. I must kill Cleopatra within these few minutes, otherwise everyone will die!

A general is bound to die in battle, and a ghost merchant dies in the ghost business, which is considered a worthy death. Just thinking that I will never see Yin Xinyue and Fanfan again, and I won't even have time to say goodbye to her properly, makes me feel an inexplicable sadness in my heart.

Cleopatra slowly walked towards me, and I jumped up like a carp, ready to fight her. Suddenly a pair of arms twisted my hand from behind, and the man yelled with saliva flying: "Your Majesty, I caught him."

I turned around and saw that it was Li Mazi. His eyes were dull and there was a mysterious smile on his face. He was clearly charmed!

I hit Li Mazi in the face with my elbow as hard as I could. I hit him until his nose started to bleed, but he always kept a weird smile on his face and kept holding on to me and wouldn't let go.

I shouted helplessly: "Oudama, help me!"

Oyu came out of my arms with a whoosh, stood on my shoulder, and wanted to chant a spell to remove the charm from Li Mazi. But the spell didn't work. She said anxiously: "No, the other party's charm technique is too advanced. It can be compared with my master!"

I was stunned for a moment. Isn’t her master me? When had I ever used such a dirty trick as charm?

But she soon realized that the master she was talking about was Daji.

"Then you go deal with Cleopatra first!"

Oyu agreed, but suddenly found that black blood was bleeding from my hand. She screamed: "Bad brother, you are poisoned, I will help you suck it out!"

"It's too late, it's too late, go deal with her quickly!" Seeing that she didn't move, I ordered: "Go quickly!"

Oudama gritted his teeth, with tears in his eyes, and rushed to Cleopatra, attacking her crazily. But she was no match for Cleopatra. After a few fights, she was knocked to the ground. She got up and continued fighting.

Li Mazi was too strong and I couldn't break free, so I had to control the invisible needle with my mind to prick his hand. Li Mazi let out a scream and let go of his hand, then suddenly hugged me the next second.

I roared in my heart, grabbed his hand, bent down, and threw him to the ground.

Li Mazi jumped up again and rushed towards me with all his teeth and claws. I was filled with indescribable hatred and kicked him in the crotch with all my strength. Li Mazi fell to the ground with a whimper, and said with tears in his eyes: "Brother Zhang, please be nice, why are you kicking my life?"

"Damn it, you finally woke up, hurry up and activate the magic circle!" I shouted.

"Hey, why is your face so dark! Could you be poisoned?"

Li Mazi insisted on checking my injuries. There was no time now, so I kicked him in the butt and drove him away. As a result, he shouted to Yin Xinyue while running: "Brother and sister, my brother has been poisoned. Come and help him."

My heart suddenly felt like I had knocked over the five-flavor bottle, and I didn’t know what to say to Yin Xinyue. At this time, Oyu screamed and fell next to me. I whispered: "Oyu, when I die, you can go back to Japan. Bar!"

"I don't want..." Odama screamed.

Without giving her a chance to answer, I put her back into the ice jade gourd, and then rushed straight towards Cleopatra.

I attacked Cleopatra like crazy. She lost her son because of me and had lost her mind. Both of us were determined to die and attacked each other crazily. Soon we were both covered in bruises!

But every time I swung the knife, the poison got closer to my heart. I gradually felt difficulty breathing, my eyesight went black, and my muscles became weak.

Cleopatra's attacks became more and more frequent, and my body started to get cold, and a large mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from my throat. Before my vision completely turned black, I saw Yin Xinyue running over, so I held the cinnabar, realgar, The black dog's blood was spread all over Cleopatra's body. Queen Marie became furious, grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up.

"No!" I shouted, commanding General Moye with my mind: "I give my body to you to fight the final battle for me!"

The double ghost-killing swords in my hands started to move automatically. At this time, I could no longer see anything. My consciousness was in a trance, just like in a dream. I felt that my body was still swinging and slashing with the swords. Then I heard Cleopatra scream, but when I slashed with the last knife, I felt nothing. The big stone in my heart fell to the ground. Cleopatra had been eliminated, and then I fell heavily to the ground.

When I opened my eyes, I thought I would see the underworld and the faces of cows and horses, but all I saw were the tearful faces of Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi. I didn't react for a while and asked, "Am I still alive?"

Yin Xinyue threw herself on me and burst into tears, beating my chest and saying, "You bastard, you didn't even say a word when you were bitten by a poisonous snake, you just knew how to carry it to death alone. What will Fanfan and I do if you die!"

Li Mazi wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "It was all Xiao Weiyu's idea, otherwise you would really be doomed this time."

I touched my neck and found that I was wearing a snake bite ring. It turns out that this evil thing can make the wearer immune to all poisons. Before the snake venom invaded his heart, Li Mazi used the six-pointed star circle to seal Cleopatra, and quickly put a snake bite ring on me, and then he saved his life.

Oyu said to me with his mind: "Huh, you are going to die or live at every turn. Let's see if I don't bite you to death when I get back!"

I replied helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll go back and let you suck as much as you like!"

We took our godfather's daughter back. The godfather was very grateful to me and prepared to treat us well. However, I was exhausted both physically and mentally from this battle, and I just wanted to go back to the hotel and have a good sleep.

The trip to Italy ended quickly. Before leaving, my godfather saw me off and solemnly said to me: "Zhang, I simply don't know how to repay you for everything you have done for the Mafia family? What if?" If you intend to settle here in the future, I guarantee that Sicily will become your second home."

I smiled slightly: "I also hope to have the opportunity to meet again in the future!"

"According to the rules, I have to do something for you, anything." Before I could say anything, the godfather continued: "I know Mr. Zhang must be useful to us, please don't be polite to me anymore, otherwise I will You’ll feel guilty.”

I have been led by Longquan Villa all this time. It has caused me to lose so many friends. I have endured enough. This time I plan to take the initiative, so I solemnly said: "One day in the future, please deal with Longquan for me." Villa!"

The godfather sneered and made the sign of the cross on his chest: "As you wish, my friend!"

(ps: Let me tell you some news. Laojiu will publish a new book on the 15th of this month. It will still be released on Mars Novels. It will not affect the update of "The Merchant of the Underworld". Please support us! The title of the new book is kept secret for the time being, but we can be very responsible. Let me tell you, it is thrilling, exciting, and terrifying, and it will satisfy everyone's curiosity. It is produced by Laojiu and must be a high-quality product! At that time, the new book will have a supporting part, and all readers can apply for a supporting part to give their names a chance to appear. In the novel! There are also mysterious activities, and lucky people will receive an autographed book of "The Merchant of the Underworld".)

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