Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,145 Octagonal Wind Chime

The junior sister sniffed and said very firmly that yes, people should live with great vigor.

I sighed and shook my head. At this point, no amount of persuasion was of any use.

The junior sister suddenly knelt down in front of me with a plop: "Brother-in-law, I heard Sister Xinyue say that you are a capable person, and you can definitely help me realize my wish. Please, find a vagina that can make me angry. Bar!"

Yin Xinyue and I each grabbed one of the junior sister's hands and helped her up.

I repeated what I said to Yin Xinyue last night. In order to dispel the younger sister's thoughts, I specifically gave an example, that is, a Hong Kong actress used vaginal objects to become famous, and was sucked away by the vaginal objects. In the end, she suffered a lot of bad luck, and even caused a pornographic scandal.

Who knew that the little junior sister didn't care about the harm of vaginal substances, and only cared about whether the vaginal substances were really effective so quickly?

She took out two bank cards and put them in front of me and said, "Brother-in-law, this is all my belongings from filming over the years. Please help me."

Seeing that she insisted on doing this, I couldn't say anything else.

I pushed the bank card back: "You are Yin Xinyue's good sister. Logically speaking, I shouldn't accept your money, but ghost merchants don't do business without capital, so you can reimburse the 100,000 yuan in nominal expenses." ”

The junior sister said yes repeatedly and knelt down to me again and again before leaving.

I smiled bitterly, feeling a little headache. I originally wanted to rest for a while, but I didn't expect trouble to come to my door so soon.

Yin Xinyue helplessly spread her hands towards me and said to me coquettishly: "Husband, it all depends on you."

I didn't know what to do with my junior sister's business. How could it be so easy to find any evil thing in the world? But Yin Xinyue's expectant eyes encouraged me, and I vowed to find something that could make people famous.

After struggling all morning, I found that I had only eaten half of my breakfast. I sat down at the dining table again and ate a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge cooked by Yin Xinyue. I felt full of strength.

Li Mazi called me and asked me when I was going to go fishing. He waited for an hour.

I replied that I would go right away. It turned out that Li Mazi secretly bought a set of fishing rods in Italy and wanted to compete with me. In a short time, we caught several river fish. Li Mazi and I had not been so leisurely for a long time, and it was extremely comfortable for a while.

Somehow, the topic came to the matter of the junior sister. I casually asked Li Mazi if he had any clues about this?

Li Mazi frowned and thought for a while, and finally said no, but he would soon spread the news in the circle.

I still have great trust in his efficiency.

In the blink of an eye, three days later, there was still no sign of the vagina that the junior sister was looking for, and there was no reply from Li Mazi.

The junior sister seems to be very anxious. She called me once every day for the past two days. Today, before it is evening, she has already received two calls.

At six o'clock in the evening, I opened the shop and did business as usual.

The whole street was deserted, and the street lamp in front of the store was damaged in a storm yesterday.

Except for the lights in the antique shops, the rest of the street was dark, and there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at me in the drizzle.

Suddenly I seemed to hear a voice: "Come on, come to me!"

I was suddenly shocked, what kind of blind ghost would dare to go wild in the antique street. I rushed out of the store with my sword for killing ghosts and gods. I shouted in the direction of the sound: "Come out!"

Demons and ghosts are afraid of people with strong yang energy. Shouting loudly can help increase your own yang energy.

Suddenly, a figure walked over to Xiao Yu, and I couldn't help but put my hand on the handle of the knife.

Seeing the figure getting closer and closer, I took the knife out of the sheath with a clang, but heard a familiar voice.

The visitor turned out to be Li Mazi, and he said in a panic: "Brother Zhang, what are you doing? They entertain guests with good wine and tea, how can you serve them with a knife?"

I put down my swords in embarrassment, quickly changed the subject, and asked Li Mazi why he came to see me so late.

Li Mazi said that I have found the feminine object that I urgently need. It is an octagonal wind chime, which can enhance the charm of women and make them charming. The octagonal wind chime is currently in the home of a Japanese girl, Yujiu Erquanzi. It just so happens that Shuuerquanzi's mother is a fan of China. She found that she

During this period, my daughter behaved abnormally, with more and more gray hair, and became more and more irritable. She immediately realized that something was wrong, and then asked the Chinese ghost community for help, hoping to help subdue this harmful monster.

When I heard Jiu Erquanzi's name, my heart moved. Jiu Erquanzi was the goddess among many male computers in that era!

I have also heard of octagonal wind chimes.

The Chinese believe that wind chimes are unlucky and can attract zombies, so corpse exorcists in western Hunan use bells to drive away zombies. But Japan is different. The Japanese believe that wind chimes can bring good luck. Because Japan is an island country, every household hangs wind chimes under the eaves to measure the wind direction and to wait for the safe return of family members who have gone to sea.

But slowly, they discovered that a kind of monster in the sea called the Bone Girl would also follow the sound of wind chimes and climb ashore. At night, she would turn into a beautiful girl to seduce men to absorb the yang energy. Then they canceled the custom of hanging wind chimes and changed it to hanging sunny dolls... …

It is said that this kind of octagonal wind chime produced in Japan can make the hostess slowly become beautiful and attractive if hung in the home for a long time. However, the side effect is that it will drain people of their youth and cause them to age prematurely!

The Japanese entertainment industry all admires octagonal wind chimes. Many female artists have large and small imitations hanging in their homes, but the wind chimes from Shuujiizumi's house can actually make a noise. It must be the real thing. Maybe there is something inside. The ghost that lives in the bone girl.

I excitedly asked Li Mazi, when can I see Jiu Erquanzi? Li Mazi immediately gave me a look of disdain and said that he had made an appointment with Jiu Erquanzi's mother before coming. To express his sincerity, the other party immediately took his daughter on the plane and estimated that she would arrive in Wuhan before nine o'clock tonight.

I took out my phone and looked at the time and found that it was already eight forty-five.

Thinking that I was going to see the idol of my youth in a quarter of an hour, I was suddenly excited. I quickly stood up, fixed my hair in front of a bronze mirror, and put on a more elegant coat.

After doing all this, it was exactly nine o'clock.

There was a sudden sound of braking at the door of the store. Li Mazi and I hurriedly walked out. A black Bentley was already parked there. The car body was spotless and elegant. A driver wearing a suit and white gloves got out of the car first and then opened the door respectfully!

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