Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,151 It’s hard to persuade an idiot

The little junior sister took it over with great joy and couldn't wait to open the box.

"Ah, it's so beautiful!" She exclaimed with shining eyes.

I sat down next to Yin Xinyue calmly and looked at each other. No one said anything, just looking at the junior sister.

"Brother-in-law, what's the name of this thing?" She held the wind chime in her hand several times before remembering to ask me.

"This is called an octagonal wind chime, with ghost tendons as threads and shells as bells. It was originally used by Japanese fishermen to predict the direction of the wind. Later it was hung under the eaves beside the door, which indicates good weather and good luck in everything." I picked up the teacup and took a sip. Tea.

"Brother-in-law is really knowledgeable. Come on, let me offer you a cup of tea instead of wine!" The little junior sister's face was red, unable to hide the joy in her heart, and she picked up the teacup with a smile.

"Don't be too busy being happy." I said solemnly, "Do you know how you got this wind chime?"

"How did you get it? Could it be that you had to rob a tomb?" the junior sister chuckled.

"It's scarier than that." I said seriously.

When Yin Xinyue saw my expression, she turned to look at me solemnly. The junior sister also calmed down a little, the smile on her face froze, and asked: "What kind of scary method?"

I asked back: "Have you ever heard of Jiuerquanzi?"

Although Shu Erquanzi is Japanese and an AV star, she is extremely famous in China and is regarded as a life teacher by countless otakus. Yin Xinyue's junior sister is from the entertainment industry and is not unfamiliar with this name at all, so she nodded immediately.

"I got this thing from her." I explained.

"Ah? That means that the reason why Jiuerquanzi is so famous and popular is because of this octagonal wind chime?" When the little junior sister heard this, her eyes brightened even more.

"That's right." I nodded: "The reason why her acting career is so smooth, the octagonal wind chimes did play a big role, but do you know why she came to me?"

I looked firmly into my junior sister's eyes and said coldly: "You only know that she is infinitely beautiful and wears one halo after another, but do you know what she looked like before she came to me? She was skinny and had two eyes. Sluggish, just like a madman, if it weren't for her mother's careful care, she would have died long ago."

"Her mother said that she would dance a terrifying dance every night. Even if her hands and feet were twitching from exhaustion, she could not stop at all. She would often look out the window in a daze, and she had a strong tendency to commit suicide. She could no longer take care of herself and was hungry. He doesn't know how to eat, he doesn't know how to drink when he's thirsty, he even pees his pants frequently...and all these abnormal conditions are caused by the octagonal wind chime."

"The octagonal wind chime is a yin object. All yin objects are deals with ghosts and gods. While it brings you fame and fortune, it also brings you bad luck!"

"It can enhance your charm and make your future prosperous, but it will cost you your life. Although I promised Xinyue and helped you find such a thing, I really don't want you to use it. I hope you will never use it again." Think about it."

I finished my words in one breath, just hoping that the junior sister could think it over carefully. After all, once the evil thing harms someone, it is very difficult to undo it.

After hearing what I said, the little junior sister fell silent for a moment, but she just held on to the wind chime with both hands and stared at the wind chime, refusing to leave for a moment.

"Junior sister, how about we stop using this? If you work hard and develop in a down-to-earth manner, you will become popular." Yin Xinyue comforted.

The junior sister bit her lip, raised her head and asked me: "Brother-in-law, now that you have obtained this thing, is the condition of Miss Jiujiu better? Have you also gotten rid of the weird things here?"

I nodded: "The Yin spirit inside was indeed subdued by me, and Miss Jiu Er's consciousness should have recovered. However, the mysterious power in the Yin object cannot be completely eliminated."

"What happened to Jiu Erquanzi is not an isolated case. A long time ago, my father sold the sword Wu Zixu used when he committed suicide to a crosstalk actor named Zhao. You don't know how popular he was at that time. What happened next? In jail."

"There is also a Hong Kong singer surnamed Zhang who also gained fame and fortune after begging for yin objects. What happened next? He didn't die at a young age. Using yin objects for a long time will gradually affect your sanity and damage you. of health…”

"I'll just come back to you then." Junior sister suddenly interrupted me: "I'll accept this wind chime first."

"No, you didn't understand what I meant..."

I was trying my best to explain to her, but my junior sister interrupted me again: "Brother-in-law, I know you are good for me, but I really don't want to accept it."

"Ever since I was a child, I have wanted to be an actor and a star. For this goal, I have worked hard for so many years, suffered so much, and sweated so much, but there has been no improvement. I hate it so much! I hate this World, I hate myself even more for not being beautiful.”

"So I had to find a way out."

"No matter how dangerous and dangerous this road is, I must go on. This is my only dream. Otherwise, even if I die, I will not be willing to do so."

"Brother-in-law, you don't have to persuade me anymore. I'll keep this thing." After saying that, the junior sister grabbed her satchel, put the wind chime in, and then took out her bank card and put it on the table.

Yin Xinyue looked at me, and I looked at her, and we were silent again.

In fact, I should have known this a long time ago. From the moment my junior sister came to beg me, the outcome was doomed.

As for why Yin Xinyue didn't speak, I can understand it.

She must be very conflicted at this time. Seeing that her junior sister has been trying so hard but never getting ahead, she sincerely wants to help, but she really doesn't want to harm her junior sister because of vaginal objects.

It really corresponds to the idiom: It’s hard to persuade an idiot!

"Okay, Sister Yue, brother-in-law, I sincerely thank you. If I become famous in the future, I will definitely not forget you!" The junior sister bowed sincerely.

Now that she has said all this, Yin Xinyue and I really can't do anything else to persuade her.

(PS: There will be an update in the evening. Lao Jiu's new book "The Detective of the Underworld" has been released. You can just search for the title of the book on Mars Novels. You will regret it for a year if you don't read it, haha.)

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