Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,164 The invisible needle breaks!

"It's okay, I just got a bit frightened and may be in a coma for two days." I said deliberately in an understatement, but in fact I was lying to her.

Zhong Xiaopang's current situation is very serious. Although the evil spirit that threatens his life has been lifted, his soul has been transferred to the cat. If the culprit is not found within seven days, he may not even be able to become a cat, but a real cat. The soul is gone!

Upon hearing this, the old woman felt relieved a little, turned around and threw another piece of clothing on the bed, and continued to curse: "You heartless damn..."

San Gangzi was crying in the bathroom, and she was scolding here. It seemed that this friend and his wife had extremely sincere feelings for Zhong Xiaopang.

I sighed slightly, lay on the sofa and closed my eyes. The formation just now seemed simple, but it actually cost me a lot of spiritual energy. After struggling for so long in the heavy rain, I was really tired and just wanted to have a good sleep.

But as soon as he closed his eyes, all the situations he had experienced during the day immediately flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

Now I am absolutely sure that this matter is a conspiracy from beginning to end!

There must be something sinister added to Zhao Wangcai's fried rice, and the source is that weird paper man shop, and the old lady in the paper man shop who he has never met is definitely not simple!

Double-eyed Yin Beast, shape-shifting and blinding, Yin Soul Seeking Death, Soul Transfer... No matter which one is forbidden, it has been lost for a long time.

What's even more hateful is that this old lady has no bottom line at all, and she has harmed so many people. If she is allowed to continue her rampage, it is estimated that one in ten people in Wuhan will be pregnant with evil fetuses.

I can't tolerate her emotionally or rationally!

I must take care of this matter to the end and eradicate this scourge completely!

I thought about it for a while and then fell asleep. After all, I still have business to do tomorrow.

I don’t know how long I slept, but in the hazy state, I suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, as if someone was staring at me.

When I opened my eyes, I was surrounded by cats.

They all have white faces and black bodies, and all of them have round eyes, emitting streaks of green light.

In their eyes, I seem to be a salted fish. And they seemed ready to pounce on me at any moment and tear a piece of flesh from me!

I immediately turned over and sat up, but suddenly I found a group of people standing neatly behind me.

There are forty or fifty in total!

There were men and women, old and young, all dressed in colorful clothes, looking at me with smiles on their faces. Aren't these the paper figures in the paper shop?

Huh? Where is this.

It wasn't until this moment that I suddenly realized that I was no longer at Zhong Xiaopang's home, but lying on a piece of grass.

Dozens of small graves, tall and short, are scattered around. Some have a tombstone in front of them, and some have wreaths stacked in front of them. The darkness is full of dancing ghost coins, and there are green will-o'-the-wisps that keep flashing.

This is... a cemetery!

How could I be a cemetery? I was suddenly shocked.

At the same time, the cats raised their necks and grinned, as if they would pounce at any time. The pile of paper figures also moved, holding hands and surrounding me in the center.

"Giggle..." The paper man actually let out a sinister laugh.

Each paper man's mouth did not move, and the expression on his face remained unchanged, but all kinds of weird laughter burst out.

They were spinning and laughing, extremely happy!

Triangular paper faces kept spinning in front of me, and all kinds of weird laughter burst into my ears.

My eyes were a little dazzled and my head felt dizzy, as if I was about to fall asleep.

Just when I was about to lose consciousness, I suddenly remembered the records in my grandfather's notes about the forbidden folk arts of the past dynasties. No! I was sleeping on the sofa at Zhong Xiaopang's house. Everything in front of me was an illusion, a ghostly dream.

The so-called ghost dreaming is to use ghost spirits to create a terrifying and hopeless dream, making you completely confused and exhausted in the dream, and then you can't help but want to fall asleep, but if you really fall asleep, you may never wake up. Got it!

Without even thinking about it, it must be another trick of the old lady from the paper doll shop! Because I saved Zhong Xiaopang's life, she transferred her hatred to me and wanted to kill me.

As soon as I understood this, I immediately gritted my teeth in anger! Prepare to use the invisible needle to pierce the illusion and return to reality.

But then I thought, since I am already in a dream, why not use the trick to see who this old lady is?

So, I used all the acting skills I learned from Yin Xinyue. I let out a weak moan, pretended to be unconscious and covered my head with my hands, and then stumbled to the ground.

The group of paper figures were still laughing and spinning rapidly around me.

Meow! Suddenly, a cat meowed in the distance.

As if receiving some order, the laughter of the paper people stopped suddenly, and each one stood in place like a sculpture.

I secretly opened my eyes a little and peeked towards the source of the sound, but I saw a cat walking over quickly, with a white face and two pupils, and blood red all over.

It was the strange cat squatting in the attic of the paper horse shop!

It walked very fast, but made no sound.

"Hmph, the boy is quite capable. He was able to break my ghost-killing evil spirit. I won't be able to keep you alive today." The strange cat snorted at the doctor. Its voice was old and hoarse, and it sounded very uncomfortable.

Cats can actually talk?

It stared at me with a pair of green eyes, looked at me coldly, then stuck out its tongue and licked the corner of its mouth: "Don't tell me if you meet the Lord of Hell, because anyone who blocks my way will die."

After saying that, it opened its fangs and bit my throat fiercely.

Although it was in a dream, if it really bit my throat, I would definitely die!

I didn't have time to think too much at the moment, so I quickly waved my arm, controlled the invisible needle, and pierced the illusion in front of me as quickly as possible.

The invisible needle shined with a dazzling silver light, piercing the surrounding scene with a snap.

Hundreds of transparent holes were poked into the paper figures and grave bags around me, and the cat's face, which was only a few centimeters away from me, instantly showed an expression of astonishment.

Immediately afterwards, the invisible needle was retracted, and all the scenes disappeared.

"Ah!" I yelled in shock and opened my eyes.

In front of me is an extremely weird cat face, with long white hair and green eyes, looking at me intently.

What? Am I still out of the illusion?

I was so frightened that I rolled off the sofa. The cat seemed to be frightened too, and rolled to the ground with me very clumsily.

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