Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,149 Five Elements Formation

"You will pay the price..." Jiu Erquanzi struggled desperately, cursing loudly, his hair spread out, a deep blood mark was bitten on his lip, and a line of bright red blood dripped down his pale chin. Falling.

The old lady felt sorry for the woman, but she didn't dare to let go at all.

Li Mazi, a big man, hugged her waist tightly, but he was so tired that he was sweating. He shouted to me out of breath: "Brother Zhang, how long will it take? I can't hold on any longer." "

"Hold on a little longer!" I said without looking back, staring closely at the basin.

The vortex was still spinning rapidly, the wind chime in the center was looming in the ink, and the shells became paler and more translucent. But there was a strange red light all around, as bright as blood. At first glance, it looks like an extremely exquisite work of art. The white is translucent, like jade and snow, and the red is dazzling, like the sun and blood. It is many times more beautiful than before.

The ink in the basin splashed everywhere, fell on the table, and even splashed on my face. There was a strange fishy smell, which was extremely unpleasant.

The vortex continued to spin for a quarter of an hour, and finally slowed down, and the copper basin finally stopped shaking so violently...

An extremely faint red thread appeared on the dark water, circling like a snake.

"Okay, we finally trapped it!" I freed my hand and wiped the beads of sweat on my forehead, then took out a magic talisman, turned around and told the driver: "Go pick up some leaves. "

"What?" The driver was stunned, as if he didn't understand.

"Go outside the door and pick up a leaf and come in! Go quickly." I repeated it again.

"Oh, okay." The driver had never seen such a scene before. He was so shocked just now. After hearing what I said, he hurriedly ran out.

There were many Populus euphratica trees planted on both sides of the road in front of the door, and naturally there were a lot of leaves. The driver quickly returned to the store and grabbed a lot of leaves.

"Is this okay?" The driver asked hesitantly, not knowing what I wanted to do.

I didn't have time to explain, so I just nodded: "Yes! Throw a piece in."

The driver grabbed a leaf suspiciously and threw it into the water. As soon as the leaf entered the water, it floated and spun like a boat.

The thin red line in the water immediately moved closer like a poisonous snake smelling its prey!

As soon as the thin red thread came close to the leaf, it immediately climbed up and stretched along the veins on the leaf. The entire leaf immediately turned bright red, as brilliant as fire.

"Well done!" I threw the talisman in my hand fiercely.

The magic talisman sank into the water, and a golden light suddenly emitted from the inky black sea water, and the leaves were tightly trapped in it.

The red light seemed to feel that it was doomed, driving the leaves to struggle in the sea water.

"Ah! Woowalaka! Woowalaka!" Jiu Erquanzi suddenly shouted, the sound was extremely cruel, as if he was suffering endless pain, and he kept shouting something loudly.

Although I don't understand Japanese, I know very well that it is the Yin spirit reciting some kind of spell loudly with the help of her body.

"Hurry up and stop her mouth. Don't let her talk." I ordered.

" should we block it?" Li Mazi asked confusedly, his head covered with sweat from exhaustion.

The old lady knew that this was a critical moment to save her daughter. As soon as she heard my words, she immediately stretched out her arms and blocked Jiu Erquanzi's mouth.

Jiu Erquanzi seemed to be crazy, like a vicious wolf, biting him mercilessly.

The old lady gasped in pain, but still comforted her daughter warmly.

Although the driver didn't translate, I could probably guess that the old lady was telling her daughter not to be afraid and to be good.

Jiu Erquanzi, with her hair disheveled, bit her mother's arm, violently charged into her, and even forced Li Mazi to run away.

With a pop, the three of them fell to the ground at the same time, causing the old lady to groan in extreme pain.

Jiu Erquanzi took the opportunity to break free from the restraints, got down on all fours, stared at his two blood-red eyes, and crawled towards the copper basin step by step!

Crunch, crunch!

She curled her fingers like claws and scratched the tiles on the ground, making a rattling sound. In an instant, he crawled more than half a meter and was about to catch the table leg.

"What are you still doing? Go and help." I turned around and shouted to the driver.

"Oh, yes." The driver was a little scared at first. When he heard what I said, he immediately rushed to help and held her down.

Several people here were pulling back and forth, and the leaves in the copper basin were fighting fiercely with the golden light.

Under the constant shining of golden light, the space for the leaves to move became smaller and smaller, and the vortex on the water surface also gradually slowed down from the initial turmoil.

In the end, the leaves stopped moving and floated on the water, wrapped in layers of golden light.

Black, red, and yellow, the three colors stopped in the copper basin, looking very dazzling.

Jiu Erquanzi seemed to have exhausted all his strength, lying on the ground with his long hair disheveled, just staring at me with a pair of eyes.

Those eyes were full of hatred and unwillingness, as well as unspeakable anger!

Seeing this scene, I felt a little relieved. I finally had this evil spirit under my control.

After the water surface calmed down completely, I reached out and fished the leaves out of the copper basin.

The leaves were all bright red, and there was a black figure in the center. It was exactly the same as the shadow behind the curtain before. She was a beautiful woman with an extremely hot figure.

The beauty was running around in this bright red, but no matter what, she could never break through the golden light, it was just in vain.

I took out a lighter and lit the leaves, then threw them into another copper basin.

The leaves immediately burned, emitting thick black smoke and an extremely fishy smell, and turned into a pile of black ash in an instant.

I thought to myself, finally it's done!

This Yin spirit is extremely vicious, and it would be really difficult to catch it without using this method.

The tossing just now seemed extremely random, but in fact it used the method of the Five Elements Formation.

The copper basin is made of gold, the sea water is water, and the leaves are wood. Finally, earth-attribute talismans are used to trap the Yin spirit in it, and then burned with fire. Only then can it be completely subdued.

As the leaf turned into ashes, Jiu Erquanzi's body went limp and he immediately passed out. Her face was extremely pale, and a bright red blood trail flowed from the corner of her mouth.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and then said to several people: "Okay, let her go. I have dealt with the Yin spirit."

Hearing this, Li Mazi let go and sat down on the ground, breathing heavily: "Oh my God, I'm so damn tired."

The driver translated to the old lady very excitedly and helped her up.

The old lady was bitten with two very deep wounds on her arm, and blood was flowing freely. But she didn't care. She just knelt on the ground, stroking her daughter's long hair distressedly. Then she raised her head and said a few words weakly.

The driver quickly translated: "The old lady asked, how is her daughter?"

"Don't worry, Miss Jiu Er is fine. I have solved the evil spirit that has been pestering her. Take these ashes back, and when she wakes up, give them to her with warm water, and her lost consciousness will slowly recover. of."

I pointed to the ashes of leaves in the copper basin.

After listening to the driver's translation, the old lady burst into tears of excitement again, and then she knelt on the ground and kowtowed to me.

I quickly stood up and helped her up.

Jiu Erquanzi has been crazy for several years, and the old lady didn't know how much she had to worry about. She was already exhausted mentally and physically. After all the trouble just now, she couldn't even stand still.

But she was worried about her daughter and didn't want to stay for a moment, she was leaving soon.

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