Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,158 Cat Child

When I calmed down and looked again, I was relieved. These were all paper figures.

A room full of paper figures.

Each one is the size of an ordinary person, but each one is different. There is an old man with gray hair on his temples, and there is a little baby with flushed face. Wearing colorful clothes, he looks like a real person, lifelike.

All the paper figures were facing the door. In the middle of the night, anyone who came in would be frightened at first sight.

"Get up, it's a paper man." I turned to Zhong Xiaopang and said.

Not to mention it was okay, but when I said it was a paper man, Zhong Xiaopang became even more frightened. After getting up timidly, he stood tightly behind me.

"Is anyone there?" I shouted, raising my voice.


No one answered, but a cold wind blew in the room, making the paper figures rustle, as if their snow-white faces were laughing.

Zhong Xiaopang shivered all over and asked in a trembling voice: "Master Zhang, isn't this place haunted?"

"Don't be afraid, just follow me." I replied.

From the moment I got out of the car, I noticed that the room was extremely dark and had a very weird feeling.

It stands to reason that the paper doll shop serves the dead, so some yin energy is normal. However, the yin energy in this store is too strong, and it is extremely cold, with gusts of cold wind blowing straight into the heart and lungs. Moreover, it is also mixed with an extremely strong corpse aura!

What the paper shop sells is just some ghost coins and boys and girls. It is not a crematorium in a crematorium and has nothing to do with corpses. But where does this corpse aura come from?

"Is there anyone there?" I took two steps forward and shouted again.

Meow! Suddenly, a cat meowed.

I followed the sound and saw a cat suddenly appearing in the small attic opposite.

This cat's face is also covered with white down, but its body is a fiery red, emitting a red light in the darkness, like a burning flame.


Meow meow!

As it barked, meows could be heard from everywhere in the house.

Zhong Xiaopang and I looked around in surprise and found white cat faces popping up one after another around us.

Some of these strange cats are lying on the paper man's shoulders, some are squatting on the paper man's head, and some are standing behind the paper man. Almost every paper man has a cat.

They are all white-faced cats, all staring with a pair of green eyes, and all of them have double pupils!

I was a little shocked for a moment!

There are so many double-eyed Yin beasts, how many people will be harmed?

"Is anyone there?" I shouted again, raising my voice.

Meow! Another meow was my answer.

Meow meow meow!

For a while, the cat meowed continuously, one after another, accompanied by the cold wind outside the door, spreading far away, and it was particularly eerie.

"Master Zhang, it seems there is no one left." Zhong Xiaopang's voice was trembling.

I knew he really didn't want to stay here anymore and wanted to persuade me to leave, but he didn't dare to say so.

I'm also very surprised. This store is obviously open, but why is there no one there? Could it be that the shop owner already knew my identity and hid me on purpose.

Could it be that the shop owner already knew my identity and purpose of coming and hid me on purpose?

At this moment, there was a sudden rustling sound in the pile of paper figures, and then, the two paper figures at the front suddenly started to move.

"Look, the paper man is alive!" When Zhong Xiaopang saw it, he was so frightened that he screamed. If I hadn't held him down, he would have disappeared long ago.

I silently took out a medium-sized magic talisman and held it tightly in my hand.

As the two paper figures shook, all the paper figures in the room shook continuously.

In addition, each paper man's face was extremely pale, and his triangular mouth was made into a smile. It looked like he was mocking us wantonly - the situation was extremely terrifying.

Then, the two paper figures at the front split apart, and a little girl with short hair emerged from the middle.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that the little girl had been hiding among these paper figures just now, and when she walked forward, she moved with the paper figures, instead of the paper figures being alive.

The little girl is about six or seven years old. She has flat bangs and is wearing a floral dress. She looks extremely cute.

But her face was so furry that she looked like a cat, and even her eyes were green.

She raised her head, looked at us with watery eyes, and kept rubbing her two little hands, as if she was very nervous.

"Is this... is this a human or a cat?" Zhong Xiaopang was more nervous than she was and asked in surprise.

I'm also a little surprised. Although this kid looks weird, he doesn't look like the mastermind behind the refining of the Yin Beast.

Thinking of this, I asked gently: "Where are your adults?"

The little girl replied angrily: "Grandma is not at home."

She may rarely speak to others, her speech is not fluent, and her voice is strange, but fortunately she can still understand it.

"Oh, where did she go?" I asked next.

"Grandma is not at home." She repeated.

"Yes, grandma is not at home now. Where has she been? When will she come back?" I could see that the little girl was extremely nervous. While speaking, she kept rubbing her hands, her face covered with hair. She blushed twice, as if she had mustered up the courage to say these words. Therefore, I try to be as calm as possible.

The owner of this shop, her so-called grandma, may be an evil warlock, but it has nothing to do with this child, and I won't let her go.

"Grandma is not at home." The little girl repeated it very seriously.

This time, she deliberately raised her voice, as if she was afraid that I wouldn't understand, and she spoke every word clearly.

I choked for a moment, and finally realized that this little girl not only looked strange, but she also seemed to have some mental issues. No matter what I asked, this was all she would say.

It seemed that nothing could be extracted from her for the time being.

But where did the grandma in her mouth go? Zhao Wangcai had just left, so he couldn't have secretly come to see this little girl, right?

At this time, Zhong Xiaopang bravely walked over and said: "It seems that their adults are really not here. Master Zhang, look... how about we come back another day?"

I nodded: "Okay."

In fact, I am still a little reluctant, after all, I am still close to figuring out the truth of the matter. Fortunately, tonight was not in vain. At least I found out where Zhao Wangcai's so-called secret recipe came from. From now on, I just need to keep an eye on this paper figurine shop!

"Good boy, let's leave first and come back when your grandma comes back." I said goodbye by touching the little girl's head.

"Grandma is not at home." The little girl still said stubbornly.

I smiled bitterly, turned around and walked out the door.

"Oh, this kid is so pitiful!" Fatty Zhong shook his head and sighed.

Zhong Xiaopang and I got in the car again. Zhong Xiaopang started the car quickly with his hands and feet, and the clothes on his body were soaked.

"You can ask your friend from the Health Bureau to check Zhao Wangcai's fried rice restaurant tomorrow." I sat in the car and thought for a while, then suddenly reminded me.

"It's useless." Zhong Xiaopang shook his head and said: "I asked them to check it several times, but there was nothing wrong. Moreover, it is not like before, the management is strict. If it is found that someone else's license has been revoked without reason, I will You have to take off your skin, buddy."

"Go on and check it out. Don't forget to get me some health bureau clothes. I'll also go into his store and have a good look." I ordered.

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