Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,150 Three Million Remuneration

The driver and Li Mazi lifted the Jiuerquanzi. I held the bronze plate in one hand and supported the old lady with the other, and put them into the car.

Before the car started, the old lady handed me a bank card with gratitude. The driver translated at the same time: "Before I came to China, I transferred three million yuan. This is my reward for you, master! If you feel it is not enough, I will sell my property to repay Master for saving my daughter’s life.”

Before I could speak, Li Mazi said first, "It's easy to talk about. I'll tell you after I discuss it with Brother Zhang."

I glared at him angrily, turned around and said, "That's enough. What I want to see is Miss Jiu Er's early recovery."

The old lady said many words of thanks one after another before leaving in the car.

"Hey, little brother." Li Mazi said with a puzzled look on his face: "Jiu Erquanzi is one of the few big stars in the Japanese AV industry. His family is very rich, even if he wants a few million more It’s not a problem, why just let it go? This is not like your character.”

"Why don't you know how to be satisfied? Buying and selling yin objects is inherently detrimental to yin virtue. Let's treat it as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue this time." After I finished speaking, I ignored Li Mazi and walked straight back to the store.

The ink in the bronze basin had already settled, so I reached out and fished out the octagonal wind chime inside.

Because the Yin spirit living inside has been forced out, the wind chime now takes on a different look. The white shell is crystal clear, and the red silk thread is as bright as fire. It is even more dazzling than when it was first seen.

Although I have eliminated the Yin spirit inside, there is still an extremely mysterious power hidden in this Yin object. When you hold it in your hand, you will feel a gloomy cold air penetrating your skin, chilling your heart and lungs.

At this moment, the phone rang. When I saw the caller number, it was Yin Xinyue's junior sister.

"Brother-in-law, how is the promise you promised me?" the junior sister on the other side of the phone asked eagerly.

Hearing the urging tone of the younger junior sister, I knew that she was greedy and had definitely identified this wrong path.

"I found the thing. Come to my house to get it tonight." I said calmly.

"Really?" The junior sister's voice on the other end of the phone suddenly increased several times. Although I didn't see her expression at this moment, I can guess that she must be so excited that she almost jumped up.

"Brother-in-law, you are great! You are so great! I love you so much! Hahahahaha." The little junior sister shouted happily, and then said: "To express my sincere gratitude, I will treat you tonight! Our Datang See you in spring, see you soon.”

"Well, it's not necessary. Just come to my store and pick it up. Your sister Yue's specialty dishes are also quite good." I hesitated, and deliberately used the word "sister Yue" very strongly.

If Yin Xinyue finds out about eating with her alone, I won't get any good results.

The junior sister laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that brother-in-law, you are so capable, but you are still afraid of your wife? Don't worry, my name is Sister Shangyue, we will go together, we won't embarrass you. It's settled, tonight See you." After saying that, she hung up the phone.

Oh, this girl!

It is true that one can quickly enhance one's own charm and become popular in the entertainment industry with the help of feminine objects, but this is not the right path after all. Moreover, Yin things are not good things after all. If you are not careful, they will suffer backlash. Isn’t the just-departed Jiu Erquanzi a ready-made example?

It's lovely, that's it. Once you see fame and fortune, how many people can stick to their original intentions and be sincere?

Just as I was sighing, the phone rang again.

When I picked it up, I saw it belonged to Yin Xinyue.

"Have you found the vagina you promised to junior sister?" Yin Xinyue asked straight to the point.

"Yes, I just got one." I replied.

"She told me. She looked very happy and said that she would invite us to Tangchun in the evening." Yin Xinyue said.

"She also told me that I just asked her to come to the store to pick up the things, but she refused." I replied.

Yin Xinyue was silent for a moment: "This is also her intention. You helped her fulfill her wish. She really wants to express it. It's not good if we refuse too much. Why don't we just go."

"I helped her just for your sake. Since my wife said to go, let's go." I sighed helplessly.

Yin Xinyue smiled with satisfaction and praised me a few more times before hanging up the phone.

This morning was a lot of work. After lunch, I had a solid sleep. When I woke up, I looked through the notes left by my grandfather for a while, and then went straight to Tangchun.

Tangchun is a newly opened hotel. Everything in the hotel imitates the characteristics of the Tang Dynasty. Even all the waiters are dressed in ancient costumes. When you are in it, you really have the illusion of getting lost in the Tang Dynasty.

Naturally, the consumption here is not low, and it is also one of the best in Wuhan.

Of course, with my current financial situation, it would be fine for me to eat for ten consecutive years, but it is really not necessary. I am not a person who likes to show off, nor do I like to pretend to be elegant in this fake atmosphere. I would rather choose a home-cooked restaurant, which is both satisfying and comfortable.

But since Junior Sister chose this location, it shows her sincerity.

The business in Datang Chun was extremely booming, and the door was crowded with people who had to queue up to get in. Fortunately, the junior sister had some connections and booked a private room in advance.

Led by an unusually plump waiter dressed like a palace maid, wearing low-cut long sleeves, I walked around the bright red pillars and finally arrived at the private room.

Yin Xinyue and junior sister were already sitting inside.

"Brother-in-law, you're here!" The junior sister welcomed me very warmly when she saw me entering the room.

"Ah." I nodded, took a peek at Yin Xinyue, and found that she was smiling, but I understood this smile best.

I didn't waste any time at the moment and handed over the box in my hand: "Now, this is what you want!"

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