Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,156 Ghost Alley (more updates)

When the two of us were bored waiting, we heard a crashing sound, and the rolling shutter door suddenly rang.

The wild dog next to me was startled, barked and ran away.

When the rolling shutter door rose up to half a person's height, a figure emerged from inside. The figure was thin and small, and it was Zhao Wangcai, the owner of the fried rice restaurant that he saw during the day.

After getting out, Zhao Dawang looked around very carefully, then pushed out a dilapidated bicycle and headed west.

Zhong Xiaopang was not in a hurry to start the fire and follow him, but looked at Zhao Wangcai's back.

Zhao Wangcai was still wearing the shabby sportswear. Under the illumination of the street lights, his rickety body was half lying on the bicycle, like a big shrimp.

Seeing that he was about to disappear from sight after riding two or three hundred meters, Zhong Xiaopang started the van and followed him leisurely.

Zhao Wangcai rode very fast and kept moving forward along the main road in the city.

As the number of cars on the road gradually increased, we followed closer.

Zhao Wangcai's back became clearer and clearer.

He was riding fast, and the reverse wind blew up his sportswear, making his figure look even thinner and pitiful.

I have seen this family of three during the day. Judging from their appearance and clothing, they are all very hardworking people. How could they have such harmful intentions?

We followed him leisurely for thirty or forty minutes, and finally arrived in the city center.

As soon as he arrived here, he suddenly became cautious, turning left and right several times, and looking back from time to time.

Zhong Xiaopang slowed down the car very skillfully, and sometimes drove past him on another road behind him.

After Zhao Wangcai walked around a few times, he rode directly along a path next to the vegetable market.

"Master Zhang, we're almost there." Zhong Xiaopang reminded.

When he said this, he turned his head unnaturally and glanced at me. I could see a bit of nervousness and fear in his eyes.

Obviously, he was quite afraid of the dead end that could make Zhao Wangcai disappear.

Zhao Wangcai finally got into an alley at the end of the path.

There were no street lights in the alley, it was dark and extremely narrow, and a van couldn't even drive in.

"This is it!" Zhong Xiaopang stopped the car and said in a trembling voice: "The first time I came with him, I got out of the car and checked. It was a dead end with no exit at all. But he didn't even take the car with him. All gone, no trace at all! Then after I waited here all night, he actually came out again."

"Let's go down and take a look." I pushed the car door and jumped out.

What Zhong Xiaopang said is very evil, but nothing can truly disappear out of thin air, let alone humans, not even ghosts.

Moreover, we have followed him all the way. Under the illumination of the street lights, Zhao Wangcai is dragging a long shadow all the way. There is no way he is a ghost. If he disappeared here, then all the secrets must be hidden here!

"Master Zhang... do you really want to go down?" Zhong Xiaopang was still full of fear and seemed extremely reluctant. But seeing how determined I was, I gained some courage, gritted my teeth secretly, and jumped out of the car.

You can't see anything in the alley, and from time to time there are one or two cats meowing inside, which is very eye-catching.

Zhong Xiaopang swayed his fat body and hid behind me, but he didn't dare to get too far away.

He turned on the flashlight and pointed the road ahead for me while introducing: "This alley is not long. In front of it is a high wall, which is four to five meters high. It is difficult for even cats to climb, let alone humans. That guy...ah!"

Suddenly, he screamed loudly.

"What's wrong?" I was stunned by his sudden scream.

"Master Zhang, what do you think that is?" Zhong Xiaopang stretched out a finger as hard as he could, and the light of the flashlight flickered around.

Looking along the direction of his finger, I found a face suddenly appearing on the wall in the distance.

The face was pale and lifeless, especially the pair of eyes that stared straight at us without blinking. They actually emitted two green rays of light, which looked extremely terrifying in the dark night.

If I were an ordinary person, I would definitely be frightened to death by this scene, but after all, I am eating this bowl of rice, and I have experienced so many things, so I am already immune now.

I reached out and took out the magic talisman, and was about to throw it out, but suddenly stopped, and asked in confusion: "That seems to be a cat..."

"Cat, how come a cat has a human face?" When Zhong Xiaopang heard this, his expression was slightly relaxed, but he still couldn't believe it.

"That's a black cat with a white face." I said and took two steps forward.


The strange cat was frightened, screamed, jumped up to the other side of the house, and disappeared into the darkness in a few leaps.

"Grandma, what the hell, even a broken cat looks so scary." When Zhong Xiaopang saw it, he finally regained his courage and muttered a curse.

But after this, he got closer to me, almost touching my back, fearing that something strange would appear again.

This alley is indeed not long, only thirty or forty meters.

Soon, we reached the end. Opposite us was a high red brick wall, four or five meters high. The wall was dilapidated and covered with moss, and looked very old.

Zhong Xiaopang was right. It was impossible for ordinary people to climb over such a high wall, let alone carry a bicycle.

But there are walls on three sides of the alley, and there is not even a door. So where would Zhao Wangcai hide? How did he disappear out of thin air?

Why does he come here sneakily every time?

We searched in the alley for a long time, but there were no clues at all.

At this time, Fatty Zhong suddenly lowered his head and looked at the luminous watch, and said anxiously: "Master Zhang, let's go back to the car first? Guessing the time, he will be out soon."

It was better not to be exposed at the moment, so I agreed, and got into the van with Zhong Xiaopang, and parked far away in the shadows on the other side of the alley.

After a while, there was a strange noise in the dark alley, and then a thin figure came out slowly on a bicycle. It was Zhao Wangcai!

There is no way around in the alley, so how did this guy disappear and reappear?

Zhong Xiaopang glanced at me subconsciously and couldn't help but shuddered again.

The street lights opposite were very bright, and Zhao Wangcai's whole body was clearly illuminated.

He still looked haggard and half-lying on the handlebar. At first glance, he looked like an ordinary migrant worker.

Um? Suddenly, I discovered a very strange place.

What happened to his hands? I had observed him carefully during the day when I was buying egg fried rice, and I could clearly see his hands - they were covered with calluses and extremely rough. At first glance, he looked like someone who had been doing farm work for many years.

But at this moment, his hands were delicate and slender, pink and white, like a girl's.

I stared at those hands until the bicycle passed under the light.

"Master Zhang, what's wrong?" Zhong Xiaopang saw something was wrong in my eyes and asked eagerly.

"It's okay." I shook my head gently.

Fatty Zhong was already quite frightened. If I told him this new discovery again, I might really scare him into having a heart attack.

"Then should we continue to follow him?" Zhong Xiaopang held the car keys in his hand, ready to start the car at any time.

"No, please wait for me in the car for a while, and I'll go back and take a look." After saying that, I grabbed the flashlight, jumped out of the car, and headed straight to the alley.

When I was checking that dead end just now, I found that the yin energy here was extremely strong.

The exit of the alley faces north, with three high walls that block most of the sunlight even during the day. If a place is dark all year round and almost no one comes, it is easy for Yin Qi to breed.

And Zhao Wangcai is just an ordinary person, and there is no way he will disappear into thin air.

So I secretly scattered a handful of wheat grains in the alley before. Wheat grains are also called yin and yang seeds, which can not only drive away evil spirits and avoid evil, but also attach to yang and seek yin.

This place is extremely yin, and people carry yang energy. As long as Zhao Wangcai comes out from here, the wheat grains will automatically follow the yang energy to form a road!

(ps: "The Merchant of the Underworld" will be updated for another week. This week there will be three updates every day. Don't forget to support Lao Jiu's new book "The Detective of the Underworld")

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