Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,148 Seawater, Live Squid

Until this point, the old lady burst into tears and knelt in front of me, refusing to stand up no matter what: "Master Zhang, I beg you, you must save my daughter, even if it costs me my own life. OK."

I sighed and said: "Old madam, don't worry, I will definitely make your daughter recover as before."

Dang Dang Dang, Dang Dang Dang!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the store.

But the sound was very heavy, and it was not a knock at all, but more like a kick.

Who the hell is this? How dare you kick in my store door?

I was furious, and just as I was about to speak out, Li Mazi's breathless voice came from outside the door: "Brother Zhang, I'm back, open the door quickly!"

Before I could move, the driver was very discerning and hurriedly opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Li Mazi walked in sweating profusely. He was holding an extra-large plastic basin full of water in his hand, and there was a large black plastic bag hanging on his other arm.

The plastic bag kept twisting and turning, and the contents inside were restless.

Li Mazi walked up to me, bent down and gently put down the plastic basin, then sat down on the chair next to him with a plop. He drank three cups of tea in a row before he regained his breath: "Oh my god, I'm so exhausted." I am..."

This action was like acting, extremely exaggerated.

Having known him for so long, I naturally know him very well. This guy deliberately acted for the mother and daughter so that he could get a little more remuneration.

"You deserve to be exhausted. What do you do with so much?" I said angrily.

"What did you say it was for? I thought it was to give Miss Jiu a bath." After finishing speaking, Li Mazi winked at me.

I was speechless when I heard this. This guy actually had such a weird idea.

"Go find two smaller basins." I didn't bother to pay attention to him and ordered directly.

Li Mazi quickly stood up and started searching in the store.

My antique store is neither a grocery store nor a restaurant, so naturally there are no pots and pans. However, there were a lot of utensils and other objects. Li Mazi found two bronze basins, touched them from left to right, and gently knocked them: "Brother, can this be done?"

"Okay!" I took it and filled some sea water in the bronze basin. I turned to the old lady and said, "Now I will start to deal with the wind chime. During this period, Miss Jiu will definitely struggle hard. Please be sure to hold on tight." She, can't let her move!"

Then he said to Li Mazi: "You are watching from the side. If the old lady can't hold it down, you can go over and help."

"Ah? Okay!" When Li Mazi heard this, his eyes immediately lit up and he hurriedly came to Jiu Erquanzi's side.

At this moment, he seemed to have seen Jiu Erquanzi's whole body.

After listening to the driver's translation, the old lady understood that I was about to take action, her expression became serious, and she took her daughter's hands.

Seeing that the two of them were ready, I grabbed the wind chime and put it into the bronze basin.

Gududu, Gududu...

As soon as the wind chime entered the sea water, a string of bubbles immediately appeared.

The bubbles were rolling in the sea water, as if what was sinking in the water was not a wind chime but a big fish.

As the number of bubbles increased, Jiu Erquanzi's eyes suddenly brightened up, and he stared closely at the bronze basin, but remained motionless.

I opened the twisting black plastic bag and grabbed a handful of squid inside.

This squid is not small and is still alive. As soon as I was caught in my hand, the eight tentacles immediately stretched out everywhere, trying to break free from my hand.

I pointed it at another empty basin and squeezed it hard.

Poof! The squid spurted a stream of black ink.

"Okay! This is what I want." I dipped some ink on my fingers and slowly put it into the copper basin with the wind chime.

As soon as the ink entered the sea water, it instantly darkened a large area of ​​the water surface, and it was still spreading.

"Hold the second wine lady!" I ordered loudly.

Hearing my shout, Li Mazi quickly leaned over and grabbed Jiu Erquanzi's arm.

The bubbles grew larger and larger, and the black ink gradually sank to the bottom of the water.


Suddenly, something incredible happened. The wind chime started to move in the basin, like a fish, moving to another place to avoid the ball of ink.

Jiu Erquanzi also moved at the same moment and rushed forward, trying to take back the wind chime.

Fortunately, the old lady and Li Mazi were on guard and held her down tightly.

I soaked some ink and dripped it into the bronze basin. As the ink gradually dispersed, the wind chime also moved its position, making the bronze basin rattle.

However, the ink became thicker and thicker, dyeing the entire basin with seawater. The wind chime was moved several times, but it had no effect at all. Then he became even more manic, scraping and shaking the entire copper basin.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you." Jiu Erquanzi also became extremely furious, cursing loudly and struggling hard.

The old lady was caught off guard and fell to the ground. However, she did not dare to let go at all. She comforted her daughter loudly while holding on tightly.

Jiu Erquanzi's seemingly weak body suddenly developed a huge force and rushed forward fiercely. With a bang, she hit the table with her mother. The bronze basin shook violently, and a lot of sea water spilled out.

"Li Mazi, hold her down quickly!" I shouted loudly.

"Okay!" Li Mazi responded, quickly hugged her around the waist, and dragged her back desperately.

The wind chime rotated rapidly in the water, spinning faster and faster, making a tinkling sound. The seawater in the entire bronze basin was stirred into a huge vortex, constantly rolling and circling. In the center of the vortex, a wind chime was faintly exposed.

At this time, the wind chime had turned blood red, and the eight bells made of shells stretched in all directions and rang at the same time.

"Death! Die!" Jiu Erquanzi shouted loudly.

Dang, clang, clang, clang...

The wind chimes scraped against the copper basin, making a loud noise.

Ring ring ring, ring ring ring... the ringing sound keeps ringing with splashes of water.

The old lady and Li Mazi tried their best to suck the milk, and played tug of war with Jiu Erquanzi.

"Be sure to catch her and never let her get close to the wind chime!" I reminded loudly.

The driver also translated very quickly. He also saw that something was wrong and hurriedly helped to pull people along.

I picked up the copper basin filled with squid ink and poured it into the sea water.

As soon as so much ink entered the water, it immediately dyed a large area black, and the entire water surface became extremely dark.

Dang, Dang, Dang! Dang, Dang, Dang!

The wind chime seemed to have sensed some danger, and it swayed even faster. A lot of sea water splashed out, causing the bronze basin to sway uncontrollably.

I quickly pressed the bronze basin with both hands and watched it closely.

"Death!" Jiu Erquanzi roared like crazy, gritting his teeth tightly and rushing forward as if he was desperate.

Li Mazi hugged her lower back tightly, and the old lady grabbed her hands tightly, but under the tight hold of these two people, Jiu Erquanzi, who seemed weak and weak, was driving her towards her. approaching forward.

The frightened driver quickly stretched out his arms and blocked her in front of him, mumbling in Chinese and Japanese, screaming loudly, grabbing her and stopping her! Don't let her come over!

The vortex in the water basin became faster and faster, causing the bronze basin to sway like a bronze turtle overturned in the river. Even if I held it firmly, the table could not help but swing around. The four table legs rubbed against the ground and made a clicking sound. In an instant, it had moved more than 20 centimeters!

This wind chime is originally made of shells. It feels like it has found a home when soaked in sea water, but it is really disgusting to the squid ink.

In addition, the best way to suppress the negative things in the sea is to use squid ink.

Of course, the cultivation level of this Yin spirit is not low, and it is definitely not comparable to ordinary Yin spirits. It is obviously impossible to completely suppress it with squid ink.

But this squid ink is like an invisible prison. I will trap it tightly in it first. After it is completely hopeless and exhausts its strength, it will be convenient for me to subdue it!

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