Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,157 The Double-Eyed Yin Beast

Sure enough, the wheat grains on the ground formed a straight line, slowly extending inward from the entrance of the alley.

I followed the traces of wheat grains and kept walking inside.


Meow meow!

I had just walked halfway when a very fierce cat meow suddenly came from inside.

I raised the flashlight and shined it from a distance, and saw four or five cats squatting on the ground in front of me. These cats are all black with white faces, and their eyes are glowing green.

Black cats with white faces are a very rare species and extremely difficult to see. How come there are so many of them here all of a sudden?

These cats were all squatting on the ground like humans, arranged in a very neat row, looking at me intently.

I had the illusion that they were looking at me.

Yes, it’s scrutiny.

The situation was like a group of villagers squatting at the edge of the village staring at an outsider in a very strange way.

There was no fear in their eyes, but curiosity, and even a hint of intimidation.

This is their territory and I am an unwelcome intruder.

I froze for a moment and took two more steps forward.


The cats didn't run away, but instead started barking in unison.

I ignored them, shined the flashlight directly on them, and continued walking forward.

Ten steps, five steps...

It wasn't until they were three steps away that the cats scattered and fled. However, they did not go far. Instead, they climbed onto the wall very quickly one by one, lowered their furry heads, and stared at me closely, their eyes full of hostility.

The alley was pitch dark, with several white-faced black cats squatting on the four high walls. Even I felt a little hairy.

I glanced at the group of cats on the wall, then lowered my head and continued to search for the whereabouts of the wheat grains.

Whether intentionally or not, the cats scratched the wheat grains that led me everywhere, and the clues were cut off at this point.

Fortunately, the alley was not big, so even if the clues were lost, I could roughly determine the location of the end point. I turned the flashlight to the brightest, and finally discovered an unusual place.

The alley was dark and humid, and the entire wall was covered with a thick layer of moss. However, only the wall near the wheat grains had no moss, and there were two faint gaps in the wall.

This seems to be a door!

This door is extremely hidden. Not to mention the darkness at the moment, it is extremely difficult to find it even in broad daylight.

If it weren't for wheat grains guiding the way, I might have ignored it, but what's going on with this door?

Who left a door here, and what is on the other side of the door?


I was standing in front of the door full of surprise, and several cats yelled at the same time.

They were standing right above the secret door, staring at me with angry eyes and full of hostility. Each of them had their hind legs slightly arched and their bodies tense, as if they would jump off the wall and pounce on me at any time.

At this time, these cats were very close to me, and they all stared at me with wide eyes. I could see more clearly, and I found that each cat had two pupils in its eyes.

The double-eyed beast!

This word suddenly popped into my mind.

Humans with double pupils have been rare since ancient times, and animals with double pupils are even rarer. Legend has it that animals with double pupils can communicate with the underworld.

It is definitely not a coincidence that so many cats with two eyes appear together now.

There is only one possibility!

That is, these two-eyed cats were made by someone using the method of Yin Beast.

The method of refining the Yin beast is extremely ancient and very cruel.

It is said that from the day the beast cub is born, it must be fed with human blood and human flesh, and finally fed with human brain and human heart. After three consecutive years of feeding, it will have a chance to give birth to double pupils.

These yin beasts with double pupils can not only understand human speech, but also communicate with yin and yang. Even when their masters die, their souls can reside in their bodies and continue to live in the bodies of yin beasts.

However, this technique has been extinct as early as the Chongzhen period of the Ming Dynasty, but I didn't expect that there are still people who can use it in modern times, and they have raised so many Yin beasts at once.

Who is the person who raises these evil beasts?

Is that person in this door?

I subconsciously took another look at the cats and found that the cats really looked like guards. I suddenly felt that I had guessed it right.

This group of cats must be protecting their owners - they scratched the wheat grains just now to ruin my tracking route; now that I have discovered the secret door, they are trying to scare me away one by one!

Refining Yin beasts is not tolerated in the world. This guy has refined so many. He must not be a good person. As a Yin beast merchant, I cannot stand by and watch.

But since this door is a secret door, forcing it open will definitely not work. You have to think of a smarter way.

Thinking of this, I turned around and walked out of the alley.

The van was still parked outside the alley. Zhong Xiaopang locked the door tightly with great care. When he saw me approaching, he opened it and asked eagerly: "Master are you doing? Did you find anything?"

"Let's go to the previous street." I pointed my hand forward.

"The previous street?" Zhong Xiaopang turned the car key, looking very suspicious.

"Yes, I found a secret door in the alley. Let's go around to the front and see where that door leads to." I explained briefly.

"Secret door?" Zhong Xiaopang looked at the alley in surprise: "I've been here several times, why didn't I find it?"

Zhong Xiaopang was full of curiosity. Seeing that I didn't say a word and looked a little heavy, he couldn't ask any more questions. He immediately started the car and drove forward.

This area is the old city, and all the buildings are relatively old, probably from the 1970s and 1980s. The city government is currently preparing to rebuild.

Most of the local residents have moved out, most of the houses are empty, and many of the walls have big letters painted on them. It was midnight. Except for a few street lights, everything was deserted. Not to mention people, not even a car was seen. It was like a ghost town.

Soon we turned to the street ahead.

Although this street is not as dark as the alley behind it, it is still gray and desolate.

The rolling shutters on the street were all closed and lifeless.

There was only an ajar door near the end of the street, and a dim light shone through the crack in the door.

"That's it, stop the car!" I immediately shouted to Zhong Xiaopang to stop.

Zhong Xiaopang stepped on the brakes, turned around and said, "Master Zhang...well, I want to go with you too."

"It's up to you." I said and jumped out of the car.

Zhong Xiaopang took out the key without hesitation and followed me out.

Maybe it was because when I went to the alley alone just now, he was frightened by staying here by himself and felt safer with me.


As soon as I got out of the car, a strange wind suddenly blew in my face.

The wind was mixed with broken pieces of yellow paper and some unburned ghost coins, and an unpleasant smell of paste filled the air.

"Bah, what a damn bad luck." Zhong Xiaopang waved his hand, swept away the paper ashes that fell on his body, and muttered: "This is not Qingming Festival, why are you burning paper?"

The whole street was closed, except for the door not far away that was still open.

The porch, which was supposed to be bright red, was already mottled and disfigured. A dim yellow light came out from inside, illuminating this quiet and dark street, making it look extremely eerie and strange.

The door was not closed, so I pushed it gently, and it opened with an extremely harsh creak.

"Oh my god!" Zhong Xiaopang, who entered first, screamed and sat down on the ground with a thud.

The scene in front of me was indeed shocking, even I was so shocked that I took a step back.

There were forty or fifty people standing in the room, and they were all standing there neatly, staring blankly at the door!

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