Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,153 Weird Egg Fried Rice

The days have been very leisurely recently, and there has been no business coming to the door.

But this is the case for those who eat a bowl of Yinwu. If my small shop has constant customers every day, then the world may be in chaos...

Because of this, there is a saying that Yinwu merchants do not open for three years and do not open for three years.

But this is also a good thing. I can continue to practice the Yin Yang Knife technique in my spare time!

Over the past few days, I have become much more proficient in the dual swords of killing ghosts and gods, and even I can really feel the improvement in my strength. And now I am full of spiritual energy, and I have gradually realized the beauty of spiritual extraction. I can use Ran Min's divine power of the Heavenly King and Taijun She's Yang family's spear skills anytime and anywhere.

It was not long after dark that day, and I had just finished practicing a set of sword skills combined with the Yang family's spear, when someone walked in from outside the door.

The other person was about forty years old, with a bit of bald hair, and a red rosacea on his fat face. He carefully searched around, and when he saw that I was the only one in the room, he asked: "Brother Son, I want to find Master Zhang Jiulin."

"That's me." I picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

The rosacea looked at me again in surprise, and immediately showed a frightened expression: "Oh my god! I didn't expect Master Zhang, who is famous in Wuhan, to be so young. He is so young that he cannot recognize the mountains."

My store is not an ordinary store, and people without special needs will not come in.

Since he knew my rules about opening in the middle of the night and also knew my name, he must have introduced me through people in the circle. I didn't waste any time and asked directly: "Tell me, what happened to you?"

"Uh..." Rosacea didn't expect me to be so straightforward. Instead, he was a little confused for a moment. After a long pause, he said: "Master Zhang, to be honest, I really have something I don't understand to talk to you about. My name is Zhong Xiaopang opened a Fatty Food Stall near the building materials market in the east of the city. The business has always been pretty good, but recently a restaurant opened across the street and it took away all my business in just one day! "

"The restaurant is trying to steal business, so why are you looking for me?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Master Zhang, you don't know how evil that restaurant is." Zhong Xiaopang explained mysteriously: "The restaurant is in a shabby state and has not even been decorated. It is just two temporarily rented warehouses. Moreover, There are no special dishes in the store. They only sell egg fried rice, which costs fifty yuan a portion, which is more expensive than my stewed chicken, but there is still a long queue every day."

"My food stall has been open for seven or eight years. I hired famous master chefs. I originally had a lot of regular customers. But since the opening of that strange restaurant, my business has plummeted and it has been deserted. Losing money every day! Customers would rather wait in line at his place for hours than come to eat at my place, and there are even many luxury cars coming to support him." Zhong Xiaopang said aggrievedly.

"That's why they make egg fried rice well." I said with a smile: "Don't be envious and jealous. If you have this time, you might as well spend some time hiring a few more good chefs and win back your customers."

"Master Zhang, if this were the case, I wouldn't dare to trouble you." Zhong Xiaopang showed a bitter look on his face.

"I kept an eye out at that time and secretly sent an experienced chef pretending to be a part-time worker to work undercover in his store for a few days. The ingredients he used were simply ordinary, and even the ones he used were rotten in the market. green onions, cheap foreign eggs, and the cooking method is unremarkable, just fried rice with eggs.”

"I think his fried rice must have added drugs like poppy powder, so customers will become addicted after eating it! I asked friends from the Health Bureau to do spot checks several times, but found nothing." Zhong Xiaopang wondered. said.

"The owner has always claimed that his great-grandfather was the imperial chef who served the Empress Dowager Cixi during the Qing Dynasty. He inherited the secret recipe handed down from his ancestors. But after all, I am also a chef and have opened a food stall for so many years. I know the ropes of the catering industry very well. But that’s it. It’s just an egg fried rice, no matter how delicious it is, no matter how good it is, no matter how delicious it is. But there’s really nothing we can do about it, we can only watch it lose money day by day.”

"Moreover, the chef I first sent undercover was my cousin. He has been working with me for almost ten years. But since I went to that store and had two meals of egg fried rice, I couldn't eat anything good. After I went down, I felt upset and felt uncomfortable all over if I didn’t eat the egg fried rice from that place..."

"Also, from that time on, my cousin's appetite suddenly became very large, and he ate ten portions every time! But the strange thing is that after eating like this for three months, he did not gain weight, but gained enough weight. I have lost 50 pounds, and I have never heard that egg fried rice has the function of losing weight."

Listening to Zhong Xiaopang chattering nonsense, I almost wanted to close the door and drive people away.

But I saw that he was sincere and came to the store in the middle of the night. Maybe there was something fishy about the whole thing, so I continued to listen patiently.

"To be honest, I have made a lot of money over the years, but I can't afford to lose it if I have no business. So I wanted to sell the store, but something happened at this time!" He said this in one breath, Zhong Xiaopang's face suddenly turned very pale, as if he had thought of something terrible.

When I heard that he was finally getting down to business, I put down the tea cup.

"Just a week ago, my cousin suddenly had a stomachache. When he was sent to the hospital for examination, it was discovered that he had a child in his belly!"

"Child?" I was a little surprised.

"Yes! It's just a child." Zhong Xiaopang said with a pale face: "It's weird enough that a child emerged from the belly of a big man. But what's even more strange is that the child has no nose or eyes. The only mouth has a long sharp mouth, like a hook. Ever since the child was taken out, my cousin has been unconscious and completely turned into a vegetative state."

"Soon after, my cousin's wife also complained that her stomach was uncomfortable, and then she went to the hospital and took out an identical strange child..."

"Even the old professor at the hospital couldn't explain it clearly. He just said it was some kind of weird parasite."

"But how can there be such a strange thing in the world? They were both in good health and had nothing wrong with them. Why did they suddenly get such a strange disease?" Zhong Xiaopang paused, and then continued: "The more I think about it, the more I get sick. Something was wrong, so I secretly found a few frequent diners and took them for examination. Sure enough, they all had weird children in their stomachs! However, maybe they had eaten less and the weird things in their stomachs were still there. smaller."

"Didn't you call the police?" After hearing this, I finally felt that the shop selling fried rice with heirloom eggs was a bit evil.

"Of course we called the police!" Zhong Xiaopang replied.

"However, the police also said that this thing was too weird. They contacted the Food Supervision Bureau, Health, and Epidemic Prevention. Many departments conducted repeated inspections on them, but they could not find a reason. In the end, because there was no evidence, the police did not respond. That’s it. Until now, that shop is still selling egg fried rice and is still prosperous.”

"I suspect that shopkeeper... he is not a human being at all." At this point, Zhong Xiaopang shivered for no reason.

(ps: The fourth update has been delivered!)

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