Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,165 Overt Investigation and Undercover Investigation (Additional Update)

It barked softly at me, with confusion on its face.

Only then did I realize that I had returned to the living room of Zhong Xiaopang’s house. This cat was no longer the cat in the fantasy, but the soul-transferred version of Zhong Xiaopang.

"Master Zhang, you're awake." San Gangzi heard the voice and walked out of the kitchen, holding a cooked breakfast in his hand.

I raised my head and looked out the window. The sky was already slightly bright. After a night of heavy rain, the sky looked particularly blue.

I wiped my face vigorously, and then I completely woke up and asked, "What time is it?"

"Six-thirty." After San Gangzi said, he put breakfast on the coffee table in front of me. His eyes were red, and he had obviously been guarding my brother's body all night. I couldn't help but nod to him in my heart.

"I just finished calling my brother-in-law. He will be here in a moment." San Gangzi hugged the cat Zhong Xiaopang had transformed into with pity.

He said very respectfully: "Master Zhang, please eat something first. When I was released from prison, I worked as a cook for Brother Zhong for a few days. Although my skills were not very good, I could barely fill my stomach." When I mentioned Zhong Xiao Fat, his already red eyes were a little wet again.

The breakfast was very exquisite, but there was only one portion. I knew he was in a terrible mood and couldn't eat at all. Not polite at the moment, I walked to the bathroom and washed my face, turned around and picked up chopsticks to eat.

"Master Zhang, besides arranging for you to go to the fried rice restaurant for inspection, do you have any other instructions?" San Gangzi asked.

"You can't help much at the moment, just stay at home and watch your brother." I replied while eating.

"Hey, where's his wife?" I just took a few bites and suddenly realized that someone was missing.

"Sister-in-law..." Sangangzi paused and said, "Sister-in-law scrubbed Brother Zhong's body yesterday. She spent the entire night wiping and scolding her. At daybreak, she couldn't stand it any longer, so she fell asleep beside the bed. ”


When Zhong Xiaopang, who turned into a cat, heard this, he was a little moved again. He couldn't help but stretched out his paw to wipe his tears.

If he hadn't gone through this ordeal, he might never have realized the goodness of a bad wife. This could be considered a blessing in disguise!

I had just finished breakfast, and not long after, the doorbell rang.

Sangangzi opened the door and walked in face to face with a tall young man. This man was wearing a white uniform and a large cap, with health quarantine logos printed on his shoulders and arms.

"Master Zhang, this is my brother-in-law Bai Lu."

"Bai Lu, this is Master Zhang Jiulin." Sangangzi introduced him respectfully.

Maybe Sangangzi didn't tell him in detail what I did and what happened last night, so this guy looked at me very strangely, just nodded, then threw a plastic bag over and said, "Hurry up and change it." Come on and see if it fits you, but don't get it dirty, otherwise I won't be able to deliver the work when I get back."

"You brat, what are you talking about?" San Gangzi looked slightly annoyed when he heard this.

Although his attitude was not very friendly, I didn't care about a little person. I took the clothes with a slight smile and walked into the bathroom.

The clothes are a little too slim, but they still fit me well.

People are divided into three, six, and nine grades, all relying on clothes to complement them. It is said that after changing into this set of clothes, I really look like a majestic leader of the Health Bureau. I looked around in the mirror and walked out very satisfied.

I guess Sangangzi gave his brother-in-law a good education while I was changing clothes, so when I came out again, the boy was obviously much more honest. He smiled at me and said, "Well... Master Zhang, check The matter was not approved by the higher authorities and I made the decision privately, so we have to resolve it quickly to avoid being discovered."

"Okay, let's go." I don't want to waste too much time. The sooner we find out about this matter, the better, so as to avoid a long night of nightmares.

The guy hiding behind Zhao Wangcai already knows about my existence. As time goes by, something unexpected may happen.

As soon as I walked to the door, I suddenly remembered something. I reached out and took out a medium-sized magic talisman from my arms and handed it to Sangangzi and said, "Remember to keep this talisman and never leave your body. Before I come back, No matter what happens, don’t open the door, remember?”

"Remember!" San Gangzi nodded heavily: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry!" Then he said fiercely to Bai Lu: "You kid, remember it too. If you dare to have any objection to Master Zhang, Respect, let’s see how I deal with you.”

"Oh." The boy seemed to be afraid of his brother-in-law, so he responded honestly and opened the door, but did not dare to take the first step: "Master Zhang, please go first."

The two of us walked out of the community, took a taxi, and headed straight to the east of the city.

Wuhan's urban reconstruction is in full swing recently, and business in the building materials market has also been booming. Early in the morning, there were two long queues of vehicles entering and exiting, which were blocked for a long distance.

We had no choice but to get out of the car and walk.

Zhao Wangcai's Royal Kitchen Egg Fried Rice is still very popular. The line waiting to buy rice is very long, and new people are constantly joining.

As soon as we arrived at the place, Bai Lu straightened her waist and whispered to me: "Master Zhang, we have to pretend to be tough, otherwise our secrets will be exposed." After saying that, he strode in with great strides.

When the crowd saw that they were in uniform, they all gave way consciously, but then noisy discussions started.

"Why do people come here every day to check?"

"It's just because someone else's business is doing well and they've made some money, so I just want to make some profit!"

"That's right, otherwise all that skin would be in vain."

Everyone was talking sarcastically, but Bai Lu didn't care at all, and she might have been used to hearing it. He directly took out his ID and waved it in front of the middle-aged woman serving the meal: "Quarantine Department of the Health Bureau, routine inspection."

After saying that, he ignored her reaction and walked directly to the kitchen, and I followed closely.

When I came yesterday, I pretended to buy food and didn't go inside. But today, I was only halfway through when I felt something was wrong!

There was a gloomy air lingering in the store, and the more you walked in, the stronger the gloomy air became.

(The new book "The Detective of the Underworld" has been released and needs your support! Mars novels are available.)

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