Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,159 The ghost seeks life

Just as I was talking to Zhong Xiaopang, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator and made a thrilling sudden stop.

Only a bang was heard!

The car body shook violently, as if it hit something. The entire anti-collision beam of the van was deformed, and the only remaining headlight was shattered. The sound was particularly dazzling in the darkness.

"I think I bumped into someone." Zhong Xiaopang's fat face was covered with beads of sweat. His hands and feet were trembling and he was about to get out of the car, but I grabbed him.

I could clearly feel that something was wrong, because there was a cold air outside the van.

"Master Zhang, I really hit someone, hurry up and rescue him..." Zhong Xiaopang stammered.

"You sit in the car and don't move. I'll go down and take a look." After saying that, I opened the car door and jumped out.

After jumping out of the car, I turned on the flashlight immediately. The whole street was dark, and it seemed that there was no end in sight.

I walked around to the car and took a look. There was only a pile of unburned Hades coins on the ground. The sparks had not been completely extinguished and there were still wisps of light smoke. But other than that, I didn't find a corpse or a drop of blood.

"No." I cursed hard, quickly returned to the car, and shouted an order to Zhong Xiaopang: "Drive now and get out of here!"

"Ah?" Zhong Xiaopang was stunned: "I can't hit and run. There are cameras installed in this place. I was chatting with you just now when I saw an old lady squatting and burning paper in the middle of the road. I didn't have time to brake. We bumped into each other, by the way, is the old lady still angry?"

After saying that, he stretched his neck and looked outside curiously.

I was shocked when I heard it!

He can see the old lady burning paper, but I can't. This can only mean one thing, the other party is a very powerful ghost.

"Don't worry so much, listen to me and leave quickly, you have hit a ghost!" I reminded loudly.

"Okay, okay." As soon as he heard the ghost collision, Zhong Xiaopang's expression became even more nervous, and he quickly turned on the accelerator with trembling hands.

At this time, I discovered that a red line spread out from his neck, like a snake, winding upwards and going straight to the center of his eyebrows.

Oops, this seems to be the legendary ghost seeking life.

I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and shouted loudly: "Go to your house!"

"I'm not in a hurry, I'd better take you back to the store first." Zhong Xiaopang said while turning the steering wheel.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and drive as fast as you can!" I kept urging.

The so-called Yinhunximingsha is a very powerful curse. Once cursed, a red line will appear on the victim's neck. If the incense reaches the center of the eyebrow within the time of burning incense, the victim will bleed to death, and even the Great Immortal Da Luo cannot save him.

Of course, I can't tell Fatty Zhong clearly about this. This guy is timid to begin with. If he hears this, there's no telling how many accidents will happen on the road.

The sky was like an upside-down black pot suppressing the entire world. Not to mention the moon, there was not even a trace of starlight at this moment. The van without the headlights could not see the road ahead clearly.

I could only stick the flashlight out of the car window and try my best to illuminate the road ahead for Zhong Xiaopang.

I grabbed the flashlight and stretched it out of the car window, shining as far ahead as possible.

I don’t know what’s going on, but the faster the car drives, the stronger the smell of burning paper money becomes. The colorful coins are like ghosts, constantly hovering outside the car window.

"Listen, no matter what appears in front of you, don't stop the car, just step on the accelerator." I warned.

"Okay!" Although I didn't say it clearly, Fatty Zhong also noticed something was wrong with my tone. In addition, the surrounding atmosphere was indeed scary, so he simply stepped on the accelerator and speeded past.

After turning out of this deserted small street, street lights finally appeared on both sides of the road. I finally didn't have to work so hard, so I turned off the flashlight and retracted my arm.


There was a sudden loud noise, thunder exploded in the sky, and then it started pouring rain without any warning.

The road was extremely slippery on rainy days, and the dilapidated van simply couldn't bear it. It almost overturned several times because of the excessive speed.

Zhong Xiaopang’s eyes widened and he controlled the steering wheel tightly without even blinking. He seemed to have realized that I wanted him to go home immediately. Something big was probably going to happen.

I turned my head and glanced at him. The red line had spread to his face, and it was running towards the center of his eyebrows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hurry up!" If I couldn't get to his house within a stick of incense, I would have no choice but to watch him die.

"This is already the fastest, his grandma's. If I had known, I wouldn't have driven this crappy car!" Zhong Xiaopang cursed regretfully.

The van was speeding forward very fast.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the road ahead. It was a rural woman wrapped in a floral scarf, holding a child in her arms, waving to us in the heavy rain.

The rain was heavy, her clothes were soaked, and her hair was scattered on her face, but she still tightly protected the child in her arms and stopped the car anxiously. The situation seemed to be that the child was sick and wanted a ride to the hospital.

"Master Zhang, do you want to take her with you? She looks so pitiful." Zhong Xiaopang hesitated and stepped on the brakes.

"Ignore her, just hit her!" I shouted loudly.

"Ah?" Zhong Xiaopang's eyes widened and he looked at me in disbelief.

"If you are asked to hit you, hit it. Everything on the road is fake." Seeing that Zhong Xiaopang was still hesitant, I pushed him away directly, stepped on the accelerator, and the van crashed into the woman crazily.

"Oh my God!" Zhong Xiaopang covered his eyes in fear.

However, the next second, the van crashed into it without any hindrance, and the woman shattered like a bubble, turning into a puff of black gas and disappearing.

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