Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,147 Dancer (Additional update)


As soon as I got close, a strange wind suddenly blew for no reason.

At this time, the doors and windows in the store were closed, and the wind came extremely unexpectedly, and it was cold and chilly.

The curtains also bulged even larger, and a human-shaped shadow was faintly wrapped around it. The figure of the shadow was bumpy and convex, which was far more attractive than Jiu Erquanzi sitting beside him.

Ring, ring, ring...

The octagonal wind chime placed on the table suddenly swayed slightly, emitting a very crisp ringing sound.

The graceful shadow in the curtain also danced, like a beautiful girl hiding in it.


Sakai Izumi, who had been stunned and silent, suddenly exclaimed, and his face became even paler.

"Don't be afraid. As long as the Zhang family is here, everything will be fine!" Although Li Mazi was a little scared, he was a person who had experienced the world after all, so he was naturally much calmer than others.

Is the Yin spirit taking form?

I was slightly stunned when I saw the scene in front of me. I didn't expect that this Yin spirit's cultivation level had reached such a level.

Ordinary Yin spirits can only live in Yin objects and cannot appear alone, but the Yin spirit in front of them has been integrated with Yin objects and turned into a weapon spirit.

From this point of view, it cannot be forced.

While I was helping Jiu Erquanzi this time, I also wanted to get a complete vaginal object to give to Yin Xinyue's junior sister. But once the weapon spirit is eliminated, the octagonal wind chime will also be destroyed. Will my efforts be in vain?

It's rare to find something like this that can enhance your charm. If you miss this time, you may not see it again...

When I thought of this, I immediately stopped and put away my swords. The Yin spirit seemed to realize that the danger had been resolved, and the wind chimes on the table slowly returned to calm and no longer made any sound.

"What's wrong, little brother Zhang, is this thing very powerful?" Li Mazi couldn't figure out why I stopped suddenly.

"Yes." I nodded: "This Yin spirit's cultivation has reached a certain level, and it must not be forced. It seems that we have to find another method..."

Then, I told him: "Go find a basin of sea water and buy a live squid."

"Ah, sea water?" Li Mazi said dumbfounded: "Brother Zhang, where do you want me to find sea water in Wuhan?"

"You're so stupid." I scolded, "Go to the seafood market. Those places that sell live seafood must have sea water."

"Oh, yes, yes." Li Mazi touched his head: "Brother, you still have the inspiration, I'll go right away." After saying that, he turned around and walked out the door.

Jiu Erquanzi, mother and daughter, didn't understand what I just said. They saw Li Mazi turned around and walked out after being scolded by me, and their faces were full of doubts.

The old lady was stunned for a moment and suddenly bowed to me. She was mumbling something and looked extremely sad.

I turned to look at the driver.

The driver finally came to his senses and quickly translated: "She said please save her daughters and never leave them alone. No matter what the price, she is willing to pay."

"Tell her, it's not that I don't care, I'm just changing the method." I said.

The driver translated what I said. After hearing this, the old lady's doubts were relieved. She clasped her hands together and kept bowing to me to thank me.

Jiu Erquanzi's eyes remained expressionless, like a wooden man.

It is really unimaginable that she was once very popular and one of the few big stars in the AV industry of the entire island country, but now she has become like this.

I comforted the old lady with a few words and motioned for her to sit down and drink tea first.

The old woman then sat down with great gratitude. Although her face was still a little frightened, she was infected by my confident look and seemed much more settled.

After she settled down, she told me many things intermittently.

Since Jiu Erquanzi got the Octagonal Wind Chime, her acting career has become smoother and smoother, and her fame has become bigger and bigger. However, her mental state has become worse and worse. At first, her memory was fading severely, and she often forgot things. Later, I would often be alone in a daze, staring blankly without knowing what I was thinking.

She woke up several times in the middle of the night and saw Jiu Erquanzi standing in front of the window, staring blankly at the dark night sky outside.

The old lady was very scared. Her husband died early and she only had one daughter to depend on. If something unexpected happened, what would she do?

She was really afraid that her daughter would be stimulated and could not think of jumping off the building, so she moved to a villa on the first floor and locked her daughter's door tightly every night. I took her to see many psychiatrists, but nothing helped, and the situation became worse and worse.

Gradually, Jiu Erquanzi became more and more abnormal. He stayed up all day and night, just staring at the wind chime, motionless. He didn't even eat, so he relied on her to feed him. Under this situation, no company will look for her to film anymore...

Originally, the old lady thought that her daughter had just been irritated and would recover after a while. However, she did not expect that the situation had become increasingly serious recently. Every time it gets dark, she seems to become another person, dancing an extremely ancient dance. I was so tired that I was covered in sweat, my hands and feet were twitching, but I still refused to stop.

Every time I dance, the wind chimes keep ringing, as if they are accompanying me.

Only then did Mrs. Jiu realize that all the strange things about her daughter seemed to come from this string of wind chimes!

So, she tried to throw away the wind chime.

When Jiu Erquanzi was sleeping, she secretly picked up the wind chime, but as soon as she turned around, Jiu Erquanzi, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes.

Those eyes exuded an extremely ferocious light, and they pounced on her, pressing her heavily to the ground and trying to snatch her away. He even bit her arm and forcefully snatched the wind chime back!

From then on, Jiu Erquanzi always hugged the wind chime tightly, no matter what he did or where he went, he would never leave her body.

Her expression became more and more trance-like, she even became addicted to drugs, and her physical condition became worse and worse. She was not yet thirty years old, and she was in her prime and full of vitality, but she looked as haggard as a woman. She didn't know how to eat when she was hungry, or how to drink when she was thirsty, and she even often peed her pants.

Without the care of the old lady, I really don’t know what would have happened now.

The old lady also went to a Japanese temple, asked the masters for help, and brought back some amulets, soothing soup, etc., but it only calmed down for a day or two, and then it was like the same as before.

Later, the old lady met a professor who studied mysterious culture. The professor told her that this was caused by the evil spirit. If the evil spirit continued to accompany Jiu Erquanzi, Jiu Erquanzi would probably be like this for the rest of his life...

The old lady was naturally very frightened when she heard this, and even asked if there was any other way. The professor then explained that only a femininity merchant can deal with this femininity object, but there is no inheritance of femininity merchants in Japan, so if you really want to save your daughter, you must go to China to find a powerful femininity merchant.

It just so happened that the old lady was also a fan of China and was extremely obsessed with ancient Chinese art. After asking around through some friends, she found Wuhan...

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