Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,152 The Death of Junior Sister (Additional Update)

That night, the junior sister was extremely excited and kept drinking heavily, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop her.

While drinking, she suddenly burst into tears.

It seemed that the emotions that had been suppressed for many years finally found an outlet, and she cried extremely sadly.

After we tried to persuade her, she wiped away her tears and laughed like a lunatic.

Her face was flushed, her eyes were blurry, she raised her wine glass and stood up, saying, "Sister Yue, brother-in-law, I sincerely thank you! I'll toast you with another glass." She poured another glass of wine into her mouth as she spoke. in stomach.

"Junior sister, please stop drinking." Yin Xinyue advised with some worry.

"No, Sister Yue, you don't have to persuade me. I must drink today, I must get drunk! Because...because when I wake up again, I won't be me anymore! Hahaha." As she said this, she was extremely stubborn. Grabbed the bottle.

I sat next to her and said nothing, but I understood her thoughts very well.

At this moment, she could feel the auras of success flying towards her one after another. She wanted to say a complete farewell to her former failed self.

As expected, she was drunk, completely drunk.

He collapsed into a pile of mud, but he still kept laughing: "I'm going to be famous, I'm going to be famous! Hahaha!"

When Yin Xinyue saw that she was so drunk, she quickly helped her leave, but she couldn't help her, so she had to signal for my help.

I held her arm, and Yin Xinyue held her satchel, and the three of us staggered out of Tangchun.

After the cold wind blew, she sobered up a lot, turned her head and looked at me with drunken eyes, and then kissed me fiercely on the face: "Thank you, brother-in-law, I really love you to death, hahaha!" "

Yin Xinyue's face suddenly turned ugly, and I seemed to see the sea of ​​jealousy.

"Junior sister, you are drunk, let me take you home." Yin Xinyue grabbed the little junior sister and motioned for me to go back first with cold eyes.

I went back to the store, took a hot shower, and watched two episodes of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" in boredom. Then Yin Xinyue opened the door with a tired body.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"I really can't tell, you are quite interested." Yin Xinyue rolled her eyes at me and said angrily: "What else can I do? Thanks to your blessing, she will become a big star from tomorrow on. ”

When I heard that something was wrong, I hurriedly stepped forward and pinched her shoulders and said, "Who is a star or not? Who can compare with my wife? My wife will always be the brightest one in my heart."

"There are still some things that are not lit for the moment, right?" From the tone of my voice, I could tell that most of Yin Xinyue's anger had dissipated, and she was just deliberately sarcastic.

"How could it be possible? You will always be the only one in my heart, the most beautiful one. My wife is unparalleled in the world. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. Even if I search thousands of miles with a lantern, I can't find her. I don't know if I broke it in my past lives. How many ironwood fishes are needed to achieve this blessing..."

"Okay, okay, you're no longer poor." Yin Xinyue's anger dissipated immediately: "Go and get me a glass of water."

"I obey my wife's wishes!" I said seriously.

"Glib tongue!" A smile appeared on Yin Xinyue's face, and everything became calm again.

In view of the lessons caused by this small incident, in the following days, I never asked about the little junior sister's situation after using the octagonal wind chime, and I never mentioned her name again.

However, Yin Xinyue talked about her to me several times.

Since the little junior sister hung up the octagonal wind chimes at home, her originally thin body has gradually become plumper, and her round face has become fairer and more delicate. Both her appearance and temperament have improved a lot. Compared with before, it is simply It's a complete rebirth.

Moreover, her luck is getting better and better.

First, he was spotted by a famous domestic director and starred in a very popular costume TV series.

Although she was only the second female lead, her performance was extremely outstanding, surpassing all other stars.

Immediately afterwards, various advertisements and film and television drama contracts came one after another. In a very short period of time, she became a hot celebrity in the industry.

But at the same time, she also completely changed.

Although she was mediocre in the past, she was very clean and self-sufficient, and she was very shameless towards those actresses who relied on selling their looks to get to the top! But now she doesn't refuse all unspoken rules, and even takes the initiative. Investors, producers, directors, and other male stars, as long as they were helpful to her stardom, all threw themselves into their arms and seduced them into bed one by one.

For a time, scandals about her were flying all over the sky, and almost no one in the entire circle knew about it.

In the eyes of outsiders, she seemed to have great fame and great reputation, but in fact, she was already riddled with holes and had become a plaything of insiders.

During this period, the relationship between her and Yin Xinyue gradually faded, and they almost never contacted each other. Even if they met occasionally, they would miss it in a word or two. Even the tone was not as cordial as before, and there was even a hint of How proud and arrogant!

However, Yin Xinyue was kind-hearted and did not care about these things with her. She was still worried about her.

"Hey, how could such a good person become like this?" Yin Xinyue always sighed when she mentioned her.

