Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,144 The dangers of femininity

After returning from Italy, I plan to take a good rest for two days.

Unexpectedly, Yin Xinyue, who had been busy filming, called me and said that she had prepared a French meal at home and was waiting for me to return.

I was so happy when I heard it, but then I thought it was strange. Yin Xinyue never cooks easily. Could it be that today is some special day?

I checked the calendar all the way, from Valentine's Day to Chinese Valentine's Day, from wedding anniversaries to Fanfan's birthday, there was nothing wrong with it.

I returned to the antique store with an uneasy feeling. As soon as I arrived at the door of the store, I smelled a fragrant fragrance, and there was a little candlelight leaking from the crack in the door.

I picked up the key and opened the door, and found that there were exquisite red wine steaks in the hall, a few candles were lit on the table, and a circle of rose petals were scattered around. Yin Xinyue came up from the kitchen wearing a lace skirt.

Moonlight goddess! At this moment, these four words immediately came to my mind.

Like a well-behaved Japanese daughter-in-law, Yin Xinyue took the bag from my hand with a smile: "Honey, thank you for your hard work."

Happiness came so suddenly, I almost fainted.

Yin Xinyue pulled me to sit on the chair and fed me a bite of steak. Well, it was moderately soft and hard, and it was medium-rare for my liking.

I asked Yin Xinyue tentatively: "Honey, what day is today?"

Yin Xinyue pouted her lips: "Can't you be more romantic in normal times?"

Seeing Yin Xinyue's wise eyes, I knew something was definitely up, but I wanted to enjoy this little happiness and was too lazy to expose her so quickly.

Then Yin Xinyue helped me pour the wine and kept talking about how awesome I was.

I really couldn't stand the series of sugar-coated bullets, so I couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Stop pretending, you are not that material, tell me what you have to say!"

As soon as I finished speaking, Yin Xinyue's delicate little face immediately turned down: "Is my performance that bad?"

I shook my head and said, no, your performance is very good, but I know you too well.

Yin Xinyue took a deep breath, then sat down next to me solemnly and said: "Husband, I have a junior sister in the entertainment industry who is very good at acting, but because she is not pretty, she has been playing a supporting role for five years and is still a supporting role. , she can only play the role of a maid or a village girl, can you help her?"

I smiled and said, "I'm not a director, how can I help her?"

Yin Xinyue replied: "You can help her find a vagina that can make her famous!"

So that's it. I patiently explained to Yin Xinyue that any yin object that can help people change their luck will bring great trouble to the owner. For example, in the past, a certain star in Hong Kong was not very popular at first, but later he hired a feinting object to keep in his home, and he immediately became famous through singing and acting. However, the price was that he became increasingly thin and depressed, and finally fell off a building. fate.

There are also many Thai female celebrities who do not hesitate to ask for Buddha cards in order to become famous. As a result, they become popular, but some become monks and some commit suicide.

I told Yin Xinyue that she should advise that junior sister. If she really likes acting, even if she only plays a supporting role, wouldn't she be happy as long as the audience recognizes her? Why do you have to force yourself to be a popular girl?

Yin Xinyue hugged my arm and said coquettishly: "That's what you say, but who in the entertainment industry doesn't want to be famous? In fact, my junior sister is very talented, has acting skills, and is willing to work hard, but her appearance is too ordinary, so Not much chance. Husband, my good husband, just help her!"

I have been a trader in illicit goods for so many years, how could I not understand the dangers involved?

I originally wanted to continue to persuade him, but I couldn't stand Yin Xinyue's persistence, so I had no choice but to agree to meet the junior sister.

Yin Xinyue and I spent a wonderful night at the candlelight dinner.

As soon as I woke up the next day, Li Mazi sent me a WeChat message, saying that the snake bite ring had found a buyer. The buyer was a university president who was very obsessed with ancient Egyptian culture, so the price he offered was not low.

I was so excited that I asked Li Mazi to go fishing on the river together at noon.

As soon as I finished replying to WeChat, there was a knock on the door outside. I thought to myself, why did Li Mazi come so quickly? As a result, he hurriedly opened the store door and was stunned for a moment.

Standing outside the door was a round-faced girl with short hair. Although she was not stunning, she was definitely pretty and cute.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" I asked doubtfully. I was sure that I had never seen her before.

At this moment, Yin Xinyue came out in pajamas. When she saw the round-faced girl outside the door, she suddenly smiled slightly.

It turns out that this girl is the junior sister Yin Xinyue mentioned. After all, the junior junior sister is a second- and third-tier star. In order to protect her privacy, I will not mention her original name.

Yin Xinyue warmly invited the junior sister to sit in the room. From the moment the junior sister entered the room, she held her hand and greeted her like a big sister.

I took three bottles of juice from the refrigerator and placed them in front of them. From the moment I met my junior sister, I could see a trace of sadness on her face, and her eyes were full of unwillingness.

This is a man with a story!

I helped them unscrew the juice, and the junior sister looked at me with some fear.

I didn't say anything, but Yin Xinyue pushed her: "Don't be afraid, it's just like home here. If you have anything to say, just say it."

When the junior sister heard that Yin Xinyue was so heart-warming, she burst into tears and started talking.

It turns out that my junior sister became a North Piao artist when she was thirteen years old. She is now twenty-seven years old. She has always worked hard and worked very hard. It is common for her to work overtime and memorize her lines. But just because I don’t look outstanding enough, I have been playing a supporting role until now.

At this point, tears burst into the eyes of the younger junior sister.

Seeing that those young actors and actresses whose acting skills are not as good as mine and who rely entirely on special effects for filming have become big stars, while she is still an unknown supporting role, the junior sister feels that the world is unfair.

I patiently advised her that the world is inherently unfair, and that as long as she is serious about herself, it is enough. Why bother with those hypocritical fame and fortunes?

It was okay if I didn't persuade her, but when I persuaded her, the junior sister became even more aggrieved.

There were two balls of fire in her eyes, and she gritted her teeth and said why those little fresh faces can become popular just because of their faces. She has acting skills and talent, why should she succumb to others?

She has developed an obsession. So many years of experience in dealing with femininity have told me that no matter whether it is a human or a ghost, as long as there is an obsession, it is easy to go crazy and become obsessed, and in the end there will be no recovery.

I suppressed my mood and quietly looked at the little junior sister in front of me who kept complaining. I didn't know what to do for a moment.

Yin Xinyue also shook her head at me.

The little junior sister threw herself into her arms and burst into tears.

I cried early in the morning, which made me quite upset, so I immediately asked: "Okay, do you really want to be famous that much?"

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