Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,162 A flash of red between the eyebrows (additional update)

"Do you know what to do?" After I finished speaking, I picked up another piece of clothing and threw it in. "Once the piece of clothing spurts blood, immediately throw in the second piece without interruption."

"Oh, okay." The old woman nodded repeatedly, then imitated my technique and started throwing away clothes.

With a tearing sound, the second piece of clothing was thrown in and cut into two pieces, followed by a large amount of blood spurting out.

"Keep throwing." I ordered briefly.

Although the old woman was a little scared, she did not dare to disobey my order and quickly threw the clothes in her hand.


So again.

All three pieces of clothing turned into blood, bubbling in the white circle surrounded by coarse salt. At the same time, an extremely pungent smell of blood emitted from the air.

There was no need for me to teach you this time. Seeing the clothes spurting blood, the old woman threw another one in.

"Yes, that's it." I nodded: "I'll leave this to you! This is to help your husband block the evil and temporarily delay his life. Now I'm going to force the Yin Qi out of his body."

After saying that, I lowered my head and picked up a bag of garlic on the ground and walked out of the bedroom.

Zhong Xiaopang's home is very big, even the bathroom is more than ten square meters. Sangangzi had already followed my instructions, stripped off Zhong Xiaopang and threw him into the bathtub. At this time, the faucet was running and the water was running.

He especially felt that the water flow was not fast enough, so he took over a large basin and poured it into the bathtub over and over again.

Zhong Xiaopang was completely naked, looking like a fat pig with hairless mouth, lying quietly in the bathtub.

His face was as pale as paper, and his lips were dry and peeling. He was no different from a corpse that had been frozen for a week in the morgue.

There was a red line on his belly button, which was winding like a long snake, all the way up, around his neck, and climbed up to his forehead, and was about to get into the center of his eyebrows.

I threw all the garlic in my hand.

Gululu, Gululu...

Once the garlic enters the water, it rises and falls like a fish swimming in the water.

Immediately afterwards, the entire bathtub began to boil. As the boiling water vapor increased, some strange black liquid began to flow out of Zhong Xiaopang's skin. As soon as the liquid entered the water, it spread instantly and dyed a large area black.

"Is... Little Fatty okay?" San Gangzi wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked worriedly.

"Thankfully I came back in time, but don't be careless. Keep adding water and don't stop." I stared at Fatty Zhong without looking back.

"I'm adding more water. I'm also filling up the kitchen with water." Sangangzi panted in a hurry.

However, the red line on Zhong Xiaopang's forehead continued to extend, getting closer and closer to the center of his eyebrows.

With a snap, the red line touched the essence and blood I tapped on his eyebrows, and a puff of white smoke came out.

The red line shrank back, but the essence and blood were immediately evaporated, leaving a dark black mark.

I took out a medium-sized magic talisman and put it into the water. The water boiled even more fiercely, and the waves continued to surge.

Streams of black liquid continued to emerge from Zhong Xiaopang's belly button, and it also exuded an extremely unpleasant smell, just like a long-rotted corpse soaked in a cesspit, which was indescribable. nausea.

"Hurry up and add water!" I shouted.

Sangangzi responded, holding the big basin and falling it down with a crash, and then hurried into the kitchen to pick up another basin.

The black water in the bathtub has become much lighter, and the red line on Zhong Xiaopang's face has shrunk slightly, retreating to under his eyebrows.

Ding dong, ding dong...

Just then, the doorbell rang.

When the old woman heard the doorbell ringing, she subconsciously turned around to open the door.

"Don't move!" I shouted hurriedly: "Keep throwing your clothes, no matter what happens, don't stop!"

When the old woman heard this, she continued to look for clothes.

Who will come in the middle of the night? I walked to the door cautiously and looked out through the peephole. There was nothing outside the door.

But the doorbell kept ringing like a reminder.

At this time, I arranged two magic formations, one was a substitute formation to block the evil spirits from Zhong Xiaopang, and the other was a garlic formation to draw out the evil spirits from his body.

These two major formations work together and are about to eliminate the evil spirits seeking their lives. But just at this moment, the doorbell rang strangely. Someone must have wanted to stop me from setting up the formation, so that Fatty Zhong would die.

Who is the person behind the scenes? Why must Zhong Xiaopang be killed?

I stared closely at the peephole for a long time. There was silence outside the door, but the bell still kept ringing.

Suddenly, I noticed something was wrong. There seemed to be an extremely strange shadow in the corridor outside the door.

It was thin and long, like a centipede, divided into many segments, and each joint had a head. It looked both scary and terrifying.

What the hell is this thing? If you say it is a ghost, it will never have a shadow. If you say it is a monster, it will never have any life at all.

I took a deep breath and opened the door suddenly. When I saw what was outside the door, I couldn't help but be surprised!

A group of cats stood by the door.

The cats stood up next to each other, as if they were stacked on top of each other. The kitten standing at the top was pressing the doorbell with its paws stretched out.

All the cats have black bodies and white faces, and their eyes have double pupils. They are exactly the same as those seen in the paper shop!

Zhong Xiaopang's home is very far away from the paper shop, and it takes thirty or forty minutes to drive there. And it's raining heavily outside. How did these cats get here?

Meow! As soon as the cats saw me, they bared their teeth and let out strange screams, then swarmed and tried to get in the door.

I secretly yelled something bad and hurriedly closed the door.

However, several cats' heads were stuffed into the crack of the door, and they scratched at my pants without fear of death. The clicking sounds kept coming, and I felt that my scalp was numb.

At the same moment, I noticed a small figure slipping out from under my crotch and rushing towards the bathroom.

It was the kitten who was standing at the top just now and stretched out his paw to ring the doorbell.

"San Gangzi, close the door quickly!" I shouted loudly.

"Ah, what are you talking about?" Sangangzi was collecting water, and he stuck his head out when I shouted.

But he made such a mistake, and the kitten swooped in. I didn't care about the door and ran to the bathroom crazily.

But when I went to the bathroom, it was already too late! The kitten has jumped into the bathtub.

Most of the red lines on Zhong Xiaopang's body have receded, and there is a slight color on his face, but his eyes are still closed tightly.

The kitten rolled over in the water and climbed out of the bathtub very clumsily. He reached out and touched his face, then stared at his paws in great surprise for a long time, then raised his head and looked at me with a confused expression.

"Where did this cat come from?" San Gangzi asked in confusion.

I sighed: "This cat is Fatty Zhong!"

"Fuck you." Sangangzi was a little confused when he heard this: "What's going on?"

The cat seemed to have heard it, turned around and looked at me, climbed up on the sink like crazy, and stared blankly at himself in the mirror. Suddenly, it grabbed its face with both hands, as if it wanted to pull all the fur off, and started meowing wildly.

"Hold him down!" I ordered.

San Gangzi quickly pressed the kitten into the sink, making it unable to move at all.

"Don't move." I lowered my head and said to the kitten: "You have switched bodies with the kitten now. If you hurt it, you are hurting yourself. If you don't believe it, look at it!" After saying that, I put my hand into the bathtub. refer to.

Fatty Zhong, who was lying in the bathtub, suddenly had several scratch marks on his normally good face, which were obviously cat claw marks.

After looking sideways, the kitten calmed down, its eyes full of sadness, and called me very slightly. The voice seemed to say: "Master Zhang, help me."

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