This result is not beyond my expectation. After all, the octagonal wind chime is a yin object. Using a yin object will naturally bring some inexplicable magical benefits, but it will also be accompanied by even more inexplicable bad luck.

I made everything clear to her from the beginning, but she had long been blinded by fame and fortune, and had long been immersed in sweet dreams. How could she listen to my advice?

But after all, I was the one who gave this femininity to her, so I had to give her a final warning, both emotionally and rationally.

So, when Yin Xinyue mentioned her to me again, I said seriously: "Xinyue, you have to inform her immediately that this thing can no longer be used, the vagina has started to eat the master!"

"Master Devourer, what does that mean?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"Remember the Jiu Erquanzi I told you about? She was the previous owner of the octagonal wind chime. She was devoured by the evil spirit and tortured into a lunatic. If her mother hadn't been with her all the time, I would have killed the evil spirit in time. Ling, I'm afraid he died a long time ago."

"Then... what should we do?" Yin Xinyue panicked upon hearing this and asked worriedly.

"There is still a way. It just depends on whether she is willing to give up her fame and fortune..." I sighed.

In fact, this is also the most fatal point of the octagonal wind chime, that is, it takes advantage of human greed.

Throughout the ages, how many people have been able to see through fame and fortune?

"Stop being so pretentious and tell her how to save her." Yin Xinyue asked with great concern.

"Okay, remember! If you want to completely get rid of the negative energy in the octagonal wind chime, you must find a large locust tree, bury a solid black dog deep in the shade of the tree, and then cover it with three layers of quicklime. Then go to the temple Please sprinkle some incense ash into the realgar wine, clean yourself thoroughly, and finally stay at home for seven or forty-nine days without seeing anyone, so that you can cut off contact with the octagonal wind chime."

"This... I can't remember, please tell her." Until now, Yin Xinyue was still worried about the safety of her junior sister, so she took out the phone and called her.

The call was put through, but it was the assistant who answered it. After a long time, the junior sister's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone: "What's going on?"

"Junior sister, listen to me, you can't hang that wind chime now. Your brother-in-law said that you have been bitten by evil things now, and it will be very dangerous if this continues. You have to..."

"Sister Yue, I'm rushing to film a TV series right now. I'm very busy. I'll call you when I have time. Bye." The other end of the phone hung up immediately.

Yin Xinyue grabbed the phone and bit her lower lip heavily.

She was stunned for a while, then dialed again, but this time the connection was not picked up.

"This girl!" Yin Xinyue threw down the phone angrily.

After staring angrily for a while, she said unwillingly: "No, I have to tell her. Say it again, and I will send him a text message!"

After I repeated it again, Yin Xinyue sent a text message.

This time the reply came quickly.

But there were only two short sentences: "I understand, don't mention it again."

The meaning was obvious. She would never give up the octagonal wind chime, let alone everything she had now. She regarded the femininity as her second life. And I don’t want us to mention it again, let alone let others know.

She was completely obsessed and completely lost.

Yin Xinyue put down the phone and was speechless. I also knew very well that everything was already too late.

The little junior sister is no longer the person we knew back then. Now she is already obsessed with fame and fortune in the entertainment industry. Let alone letting her throw away the octagonal wind chime, even if someone wants to take it away from her, she will Do whatever it takes to get it back.

Sure enough, not long after, all kinds of negative news about her emerged one after another.

First, her cute little round face was aging rapidly. No matter how expensive cosmetics she used or how famous makeup artists she hired, she could not conceal her gradually haggard appearance. She was just under thirty years old, and she was as beautiful as a flower. Despite her age, she is old and withered, just like an old woman.

There were rumors in the news that this was a sequelae of plastic surgery.

Immediately afterwards, various scandals when she took office were exposed one after another. There was even a video of a tryst with a wealthy businessman that was posted online. For a time, her reputation plummeted rapidly, and it was simply disgusting.

No one asked her to film anymore, and even several contracts that had been set were forcibly canceled by investors.

She suddenly fell from the high altar to the bottom. Yin Xinyue still did not forget the sisterly love and tried to contact her again to persuade her to get rid of the octagonal wind chimes earlier, but she did not even answer the phone.

Later, I heard the news that she committed suicide by turning on the gas.

After Yin Xinyue learned the news, she didn't eat any food and just sat there blankly.

I knew she felt very uncomfortable, so I stayed with her.

After a long time, Yin Xinyue suddenly raised her head and asked me, "Do you think she would still be willing to pay such a price if she had to choose again?"

"Yes." I replied without hesitation.

"Why?" Yin Xinyue asked very strangely.

"Because that's her choice."

Once you are blinded by fame and wealth, no matter what you choose, the outcome is already doomed.

Perhaps the junior sister drank crazily that night not to bid farewell to her failed self, but to retain the truest, kindest and most beautiful version of herself for the last time.

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