Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,161 Rescue

"Are you San Gangzi?" I asked.

"Um... Damn it, who the hell are you?" The other party became a little angry for a moment and cursed: "Brother's nickname is also yours?"

"I don't care who you are." I said word by word: "You know Fatty Zhong, right? He is going to die soon!"

"Ah?" The other party was suddenly startled, and then there was a loud banging sound on the other end of the phone. It must have been that something had been knocked over.

"What's going on? Who are you? Did you kidnap Xiaopang? Brother, listen to me, we have something to discuss, but you must not take his life. I, San Gangzi, promise you , never call the police.”

"Stop talking nonsense! I'm not a kidnapper." When I heard that he misunderstood what I meant, I immediately interrupted: "Little Fatty encountered a special situation tonight and had to go home immediately to save him. Where is his home? "

"What special situation?" The other party was still very hesitant.

"The situation is very complicated. I don't have time to explain it to you. I'm on Qingsong Road in a broken van. You can either come to me quickly or tell me the location of his house. If it's a little later, you'll never see him again. It’s his turn!” I said.

"Ah? Then you drive to Chaoyang Road first, and I'll come find you right away!" After saying that, the other party hurriedly hung up the phone.

I heard his tone was very anxious. It seemed that I had a very good relationship with Zhong Xiaopang, and it was rough and detailed. He didn't tell me the address of Zhong Xiaopang's home directly, but gave me the general direction, so I could wait for him to come. Just find out the truth.

Zhong Xiaopang’s friend was not in vain.

I felt relieved a little, put down the phone, and stepped on the accelerator to move forward.

As soon as we arrived at Chaoyang Road, a black BYD followed me on the right. It honked its horn at me twice and then flashed its lights to lead me. It seemed that this must be that San Gangzi.

I also honked the horn to show that I understood!

Both cars drove very fast, crossing the street and turning into a high-end-looking residential complex. The other person got out of the car with an umbrella.

He was about forty years old, with a strong build and dark skin. He was holding an umbrella in one hand and seemed to be holding something in the other hand. He looked very wary.

When he came to my car door, he looked inside suspiciously. When he saw Fatty Zhong lying there with his eyes closed, he immediately asked eagerly: "Brother, what's going on? Fatty?" There was a car accident? Why don't you send me to the hospital? What are you going to do at home?"

"He is possessed by evil spirits. How do you ask the doctor to save him? Come over and help!" I didn't have time to talk nonsense with him and opened the car door directly.

Sangangzi was stunned for a moment and looked at me very strangely: "I'm possessed by an evil spirit. What kind of evil is it? Can you cure this?"

"Where does all this nonsense come from! Do you want to save him? If you want to save him, hurry up!" I said angrily.

San Gangzi looked at the unconscious Zhong Xiaopang, then at me, then gritted his teeth and inserted the thing in his hand back into his waist. When I saw it, it turned out to be an electric shock rod.

He turned around and squatted slightly.

I put Zhong Xiaopang on his back, and then we went upstairs with him under an umbrella.

Zhong Xiaopang was not small. Even if there was an elevator, he was still panting from exhaustion. After reaching the twelfth floor, he rang the doorbell. It took a long time before there was any movement inside.

Sangangzi couldn't wait any longer, kicked her hard a few times and shouted: "Sister-in-law, open the door quickly!"

"Here it comes, here it comes." With a series of slippers, the door opened with a click, and an old woman in pajamas walked out. She was even bigger than Zhong Xiaopang. She looked at the two of us. He glanced at it and then said sarcastically: "You damn ghost, you still know you have a home? If you don't come back for ten and a half months, are you fooling around with the little goblin again... Hey, what's going on?"

Suddenly, she noticed Zhong Xiaopang's face that was livid from suffocation, and she immediately became nervous.

Sangangzi was too tired to say anything, so he went directly into the room and threw Zhong Xiaopang on the sofa.

"He has been possessed by evil spirits. Now he has to obey my arrangements, otherwise he will definitely die." I explained simply.

The old woman was stunned, and then asked: "Bewitched, what kind of evil is it?"

At this moment, the red line on Little Fatty's face had already climbed up to his forehead, and was about to get into the middle of his eyebrows. I had no time to pay attention to her, so I directly ordered Sangangzi: "Take off his clothes quickly and put him in the bathtub."

He turned around and said to the old woman: "Go and find all the clothes your husband usually wears, and get some garlic and salt."

"Garlic and salt, what do you need these for?" the woman asked in confusion.

"Go quickly! Otherwise he will be hopeless." I didn't have time to explain, so I yelled out.

The old woman was so frightened by me that she backed away and huddled in the corner, not daring to say a word.

"Sister-in-law, just listen to him. I may have encountered something strange." San Gangzi noticed my anxiety, and at the same time noticed the extremely strange red line on Zhong Xiaopang's face, and followed his advice. road.

"Okay, I'll go look for it right now." The old woman realized that something was wrong, and her body like a ball of flesh ran into the kitchen in a panic.


Suddenly, a strange gust of wind blew suddenly, rustling on the window glass.

Using the light in the room, I noticed a dark figure outside the window, staring into the room with two green eyes.

The old woman was coming in with a bunch of clothes that Fatty Zhong had once worn. As soon as she walked to the window, when she saw this scene, she immediately screamed and fell to the ground.

This is the 12th floor! Why is there a person standing outside the window, and his eyes are still green.

Whizzing! I quickly took out two talismans and threw them out, sticking them against the window.

With a breath, the figure disappeared instantly, and the world outside the window fell into darkness again.

"Get up quickly, now is not the time to be afraid!" I grabbed the old woman on the ground and said.

She was obviously frightened, and her fat body was trembling non-stop. She looked at me in panic and said: "What... what on earth is going on?"

"Don't ask anything now, just do as I say. Remember, don't be careless! Otherwise, your husband's life will not be saved. And the evil spirit will not let you go, not even your children. You will be implicated." I ordered extremely seriously.

This is not to scare her.

The reason why the Yinhunximing evil is so powerful is that all those who are struck by it have a narrow escape from death, with only a glimmer of hope left. If the evil spirit cannot be broken within a stick of incense, no matter how many miraculous medicines you take, it will not save you.

Moreover, the Yin evil will continue to spread like an infectious disease, and everyone who is related to the evil person will be finished!

The old woman was so frightened that she could not even speak. But when she heard that the evil spirit would not only kill Zhong Xiaopang, but also affect their children, she immediately plucked up the courage, got up from the ground and said : "Okay, I'll listen to you and do whatever you say."

I lifted up the quilt on the bed, revealing the Mengsi mattress. Then he grabbed a handful of coarse salt, spread it in a big circle on the bed, wrote the birth date of Zhong Xiaopang in the middle, and set up a simple stand-in array.

Then he picked up a piece of Zhong Xiaopang's clothes and threw it in. With a tearing sound, the clothes immediately broke into two pieces as soon as they were thrown into the formation, as if there was a pair of transparent scissors waiting in the air!

The clothes that were torn in half began to spurt out blood as soon as they fell on the bed, but the circle made of coarse salt could not flow out. Soon the circle was filled with blood, like a pool of blood. Bloody lake.

The old woman opened her mouth wide and looked at me with a look of disbelief.

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