Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,160: Displacement

"Master Zhang, why is that woman missing?" Zhong Xiaopang looked at me in disbelief and asked.

"These are all illusions created by ghosts. Didn't you notice that her feet were floating from beginning to end?" I said with a serious face: "I can tell you now that you have been possessed by a evil spirit. If you don't rush home as soon as possible, you will definitely be doomed. From now on, no matter what you encounter, don't stop if I don't let you stop. Even if your family members are standing in the middle of the road, you will have to hit them by me."

"Okay, Master Zhang, I will listen to you!" Zhong Xiaopang trembled with fright and nodded repeatedly.

Not far away, an old man with a cane appeared in front of him, walking slowly and leisurely in the middle of the road.

"Go!" I ordered.

With the experience just now, Zhong Xiaopang did not hesitate, gritted his teeth and rushed over.

The black smoke dispersed, and the old man also disappeared.

All kinds of people kept appearing along the way, but because I was there to watch them, Zhong Xiaopang rushed past them.

Suddenly, another graceful girl in a red dress appeared directly in front of her.

She had long hair and was holding two red high-heeled shoes in her hand, as if she had just come back drunk from the bar. She was jumping up and down on the road with her bare feet in the heavy rain and a smile on her face. .

Seeing that I didn't yell to stop, Zhong Xiaopang stepped on the accelerator without hesitation based on his previous experience.

boom! There was a loud noise, the entire van shook violently, and a large piece of the windshield in front of the van was shattered.

Zhong Xiaopang subconsciously stepped on the brakes.


The wheels scraped against the ground and made an extremely harsh sound.

The woman in the red dress did not disappear like the previous illusion. Instead, she was knocked five or six meters away and lay on the ground, with a large pool of blood flowing out around her body.

"Fake, fake, this is all fake!" Zhong Xiaopang's nerves were about to collapse. He gritted his teeth and trembled with trembling hands as he was about to continue on the road, but found that the car could no longer be started. Fire.

Only then did Zhong Xiaopang come back to his senses. Looking at the woman in red dress lying in a pool of blood, he asked with a cry: "Master Zhang, what should I do? This can't be fake, right?"

"You check the car, I'll go down and take a look!" After I said that, I jumped out of the car carefully.

I was a little confused at this time. Just now I clearly found that woman to be extremely strange. All the raindrops could penetrate her entire body from top to bottom without any hindrance, and there was also a Yin Qi surrounding her body.

So, I didn’t stop Fatty Zhong from hitting him, but why did it end up like this in the blink of an eye?

I walked forward in the rain and strong wind. The woman in the red dress was lying on the ground like this, with blood dripping from all over her body, and her arms and legs were broken.

The two high heels also flew far away, one close and one far away.

This situation is clearly the scene of a car accident, extremely shocking!

Did I see it wrong and did I really hit someone?

No, just when I was about to question myself, I suddenly realized something was wrong.

It was still raining heavily at this time, but the blood around the woman in the red dress seemed to have taken root and stuck to the concrete floor, without being washed away by the rain at all.

The wind was also very strong, and the trees on both sides of the road were blown to and fro, but the hair and skirt of the woman in the red dress did not move at all.

This is so abnormal! This must be someone using the method of transfiguration to blind the eyes!

I suddenly woke up, took out a medium-sized talisman and lit it with a lighter, then smoked it under my eyes, and another scene suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

What was lying on the ground was not the woman in the red dress who was killed, but a tree stump as thick as a bucket.

There are very few people who know this secret technique. If it hadn't happened to rain heavily, I might not have been able to see the flaw for a while.

Oh my god, who did Zhong Xiaopang offend? To be proficient in so many secret arts, she must be the old lady in the paper doll shop who has never been seen before.

Boom, boom, boom!

At this moment, there was a sudden noise behind him.

I turned my head and saw Zhong Xiaopang pinching his neck tightly with both hands, pinching his tongue so hard that his saliva drooled out.

No, the other party used a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain. They first lured me away, and then prepared to possess the ghost and kill Fatty Zhong directly.

I quickly ran back, but the car door was locked tightly and couldn't be opened at all!

"Open the door!" I shouted.

But at this time, Zhong Xiaopang couldn't hear it at all. He still sat in the cab and strangled his neck, suffocating himself for a while.

His tongue was hanging out long, his eyes were as bulging as a goldfish, and the veins on his neck were popping out. It was likely that he would die if he waited a little longer.

"His grandma's!" I cursed angrily and kicked the car window glass.

After smashing the car window glass, I didn't care about the scratches. I directly stretched my arm in and used Ran Min's spiritual power to hit Zhong Xiaopang between the eyebrows.


A wisp of black shadow emerged from Zhong Xiaopang's head, and then escaped out of the car window.

Zhong Xiaopang looked at me and gasped: "Zhang...Master Zhang, thank you very much." Before he could finish his words, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

I quickly opened the car door and tested his breathing. It turned out that Zhong Xiaopang was just too frightened and went into shock.

But after all this trouble, the red line on his face had spread to the corners of his eyes, and was about to reach the center of his eyebrows.

If you hesitate for a while longer, don’t talk to me, I’m afraid even if you invite the man in the T-shirt, you won’t be able to save him!

The only way to stop this red line from spreading is to rush to his home as soon as possible!

But I didn't know where his home was. At this time, he was in a complete coma and couldn't wake up for a while.

Time waits for no one, so I pushed Zhong Xiaopang to the passenger seat aside and turned out his cell phone at the same time.

Tried to start the van and it started again.

As I continued driving along the road, I called up the address book on his phone.

I originally wanted to call his wife and ask for his home address, but I didn't expect that there were four or five extremely ambiguous titles in the address book of this guy's phone, such as good baby, sweetheart, little cutie, and little piggy. For a while, I couldn't figure out which woman he was living with.

I had no choice but to look for it while driving.

Finally, he found a person inside who he had spoken to most frequently in the past few days. His name was San Gangzi.

Since this San Gangzi has such frequent contact with Zhong Xiaopang, he must have an unusual relationship with him.

I pressed the phone, but no one answered.

After calling twice more, a drowsy voice came from the other end: "Hey, who is it?"

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